Viruses and Evolution. History and Society [ ]. Cultural Perspectives on Vaccination. Disease Eradication. Ethical Issues and Vaccines. History of Anti-vaccination Movements. Influenza Pandemics. The Development of the Immunization Schedule. The History of the Lyme Disease Vaccine. The Scientific Method in Vaccine History. Military and Vaccine History. Vaccination Exemptions. Vaccine Injury Compensation Programs. Vaccine Testing and Vulnerable Human Subjects. Vaccine Information [ ].
Different Types of Vaccines. Government Regulation. Vaccine Development, Testing, and Regulation. Vaccine Side Effects and Adverse Events. Vaccines for Adults. Vaccines for Teenagers. Vaccine-Preventable Diseases [ ]. Chickenpox Varicella.
Haemophilus influenzae type b Hib. Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B. History of Polio Poliomyelitis. Human Papillomavirus Infection. Meningococcal Disease. Pertussis Whooping Cough. Pneumococcal Disease. Typhoid Fever. Vaccines for Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Yellow Fever. Common Questions [ ].
Do Vaccines Cause Autism? Have I Been Vaccinated? September 10, FDA expanded age indication for Menveo Novartis to include infants and toddlers age 2 through 23 months. June 28, June 14, CDC published recommendations for preventing measles, rubella, congenital rubella syndrome, and mumps.
June 7, Booster dose of yellow fever vaccine not needed, according to WHO. February 22, ACIP recommended a dose of Tdap vaccine during each pregnancy. February 8, January 25, FDA approved use of Prevnar 13 vaccine in older children and teens years. December 12, November 20, FDA approved first seasonal influenza vaccine manufactured using cell culture technology Flucelvax, Novartis.
October 24, ACIP voted to recommend that pregnant women receive a dose of Tdap during each pregnancy irrespective of the patient's prior history of receiving Tdap. United Nations Foundation launched Shot Life campaign. December 30, October 21, Addition of history of intussusception as a contraindication for rotavirus vaccination.
National survey indicated HPV vaccine rates trail other teen vaccines. FDA approved the first vaccine Menactra, meningococcal conjugate vaccine, Sanofi Pasteur to prevent meningococcal disease in infants and toddlers. HHS releases U. December 22, August 11, WHO declared end to H1N1 influenza pandemic.
First smallpox vaccine for certain immune-compromised populations delivered under Project BioShield. February 24, FDA approved licensure of Pneumococcal valent conjugate vaccine PCV13 , which offers broader protections against Steptococcus pneumoniae infections. February 19, FDA approved licensure of Menveo Novartis , meningococcal conjugate vaccine for people ages 11 through 55 years.
January 29, ACIP recommended universal Influenza vaccination for those 6 months of age and older. FDA approved pneumococcal valent conjugate vaccine Prevnar 13 , which offers broader protection against Streptococcus pneumoniae. December 23, FDA approved high-dose inactivated influenza vaccine Fluzone High-Dose for people ages 65 years and older.
Merck issued announcement that the company will not resume production of monovalent measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines. FDA approved new indication for gardasil to prevent genital warts in men and boys.
FDA approved four vaccines against the H1N1 influenza virus. HHS announced advanced development contract for new way to make flu vaccine. ACIP voted to recommend hepatitis A vaccination for close contacts of international adoptees from countries with high and intermediate endemicity. Vaccine Court ruled that MMR vaccine, when administered with thimerosal-containing vaccines, does not cause autism.
FDA approved changes in the schedule for administering anthrax vaccine BioThrax, manufactured by Emergent BioSolutions and in the route of administration. FDA approved expanded indication for use of Boostrix Tdap vaccine in people ages years. National Quality Forum included the hepatitis B birth dose among its consensus standards for improving health care for mothers and newborns.
FDA approved the use of Sanofi Pasteur's Tenivac tetanus and diphtheria toxoids adsorbed for adults age 60 years and older. FDA approved new rotavirus vaccine Rotarix for use in U. ACIP voted to expand influenza recommendation to include vaccination for children ages 6 months years.
CDC published updated recommendations for prevention of hepatitis A virus infection after exposure and before international travel in MMWR. FDA approved use of Menactra, a bacterial meningitis vaccine, in children age years. FDA approved Afluria, a new inactivated influenza vaccine for use in people age 18 years and older. FDA approved use of FluMist nasal-spray influenza vaccine in children age years.
ACIP voted to recommend routine use of meningococcal conjugate vaccine in adolescents ages years. FDA approves first U. FDA licensed the refrigerator formulation of FluMist. ACIP recommends second dose of varicella vaccine for children.
FDA licensed a new vaccine to reduce the risk of shingles herpes zoster in the elderly. Rotavirus vaccine, live, oral, pentavalent RotaTeq by Merck was licensed for use in infants ages 6 to 32 weeks. A final order on the anthrax vaccine was issued by FDA, stating that the licensed anthrax vaccine is safe and effective for the prevention of anthrax disease, regardless of the route of exposure. FDA approved lowering the age limit to 12 mos for the remaining U. A new Federal Medicare rule became effective that required all long-term care facilities to offer annual vaccination for influenza and one-time vaccination for pneumococcal disease to all residents as a condition of participation in Medicare.
A vaccine that combined the measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella antigens Proquad by Merck was licensed. An inactivated, injectable influenza vaccine Fluarix by GlaxoSmithKline was licensed. FDA approved lowering the age limit to 12 mos for one of the two licensed hepatitis A vaccine Vaqta by Merck.
An acellular pertussis vaccine combined with the adult formulation of tetanus and diphtheria Tdap: Boostrix by GSK was licensed for use as an active booster in persons years of age. CDC announced that rubella was no longer endemic in the U.
A significant shortage of influenza vaccine occurred in the U. Contracts were awarded to Aventis Pasteur and to Chiron to develop vaccine against the H5N1 avian influenza virus. Tetanus and diphtheria toxoids adsorbed for adult use Decavac by Aventis Pasteur , preservative-free, was licensed.
ACIP voted to recommend that children 6 to 23 months of age be vaccinated annually against influenza, with implementation scheduled for the fall of Project Bioshield Act of was enacted.
The first nasally administered influenza vaccine FluMist by MedImmune was licensed. A vaccine that combined the diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, inactivated polio, and hepatitis B antigens Pediarix by GlaxoSmithKline was licensed.
The European Region of the world was certified as polio-free. Diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine Daptacel by Aventis Pasteur was licensed. GlaxoSmithKline announced that the company would no longer manufacture or distribute its Lyme disease vaccine, LYMErix, because of insufficient sales of the vaccine. President Bush announced a major smallpox vaccination program to protect the nation against the threat of potential biological warfare. Following the events of September 11, , IOM again called for creation of a national vaccine authority ""to advance the development, production, and procurement of new and improved vaccines of limited commercial potential but of global public health need.
A 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine Prevnar by Wyeth Pharmaceuticals was licensed for use in infants at 2, 4, 6 and months of age to prevent invasive pneumococcal disease. Measles was declared no longer endemic in the U. The Western Pacific Region of the world was certified as polio-free. Diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine Tripedia by Connaught was licensed.
ACIP voted to withdraw their recommendation for rotavirus vaccine after investigating reports of intussusception a type of bowel obstruction that occurs when one part of the intestine folds into an immediately adjoining part in infants within the first two weeks of receipt of the vaccine. Wyeth Lederle Vaccines voluntarily withdrew Rotashield from the market. A meningococcal group C conjugate vaccine was introduced into the routine schedule in the U.
ACIP recommended DTaP vaccines for all five doses in the vaccination schedule, because local reactions, fever, and other systemic events were found to occur substantially less often after DTaP administration than after administration of whole cell DTP. Rotavirus vaccine, live, oral, tetravalent RotaShield by Wyeth was licensed for use in infants at 2, 4, and 6 months of age. Diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine adsorbed Certiva by North American Vaccine was licensed for primary and booster immunization of infants and children except as a 5th dose in children who have previously received 4 doses of DTaP.
ACIP recommended booster doses of pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine after 5 years for persons at highest risk of disease. Rabies vaccine RabAvert by Chiron Behring was licensed. Diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine adsorbed Infanrix by SmithKline Beecham was licensed for the first four doses of the series. Diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine Acel-Imune by Lederle was licensed for use as the first through fifth doses in the series.
Diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine adsorbed Tripedia by Aventis Pasteur was licensed for primary and booster immunization of infants. A combined Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate and hepatitis B vaccine Comvax by Merck was licensed.
A second inactivated hepatitis A vaccine Vaqta by Merck was licensed. Varicella virus vaccine, live Varivax by Merck was licensed for the active immunization of persons 12 months of age and older.
The ACIP, American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Association of Family Physicians issued the first "harmonized" childhood immunization schedule, combining recommendations of all three national groups. Typhoid Vi polysaccharide inactivated injectable polysaccharide vaccine Typhim Vi by Aventis Pasteur was licensed. The costs of influenza vaccine and its administration became a covered benefit under Medicare Part B. The development of immunization registries was promoted at the national level.
Diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine Tripedia by Connaught was licensed for use as the fourth and fifth doses in the series. Diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine Acel-Imune by Lederle was licensed for use as the fourth and fifth doses in the series. The World Health Assembly the ministers of health of all member states of the WHO passed a resolution to eradicate polio by the year The costs of hepatitis B vaccine and its administration became a covered benefit under Medicare Part B.
Two enhanced pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccines were licensed Pneumovax 23 by Merck on July 11 and Pnu-Imune 23 by Lederle on July The first hepatitis B viral vaccines, developed by Merck and also by the Pasteur Institute, were licensed.
The costs of pneumococcal vaccine and its administration became a covered benefit under Medicare Part B. The World Health Assembly certified the world free of naturally-occurring smallpox.
The last cases of wild type 1 poliovirus occurred in the U. The last case of naturally-acquired smallpox occurred in the Merca District of Somalia. Joseph A. The age for routine vaccination with MMR vaccine was changed from 12 months to 15 months. The first monovalent group C meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine Merck was licensed.
Measles and mumps virus vaccine, live M-M-Vax by Merck was licensed. Combined measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine MMR by Merck as well as combined measles and rubella vaccine M-R-Vax by Merck were licensed; the vaccine was developed by Maurice Hilleman and colleagues at Merck. CDC recommended discontinuation of routine vaccination for smallpox in the U. Three rubella virus strains were licensed in the U. The "Hong Kong" influenza pandemic, caused by an H3N2 influenza virus, resulted in roughly 34, deaths in the U.
A second live, further attenuated measles virus vaccine Attenuvax by Merck, based on the Moraten strain, derived from the Edmonston strain was licensed. Mumps virus vaccine live MumpsVax by Merck was licensed. The World Health Assembly called for global smallpox eradication. CDC announced the first national measles eradication campaign. Bifurcated needle for smallpox vaccine introduced. Live, further attenuated measles virus vaccine Lirugen by Pitman Moore-Dow based on the Schwarz strain, derived from the Edmonston strain was licensed in the U.
A rubella epidemic swept the U. Trivalent oral polio vaccine was licensed. The Federal Immunization Grant Program was established. The first live virus measles vaccine Rubeovax by Merck was licensed.
President John F. Oral polio vaccine type 3 was licensed in the U. Oral polio vaccine types 1 and 2, developed by Dr. The "Asian" influenza pandemic, caused by an H2N2 influenza virus, resulted in an estimated 70, deaths in the U. The Polio Vaccination Assistance Act was enacted by Congress, the first federal involvement in immunization activities.
The Cutter polio vaccine incident began on April 25, , when polio was reported in a vaccine recipient. The first polio vaccine was licensed -- an inactivated poliovirus vaccine IPV pioneered by Dr.
The Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to John Enders, Thomas Weller, and Fredrick Robbins for their discovery of the ability of poliomyelitis viruses to grow in tissue cultures.
John Enders and Thomas Peebles isolated the measles virus in cell culture. Tetanus and diphtheria toxoids adult formulation was first licensed in the U. Yellow fever vaccine Merrell National Labs was first licensed in the U. Heat-phenol inactivated typhoid vaccine by Wyeth was licensed. The worst recorded polio epidemic in U. Diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis DTP was licensed.
The last case of smallpox in the U. Combination diphtheria and tetanus toxoids for pediatric use was first licensed in the U. Inactivated influenza vaccine was first licensed in the U. K Habel and John Enders isolated the mumps virus. The Public Health Services Act of was enacted, consolidating all legislation affecting the functions of the Public Health Service. Penicillin first became mass-produced. Hepatitis A and B viruses were first differentiated.
President Franklin D. An adsorbed form of tetanus toxoid was first licensed in the U. A live yellow fever vaccine 17D was first licensed. The Hygienic Laboratory changed its name to the National Institute singular of Health and authorized the establishment of fellowships for biological and medical research. Cell culture was developed and shown to be able to grow virus, thus paving the way for the subsequent production of viral vaccines.
The first iron lung was used to preserve breathing function in patients with acute polio. In , the measles vaccine was developed, and by the late s, vaccines were also available to protect against mumps and rubella These three vaccines were combined into the MMR vaccine by Dr. Maurice Hilleman in During the s, one vaccine was eliminated. Because of successful eradication efforts, the smallpox vaccine was no longer recommended for use after While vaccine research continued, new vaccines were not introduced during the s.
The vaccine for Haemophilus influenzae type b was licensed in and placed on the recommended schedule in When the schedule was published again in , the hepatitis B vaccine had been added.
The hepatitis B vaccine was not new, as it had been licensed in and recommended for high-risk groups such as infants whose mothers were hepatitis B surface antigen positive, healthcare workers, intravenous drug users, homosexual men and people with multiple sexual partners. However, immunization of these groups didn't effectively stop transmission of hepatitis B virus.
The change of recommendation to immunize all infants in was the result of these failed attempts to control hepatitis B by only immunizing high-risk groups.
Following this recommendation, hepatitis B disease was virtually eliminated in children less than 18 years of age in the United States. As more vaccines became available, an annual update to the schedule was important because of changes that providers needed to know, such as detailed information about who should receive each vaccine, age s of receipt, number of doses, time between doses, or use of combination vaccines.
New vaccines were also added. Annual updates to both the childhood and adult immunization schedules offer guidance to healthcare providers in the form of new recommendations, changes to existing recommendations, or clarifications to assist with interpretation of the schedule in certain circumstances.
In the early s, four vaccines were available: diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and smallpox. Immunisation Unit Department of Health. Skip to main content. Home Public health Immunisation Immunisation schedule and vaccine eligibility criteria Vaccine history timeline. Vaccine history timeline. Key messages An historical snapshot of the introduction and major changes of vaccines into Australia.
Smallpox was the first vaccine introduced into Australia in Community vaccination began in Australia in Vaccine history in Australia, to current time Open all.
Smallpox vaccine sourced from England. Smallpox vaccine produced in Australia Tetanus antitoxin introduced for the armed forces. Diphtheria toxin—antitoxin introduced.
Tetanus toxoid vaccine introduced Pertussis toxoid vaccine used in case contacts and epidemics. Diphtheria toxoid vaccine introduced. Community immunisation for the public began.
Diphtheria—tetanus—pertussis DTP vaccine introduced triple antigen. Measles vaccine introduced.