I decided to try the T-Safe IUD after trying multiple types of hormonal methods, all of which had negative side effects on my mood. I had two IUDs inserted. The first one fell out partially which was horrifically painful and frightening. This was made worse as getting help from medical professionals was almost impossible—I was told the pain I was in was normal.
It was an awful experience. BUT after speaking to my new amazing doctor about what happened and how I was treated she was supportive and explained what went wrong. After speaking with her I wanted to try again. The second time round the doctor was amazing and put me totally at ease. I felt crampy—the worst part is getting your womb measured, it felt like someone pinching you with tweezers on your cervix.
After that I had strong cramps for a few days. It has made my periods heavy and more painful. My experience with it has been mixed. Getting it put in was scary and I read way too many horror stories online. Speak to actual medical professionals instead. We at Clue recommend that you see a healthcare provider to discuss which birth control is best for you, and let them know if you are experiencing any negative side effects.
Download Clue to track your birth control and cycle symptoms. Are vaginal fluids really all that different? In this article, we explain how to identify vaginal discharge, arousal fluid, and cervical fluid. Science is evolving each day on how coronavirus affects pregnancy, lactation, and postpartum. When you subscribe to Clue Plus, you don't only get new features: you also fund important research, support data privacy, Clue Birth Control.
Close main menu Homepage Encyclopedia. Menstrual Cycle. Birth Control. About Clue. App Store Play Store. You might also like to read. What are the baby blues? If the IUD is removed , you can continue the pregnancy or have an abortion. If the IUD cannot be removed and you continue the pregnancy, there is a higher risk of losing the pregnancy. The copper IUD can be inserted straight after you give birth. If not inserted straight after you give birth, then you need to wait until at least four weeks later.
The copper IUD is safe to use if you are breastfeeding. The copper IUD can be removed at any time by a doctor or a nurse. Your fertility will quickly return to what is normal for you. Find out more about having your IUD removed. Close menu Close. Search Search. On this page What is the non-hormonal copper intrauterine device IUD? How effective are the copper IUDs? How does the copper IUD work? How do I use the copper IUD? ParaGard isn't appropriate for everyone. Your health care provider may discourage use of ParaGard if you:.
Less than 1 percent of women who use ParaGard will get pregnant in the first year of typical use. Over time, risk of pregnancy in women who use ParaGard remains low. If you do conceive while using ParaGard, you're at high risk of an ectopic pregnancy — when the fertilized egg implants outside the uterus, usually in a fallopian tube.
But because ParaGard prevents most pregnancies, the overall risk of having an ectopic pregnancy is lower than it is for sexually active women who don't use contraception. It's also possible to expel ParaGard from your uterus. You might not feel the expulsion if it occurs. ParaGard can be inserted anytime during a normal menstrual cycle.
If you just had a baby, your doctor might recommend waiting about eight weeks after delivery before inserting ParaGard. Before inserting ParaGard, your health care provider will evaluate your overall health and do a pelvic exam. You may have a pregnancy test to confirm you're not pregnant, and you may be screened for STIs. Taking a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, such as ibuprofen Advil, Motrin IB, others , one to two hours before the procedure can help reduce cramping.
Short strings connected to the device extend beyond the cervix into the vagina and allow for device removal. Your health care provider will insert a speculum into your vagina and clean your vagina and cervix with an antiseptic solution.
A special instrument might be used to gently align your cervical canal and uterine cavity. According to a study published in the journal Conception , out of 61, people who had an IUD, only 20 with the copper form experienced a perforation.
In fact, perforation most often happens due to an error during placement. Over time, the strings often soften and curl up around your cervix, so you might not be able to feel them.
This is another reason why your IUD may be a nonissue during sex. As the IUD leaves your body, its arms will fold in.
You might experience some typically light bleeding and cramping during this process and afterward, according to the Mayo Clinic.
You can have your IUD removed at any time though, again, some doctors might suggest having it done during your period so that your cervix is more pliable.
A meta-analysis published in the journal Human Reproduction looked at 42 studies and found that the copper IUD had a pregnancy rate of only 0. Worly explains. SELF does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Any information published on this website or by this brand is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. The copper IUD changes the environment in your uterus to make it toxic to sperm.
You can use the copper IUD for pregnancy protection for up to 10 years. You may not be able to get the copper IUD if you have certain health issues. Insertion can vary from feeling like an uncomfortable pinch to being very painful, but removal is generally a breeze. The risk of expulsion and perforation your IUD piercing your uterus are very low, but they do occasionally happen.
The IUD removal process tends to be fairly quick and simple.