How much primrose oil can i take

A separate study found that GLA supplementation reduced both inflammatory and noninflammatory acne lesions. How to use: Participants in the cheilitis study received six milligram mg capsules of EPO three times daily for a total of eight weeks. Some countries other than the United States have approved EPO to treat eczema , an inflammatory skin condition. How to use: In studies, one to four EPO capsules were taken twice daily for 12 weeks.

To use topically, you can apply 1 milliliter mL of 20 percent EPO to the skin twice daily for up to four months. According to a study , oral supplementation of EPO helps smooth skin and improve its:. Per the study, GLA is necessary for ideal skin structure and function.

How to use: For PMS, take 6 to 12 capsules mg to 6, mg one to four times daily for up to 10 months. Start with the smallest dose possible, and increase as needed to relieve symptoms. If you experience breast pain so severe during your period that it interferes with your life, taking EPO may help. According to a study , the GLA in EPO is thought to reduce inflammation and help inhibit prostaglandins that cause cyclical breast pain. How to use: Take 1 to 3 grams g or 2.

You can also take 1, mg of vitamin E for 6 months. EPO may reduce the severity of hot flashes , one of the most uncomfortable side effects of menopause. A later study , however, came to a different conclusion. The study found that women who took mg daily of EPO for six weeks experienced less frequent, less severe, and shorter hot flashes. Women also had improved marks for social activity, relations with others, and sexuality on a questionnaire on how hot flashes impact daily life.

More research is needed. According to a study , those taking EPO had a slightly higher systolic blood pressure. Heart disease kills more than , people in the United States each year. Hundreds of thousands more are living with the condition. Some people are turning to natural remedies, such as EPO, to help. According to a study on rats, EPO is anti-inflammatory and helps reduce blood cholesterol. Use with caution if you take other medications that affect the heart.

Evening primrose oil comes in capsules, which can be taken orally or inserted vaginally. If you choose to use EPO, always start with very low doses. According to American Family Physician , evening primrose oil may help the cervix soften and efface thin out. Other studies suggest that it can help shorten labor duration. This is due to linolenic acid found in EPO, which may trigger a prostaglandin response in the body.

Doctors and midwives may provide different guidelines depending on your unique medical history. Most of the positive experiences of evening primrose oil are anecdotal.

The capsules are often taken in conjunction with other natural induction methods, including consumption of red raspberry leaf tea, nipple stimulation, and sexual intercourse. While there is a lot of scientific research that still needs to be done to fully evaluate the safety and efficiency of EPO, there are some pros and cons we can consider based on the information we have now.

There are other methods commonly used to help women naturally induce labor. The gamma-linolenic acid present in evening primrose oil may also slow blood clotting and even exacerbate the effects of blood thinners, like warfarin, causing bleeding and bruising.

To minimise the risk of any dangerous interactions, always consult your GP before supplementing your diet with evening primrose oil. Although more evidence is needed into the exact mechanism of evening primrose oil in the body, existing data is certainly encouraging for women and may prove a useful addition to your health during the menopausal transition. To learn more about managing your wellbeing in menopause, please browse the rest of our dedicated Menopause hub.

Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology. Farzaneh F. Arch Gynecol Obstet. A randomized multicenter study of gamolenic acid Efamast with and without antioxidant vitamins and minerals in the management of mastalgia.

Breast J. Versus Arthritis. Evening Primrose Oil. Gentry-Maharaj A. Menopause New York, N. Disclaimer: The information presented by Nature's Best is for informational purposes only. It is based on scientific studies human, animal, or in vitro , clinical experience, or traditional usage as cited in each article. The results reported may not necessarily occur in all individuals. Self-treatment is not recommended for life-threatening conditions that require medical treatment under a doctor's care.


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