How many triangles can you find in this shape

Only one in 1, can solve this math problem — Can you? Can you spot the Lucky No. Brainteaser: Can you spot the fish in the sea? Why not share your source of digital lifestyle news, tips and advice with others? When your friends and family subscribe to Kim's free newsletters, you earn points toward awesome rewards! Skip to Content. Need a hint? On Monday, journalist Jitesh Pillaai shared a black-and-white drawing of several triangles hidden within one triangle and asked social media users to identify just how many of them they could find.

The brain teaser stumped a lot of people, even those good at math, given the limitations of depth perception. For you. World globe An icon of the world globe, indicating different international options.

Get the Insider App. Click here to learn more. A leading-edge research firm focused on digital transformation. Reader James Goodrich took it another step further, suggesting we open our minds to consider what a triangle could be:. I did, James. Begrudgingly, I decided to take one last stab at figuring out just how many additional triangles there could be given our new chaotic rules, and arrived at 43, for a total of Please tell her I love her. Try to figure it out yourself, or learn how to solve it using math.

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