The ancient remains are mysterious in many ways, but they offer unprecedented insight into Roman civilization. The Roman Forum, KhanAcademy. Roman Forum, TribunesandTriumphs. Ancient Rome , Ancient History Encyclopedia. Roman Architecture, Ancient History Encyclopedia. But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us!
Subscribe for fascinating stories connecting the past to the present. Beginning in the eighth century B. Among the many legacies Saturnalia, held in mid-December, is an ancient Roman pagan festival honoring the agricultural god Saturn.
Saturnalia celebrations are the source of many of the traditions we now associate with Christmas. Lupercalia was an ancient pagan festival held each year in Rome on February The Goths were a nomadic Germanic people who fought against Roman rule in the late s and early s A.
The ascendancy of the Goths is said to have marked the Macedonia is a historic region that spans parts of northern Greece and the Balkan Peninsula.
The ancient kingdom of Macedonia sometimes called Macedon was a crossroads between Mediterranean and Balkan civilizations. Macedonia briefly became the largest empire in the world The original structure stretched more than 70 miles across the northern English countryside from the River Tyne near the city of Newcastle History contains many references to ancient concrete, including in the writings of the famous Roman scholar Pliny the Elder, who lived in the 1st century A.
Vesuvius in A. Pliny wrote that the best maritime concrete was made from volcanic Few periods in history have had a greater impact on humankind than that of ancient Rome. While its influence on western civilization, in particular, has been ubiquitous, its remnants can be found virtually everywhere, from our calendar and political systems to our alphabet. Live TV. This Day In History. History Vault. Events taking place in the Forum included: Elections Public speeches Criminal trials Gladiator matches before the Colosseum was built Social gatherings Business dealings Public meetings Religious ceremonies Educational events Buying, selling and trading of items Important Sites in the Forum Several important buildings, statues and monuments were located in the Forum.
Recommended for you. Hannibal Ambushes the Romans. For such an array of activities, the Forum expanded and developed over time, comprising of numerous buildings to accommodate the demands of the city. What makes the Roman Forum such a keen area of interest for people, is not just how old it is, but its timeline of different eras which is demonstrated through its changing architecture.
The Roman Forum was reconstructed many times throughout its existence, and this made way for various forms of architecture from different eras to merge together. Influence from each period can be seen in the design and construction of the buildings.
The Romans were influenced by the Greeks in various aspects of life, architecture included, but being advanced engineers the Romans also invented their own design features, such as domes, basilicas, triumphal arches, baths and amphitheatres, as can be seen by structures like the Colosseum and the Arch of Titus. These have influenced many artists, architects and writers throughout history.
Italian artist Giambattista Piranesi, for instance, who lived during the s, was known for creating a set of etchings that depicted views of Rome. Famous writer, William Shakespeare also often used ancient Rome as the setting for his plays and other works. Having first been developed in the 7th century BCE, time has certainly taken its toll on this ancient attraction.
As the Roman Empire fell into despair so did the Forum. This barn-like construction was rebuilt on various occasions before being converted into a church in the Middle Ages. What you see today is a reconstruction of how it looked in the reign of Diocletian r — In front of the Curia, and hidden by scaffolding, is the Lapis Niger , a large slab of black marble that's said to cover the tomb of Romulus.
It is dedicated to the eponymous emperor and his two sons, Caracalla and Geta. In front of the arch are the remains of the Rostri , an elaborate podium where Shakespeare had Mark Antony make his famous "Friends, Romans, countrymen…" speech. The eight granite columns that rise behind the Colonna are all that remain of the Tempio di Saturno, an important temple that doubled as the state treasury.
Behind it are from north to south : the ruins of the Tempio della Concordia , the Tempio di Vespasiano , and the Portico degli Dei Consenti. On the southern side of Piazza del Foro, you'll see the stubby ruins of the Basilica Giulia , which was begun by Julius Caesar and finished by Augustus. Nearby, the 6th-century Chiesa di Santa Maria Antiqua is the oldest and most important Christian site on the forum. Its cavernous interior, reopened in after a lengthy restoration, is a treasure trove of early Christian art with exquisite 6th- to 9th-century frescoes and a hanging depiction of the Virgin Mary with child, one of the earliest icons in existence.