Many dogs are fully house-trained by 6 months old, but don't be discouraged if your pooch has accidents through 12 months old. Every dog is different, and some take a bit longer to make it to professional potty level. Small dogs tend to be fully house-trained later than large dogs because they have smaller bladders and higher metabolisms, meaning they must go out more often.
This can lead to more frequent accidents during the housebreaking process. To help your puppy house-train faster, be consistent about taking her outside often to give her an opportunity to go potty. Using a crate can help, because dogs prefer not to go where they sleep.
If you must leave her for longer than her bladder can handle -- when you go to work, for example -- put her open crate in a small room, such as the bathroom, with puppy pads on the other side of the room.
This gives her a place to relax and a place to potty without soiling her bed. Keep some toys, food and water near the crate as well. If left, the lingering odor will make the pup think this is the place to do their business and will head there next time. You could even use the cleaned up mess and place it on their Fresh Patch so the lingering smell encourages them to go towards or even use their Fresh Patch next time.
When your dog does go, especially in their younger stages, give them lots of praise! Rewarding behavior with a treat or attention lets the pup recognize what they did was good and they will want to do it next time. Finally, try not to scold your dog if they do have an accident. Equally, it can also go back to you, the owner. If you miss the signs your dog gives about needing to go, your dog tried to tell you and that can be forgiven. Click the button below to see what your next steps are.
Shop All Fresh Patches. Training a 12 - 16 week old dog According to the Human Society of the United States, your puppy can hold their bladder for about one hour per month of their age. Using Fresh Patch to train your 6 month old dog Potty-training your dog can take on average months, so by introducing the Fresh Patch porch potty for your dog straight away, the dog will automatically associate this with the outside. Keep to a schedule Bring your dog outside or to their Fresh Patch every 30 minutes or so and ask them if they need to go.
Give praise When your dog does go, especially in their younger stages, give them lots of praise! Stay positive!
Remember that the last thing you should do before you go to bed for the night is to take your puppy out for one last potty break before bedtime. However, your pup will usually be able to hold their bladder for a longer period when they are asleep and not active. Jerry Klein, AKC chief veterinary officer. They may have a urinary tract infection or some other health issue causing the delay in house-training. AKC is a participant in affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to akc.
If you purchase a product through this article, we may receive a portion of the sale. Compare Breeds Compare up to 5 different breeds side by side.
Dog Name Finder Browse our extensive library of dog names for inspiration. Find out the best and worst foods for your dog and which to avoid. Additional Resources AKC. Clubs Offering: Training Classes. By Harriet Meyers Sep 30, 4 Minutes. Sep 30, 4 Minutes. When You Wake Up Each day begins the same for you and your puppy.
After Meals Another morning ritual will be breakfast. After Playtime And Naps There are many other times that a young puppy will need to go potty, besides the first thing in the morning and after each meal. Praise for Potty Training Success As you establish the routine of taking your puppy out after sleeping, eating, and playing, you also must focus on what to do once you are outside. Leaving Home and Last Call When you have to leave home for several hours and your puppy needs to stay in a crate during the day, remember to plan ahead.
Tips for Responsible Dog Owners This e-book is a great resource for anyone who's considering dog ownership or already owns a dog.