What does ttc and af mean

AF It's that time of the month—a visit from your ol' Aunt Flo. But of course your period is not what you want when you're TTC.

BBT Fortunately, this temperature has nothing to do with the flu. A daily check-in to note your Basal Body Temperature helps keep track of the monthly spike that occurs after ovulation and this is when you do the BD! BT Say yes to that needle stick! If you suspect you're prego, a Blood Test can confirm it's more accurate than a urine test. CF also CM Ew! Your Cervical Fluid or Cervical Mucus is actually critical to unlocking the conception door.

Get up close and personal with this monthly wetness, whether it's slick, clear, or cloudy, so you can pinpoint a fertile moment. Why not give yours a little TLC today? If you're planning a baby, you'll be sitting tight for about days before a home pregnancy test shows a BFP. DTD Yay—this is the fun one! EC or Embryo Cryo freezing keeps your eggs nice and fresh until you're ready to defrost!

EDD This is the date you circle on the calendar in red pen. It's your Estimated Due Date , which is often determined from that first, early ultrasound. IUI Having trouble getting his sperm to join up with your egg? IUI, or Intrauterine Insemination , is the golden ticket. This procedure shoots sperm, via a catheter, into your uterus. Today RESOLVE provides free support groups in more than communities; is the leading patient advocacy voice; and serves as the go-to organization for anyone challenged in their family building.

You can connect with a trained volunteer who has experience with infertility and can help you navigate the resources available to you. The HelpLine is a voicemail system where you can leave a message on any topic related to infertility. One of our volunteers will return your call within days. We offer free in-person Post-Covid and virtual support groups for all. RSVP Here. Infertility Acronyms. Barring any major health issues, you and your partner will probably see the end of AF within a year.

If you're following all of the TTC advice and still coming up negative, then it may be a good time for your SO to get a checkup. According to Andrology Australia, one in 20 men has some kind of fertility problem.

This is probably the most heartbreaking appearance of AF. According to the American Pregnancy Association, 10 to 25 percent of all clinically recognized pregnancies end in miscarriage. You may not be able to tell the difference between an early miscarriage and a regular period. As always, if you are concerned about the potential of early miscarriage — or anything else regarding your fertility — then reaching out to your OB-GYN for advice may help tremendously.

November See All Trying Birth After. Raising Kids.


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