He explained the meaning of the Hindu scriptures in the spirit of Advaita Vedanta. His philosophy also had numerous elements of bhakti. The Shirdi Sai Baba movement began in the 19th century, [56] while he was living in Shirdi.
A local Khandoba priest, Mhalsapati Nagre, is believed to have been his first devotee. Because of Sai Baba, Shirdi has become a place of importance and is counted among the major Hindu places of pilgrimage. This temple was built in It is believed that Sai Baba gave one rupee to Dada Madye ji with which he built the temple in Kudal.
Today, the Sai Baba Temple in Shirdi is visited by an average of 25, pilgrims a day and during religious festivals, this number can reach up to , Inside the temple, the statue of Sai Baba and the Samadhi are carved out of Italian marble and is seen draped with royal cloth, wearing a gold crown and adorned with fresh flower garlands. The interior is made of old stone bricks.
The interior, as well as the exterior cone of the temple, is covered with gold. As per rituals and traditions dating back to when Baba was still alive, four Aartis are held daily corresponding to the time of the day inside the Samadhi Mandir. Devotees belonging to all faiths are welcome to take Darshan in the Samadhi Mandir and have free meals in the Prasadalaya, irrespective of caste, creed, and religion as these were one of the ideal principles of Sai Baba.
Baba himself maintained an ambiguous profile, unwilling to identify with either of the two religions. The Hindu bhaktas also viewed him as one of them, since he often identified himself with their gods and customs. Sai Baba wanted to belong to all and be shared by all.
When pressed on whether he was Hindu or Muslim, he would often get very angry. Once he told a devotee: "You have been with me for eighteen years now. Does Sai mean for you only these three and a half cubits of height? In a verse of the midday arti, devotees sing:. Baba would often talk about the Hindu gods, quoting from sacred texts or even commenting upon passages of the Bhagavadgita, the Isha Upanishad, and so forth. The names of Krishna and Rama seem to have been particularly dear to him.
With his Muslim followers, Baba would always talk of Allah and the Koran, often quoting Persian verses. One of his favorite expressions was "Allah rakhega vaiia rahena", that is, "Let us be content with what we have, and submit our will to Allah. In later years, Parsis and even a few Christians would come to Shirdi.
Sai Baba respected all creeds, true to his conviction that all religions are but particular paths leading to one ineffable goal. For him, all paths were equally valid, "Ishwar" the Hindu God and "Allah" being synonymous.
People coming to his abode were so taken aback to see Hindus, Muslims, and others living together so peacefully that in many instances it changed their entire lives and belief systems. He also gave Darshan vision to people in the form of Sri Rama , Krishna , Vithoba, Shiva and many other gods depending on the faith of devotees.
According to his followers, he appeared to them in their dreams and gave them advice. His devotees have documented many stories. Sai Baba left behind no spiritual heirs, appointed no disciples, and did not provide formal initiation diksha , despite requests.
Narashima Swamiji. After the demise of Sai Baba, his devotees offered the daily Aarti to Upasni Maharaj when he paid a visit to Shirdi twice within 10 years. This is not uncommon in Hinduism where there is no central doctrine or cosmology, but a basis in individual faith and spirituality. Saibaba was revered by prominent Zoroastrians such as Nanabhoy Palkhivala, Farhaad Panthaky and Homi Bhabha , and has been cited as the Zoroastrians' most popular non-Zoroastrian religious figure.
This event is considered as the most significant in Meher Baba's life. Shri Sai tends to be a very common name for establishments in Mumbai in particular and Maharashtra in general.
It tends to be popular for a variety of establishments including restaurants, real estate agencies and hotels. There are many temples of Sai Baba in India. Numerous monuments and statues depicting Sai Baba which serve a religious function have been made. Sai Baba has been the subject of several feature films in many languages produced by India's film industry.
Anonymous Not logged in Create account Log in. Hand W iki. From HandWiki. Namespaces Biography Discussion. More More Languages. Short description : 19th and 20th-century Hindu and Muslim saint. Allah — Malik God is Master 2.
Shraddha — Saburi Faith — Patience 3. Sabka Malik Ek Everyone's master is one. Unless there is some relationship or connection, nobody goes anywhere. If any men or creatures come to you, do not discourteously drive them away, but receive them well and treat them with due respect. Sri Hari God will certainly be pleased if you give water to the thirsty, bread to the hungry, clothes to the naked, and your verandah to strangers for sitting and resting.
If anybody wants any money from you and you are not inclined to give, do not give, but do not bark at him like a dog. You took birth in human body to point out this. You look with affection on both Hindus and Muslims. This, Sai, who pervades all, as the soul of all, shows. India Today. State University of New York Press. ISBN Hoiberg; I. Ramchandani Students' Britannica India.
Popular Prakashan. Saibaba WS. Retrieved 17 July Speaking Tree. He followed all hindu rituals and permitted muslims to follow Namaz, reading of Quran at festival times. He always uttered "Allah Malik" "God is King". Mahalsapati- priest at a local temple is believed as the first devotee of sai Baba of Shirdi.
Initially devotees of Sai were a small group of Shirdians and few from different corners of the country. Now a day's the devotees of Shirdi Sai Baba increased to crores. Sai baba of shirdi is being worshipped in different parts of the world including top English speaking countries. Firstly Hindus worshipped him with rituals and Muslims treated him as saint.
Later Christians and zoroastrains started worshipping baba. Shirdi sai movement is the very famous hindu religious movement in Caribbean and English speaking countries.
Lord Meher baba was born to Zoroastrain family. He met Sai baba once in his life time during the procession of Sai Baba at Shirdi. This is the most memorable moment for meher baba but the presence of meher baba was no where mention in the shri sai sacharitha, but in life history of meher baba there were many references of shiridi sai baba. There are notable disciples of Say Baba who received same fame as sai baba.
Such as upasan maharaj of sakori. Sai baba of shirdi reported many miracles. He performed many miracles such as levitation, bilocation, materialization, reading of peoples mind , entering tomb at his own will,removal of body parts and affixing them again including intestines.
Took rebirth after 3 days, cured the ill, and saved the people by stopping the falling mosque. There are hundreds of miracles reported at shirdi by shirdi sai baba. People believe that reading sai charitha is good for all types of problems in the family and all health issues.
There are several blogs written on sai baba and his day to day miracles in devotee life. This is increasing lots of faith in people. Devotee often says that. Shirdi sai baba gave darshan to them in form of lord rama, Krishna etc. They say that saibaba used to come in dream and gave them advice on what to do and what not to do. All the movies clearly explain the life history of Sai Baba, miracles reported by Sai Baba. Where his parents handed over him to the fakir, When he was 5 years old, these were the words revealed by baba in his last days.
But Date of birth is still unknown to the world. Some believers use September 28, , as an official birth date. Virtually nothing is known about his family or early years, as Sai Baba rarely spoke of himself. When he was about 16 years of age, Sai Baba arrived at Shirdi, where he practiced a lifestyle noted by discipline, penance, and austerity.
At Shirdi, Baba stayed on the outskirts of the village in Babul forest and used to meditate under a neem tree for long hours. Some villagers considered him mad, but others revered the saintly figure and gave him food for sustenance.
History seems to indicate he left Pathri for a year, then returned, where he again took up his life of wandering and meditation. After wandering in the thorny woods for a long time, Baba moved to a dilapidated mosque, which he referred to as "Dwarkarmai" named after the abode of Krishna , Dwarka. This mosque became the abode of Sai Baba until his last day. Here, he received pilgrims of both Hindu and Islamic persuasion. Sai Baba would go out for alms every morning and shared what he got with his devotees who sought his help.
The abode of Sai Baba, Dwarkamai, was open to all, irrespective of religion, caste, and creed. Sai Baba was at ease with both Hindu scriptures and Muslim texts.
Baba was the lord of the common man, and through his simple life, he worked for the spiritual metamorphosis and liberation of all human beings. Sai Baba's spiritual powers, simplicity, and compassion created an aura of reverence in the villagers around him. He preached righteousness while living in simple terms: "Even the learned are confused. Then what of us? Listen and be silent.