Apply a sealant to solve this problem. Think Again. Skip to content. Top Spotlight. If you hate the stink and sting of chlorine, you'll love saltwater pools.
Saltwater Pool Benefits Debbi Welch, who owned freshwater pools for 20 years, switched to saltwater nine years ago and says she'll never switch back. Saltwater Pool Drawbacks Saltwater pools aren't perfect, or perfect for every pool owner. The titanium plates inside a Powerclean Salt cell are easy to remove and clean.
Simply unscrew the cap, use the blue cleaning tool to easily remove any debris or mineral build-up, and you are done! Salt systems have been around for years, but not like this. This next-generation salt chlorine system is designed to be more durable, affordable and serviceable.
Now is the time for a chlorine generator that pool professionals and homeowners love to use. Choose a better chlorine generator, switch to Powerclean Salt. Special design features on this premier chlorine generating system enhance system installation and operation. View Powerclean Salt products. For more information on making the switch to Powerclean Salt, visit c-m-p. Find available residential pool sanitizers at c-m-p.
We also sell Sanitizer Systems for commercial pools and aquatics. Visit cmpcommercial. June 8, What Is A Chlorine Generator? Get in touch with us today if you're in our service area and would like a world-class pool experience for your backyard. We'd be thrilled to help you. Editor's note: This blog article was originally published in November and has been updated and revamped for accuracy and appearance.
Concrete vs. Categories Follow Us Subscribe. What should I know about salt water pools? What is a salt chlorine generator? The machine has two primary components: the cell and the control board. Science alert! If you like to see reactions in simple chemistry terms, this is what the equations look like on paper: I double-checked my numbers to make sure each equation balanced. Reaction 1 First, the electrolysis of salt water produces pure chlorine.
Reaction 2 Second, the pure chlorine reacts with more water and becomes hypochlorous acid. What kind of salt does a salt chlorine generator use? How much salt does my pool need? How much does a salt chlorine generator cost? How long does a salt chlorine generator last? The cell will typically last 3—7 years. What are the pros and cons of a salt pool? This means a saltwater pool is not actually chlorine free.
It simply utilizes a chlorine generator instead of being dependent on chlorine added in other forms. An important difference between a non-saltwater pool and a saltwater system is that saltwater pools have reduced amounts of chloramines.
The reduced chloramines in a saltwater pool are one of the biggest advantages. The process of electrolysis oxidizes or eliminates chloramines in a much a similar manner as traditional chlorine shock. Typical residential salt systems request the salt levels in the pool to be in the — parts per million range. This is much less than the ocean, which has a salt level of approximately 35, ppm. At Blue Science we manage toward a salinity level of 3, to 3, parts per million ppm or 3 to 3.
While we utilize the on board salinity reader provided with most salt systems we also use a separate independent digital salt reader to test every time we perform a service or maintenance visit to a saltwater pool. This helps us verify the reading because on board readers can become inaccurate as seasons go by.
Heavily concentrated salt should not be poured into the skimmer as it could cause a fuse to blow in the salt cell due to over-conductivity. The proper method of adding salt is to pour it across the steps or pool floor and brush it in until it is fully dissolved.
Even with the daily chlorine generation via the salt cell chlorine levels can become lower in a saltwater pool.