How long build eiffel tower

This amazing construction was built in far and has a surprising story. In in Paris the World Exhibition used to be held to commemorate the French Revolution centennial anniversary.

For this event to the local government instructed to invent and erect a special temporary structure as the arch entrance for the exhibition.

In order to emphasize great tower elegance and to meet all the traditional tastes of the local public, the architect Stefan Sovestr was instructed to work on its design and artistic look. He offered to create sheathing of the plinth supports with stone, tie them and platform of the first floor by grand arches, which could become the main exhibition entrance.

The tower top he decided to give a rounded configuration, and use a lot of breed elements for its decoration. Eiffel was given with the cash grant payment of 1. The total construction budget was amounted to 7. The record time was contributed due to drawings of great quality with exact dimensions.

The building was stunning and had an instant success. For 6 months of the duration of the exhibition event, two million visitors decided to come and admire at the tower. But the intelligentsia of Paris and France feared that the steel structure will suppress the architecture of the city and break the unique and special capital style.

Moreover, at the time, the kind of metal structure chosen by Eiffel had only been used to build bridge piles that were far shorter. Thus the project presented a formidable architectural challenge, accompany by additional special constraints: wind resistance, project scale and the deadlines imposed by the opening date of the Universal Exposition.

The endeavor seemed all the more far-fetched because of its extreme size and location right in the heart of Paris, where the tower and its 7, tons of iron gradually rose from the earth thanks to the labors of workers perched on wood scaffolding.

This utopian undertaking has become an unwavering success with the general public. When was the Eiffel Tower built? It's just a part of the question. The question is f or how many years was the Eiffel Tower built? Indeed, the landmark was built for the Universal Exposition in Paris and it had been commissioned as a temporary edifice.

It was slated for disassembly in spite of its incontrovertible success: during the event, two million visitors made the trip to admire its architecture and its view of Paris from above.

Considering the rudimentary means available at that period, this could be considered record speed. The assembly of the Tower was a marvel of precision , as all chroniclers of the period agree. The construction work began in January and was finished on March 31, On the narrow platform at the top, Eiffel received his decoration from the Legion of Honour. Over there they were still working on the bolts: workmen with their iron bludgeons, perched on a ledge just a few centimetres wide, took turns at striking the bolts these in fact were the rivets.

One could have taken them for blacksmiths contentedly beating out a rhythm on an anvil in some village forge, except that these smiths were not striking up and down vertically, but horizontally, and as with each blow came a shower of sparks , these black figures, appearing larger than life against the background of the open sky, looked as if they were reaping lightning bolts in the clouds.

Lemercier, Paris Even before the end of its construction, the Tower was already at the heart of much debate. Enveloped in criticism from the biggest names in the world of Art and Literature, the Tower managed to stand its ground and achieve the success it deserved. The Exposition Universelle of Charles Garnier. Alexandre Dumas. Once the Tower was finished the criticism burnt itself out in the presence of the completed masterpiece, and in the light of the enormous popular success with which it was greeted.

It received two million visitors during the World's Fair of Is the City of Paris any longer to associate itself with the baroque and mercantile fancies of a builder of machines, thereby making itself irreparably ugly and bringing dishonour? To comprehend what we are arguing one only needs to imagine for a moment a tower of ridiculous vertiginous height dominating Paris,just like a gigantic black factory chimney, its barbarous mass overwhelming and humiliating all our monuments and belittling our works of architecture, which will just disappear before this stupefying folly.

And for twenty years we shall see spreading across the whole city, a city shimmering with the genius of so many centuries, we shall see spreading like an ink stain, the odious shadow of this odious column of bolted metal. In an interview in the newspaper Le Temps of February 14 , Eiffel gave a reply to the artists' protest, neatly summing up his artistic doctrine:. Are we to believe that because one is an engineer, one is not preoccupied by beauty in one's constructions, or that one does not seek to create elegance as well as solidity and durability?

Is it not true that the very conditions which give strength also conform to the hidden rules of harmony? Now to what phenomenon did I have to give primary concern in designing the Tower? It was wind resistance. Well then! I hold that the curvature of the monument's four outer edges, which is as mathematical calculation dictated it should be Likewise the many empty spaces built into the very elements of construction will clearly display the constant concern not to submit any unnecessary surfaces to the violent action of hurricanes, which could threaten the stability of the edifice.

Moreover there is an attraction in the colossal, and a singular delight to which ordinary theories of art are scarcely applicable ". This enthusiast and true genius was able to go beyond his own limits to bequeath to us monuments such as the dome on the Nice Observatory, the metallic structure of the Statue of Liberty, not to mention the Bordeaux railway brid The Eiffel Tower at a glance An object of discord, desire and fascination, the Eiffel Tower never fails to impress.


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