In the healthcare sector, the use of colored ribbons helps in creating public awareness to disability, medical conditions, health and other issues. An awareness ribbon is simply a short piece of colored ribbon that is folded in a loop. These ribbons are adorned by people from all over the globe such as United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, etc. While you may have seen an awareness ribbon, you may not be aware of how many they are, the different colors and patterns they represent.
Over the passage of time, new awareness ribbons are being created each day in support of hundreds of causes. If you intend to support a cause by adorning an awareness ribbon, this guide will help.
You will encounter a variety of awareness ribbons in your day-to-day encounters, where each means something different from the other. For instance, green is in support for an environmental cause, red is for coronary diseases, blue is for bullying awareness, etc. Regardless of the color of the ribbon, the idea remains the same. These ribbons are available in different forms. They can found as car magnets that are put on back bumpers, notebook stickers, or pins that we can attach to our clothes.
Regardless of where you place them, you give an impression that you stand for a cause. Moreover, wearing these ribbons also encourages other to support the cause. Thereby, these ribbons promote a bigger mission. We have listed a brief history of the awareness ribbons along with the different ways to show support. We have divided the awareness ribbons according to color category, and listed the causes each represents. With new movements increasing, awareness ribbons are also increasingly rapidly.
The purpose behind these ribbons is to eradicate an illness and support the struggle of a loved on. Thereby, all efforts despite how big or small, bring us a step closer to the innate goal. In the healthcare industry, it is important to have a supportive network of allies that understand your struggle and vision.
The history of awareness ribbons is not clear, but they take roots from the practices followed in medieval times when ladies gave knights their token of affection and love. A few people believe that ribbons first gained popularity in the United States during the Civil War. Add To Cart. Ribbon pins measure 1. No-slip rubber backing prevents damage to clothing. Bulk order pricing available. What does an awareness ribbon represent? How do I wear an awareness ribbon pin?
Related Teal Awareness Products. Teal Personalized Awareness Ribbon Pins. Teal Awareness Wristbands. Teal Fabric Awareness Ribbons.
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