Delft why factory

The Why Factory: Islands that use solar thermal power generation are used in a sustainable energy network and bring beauty back into the debate on Green. The first publication of The Why Factory will be presented on October 15th. Each chapter is therefore a specific brief, an urgent call for visionary scenarios for the city of the future. The Why Factory started in and it wants to enlarge the argumentative power of the architectural and urbanistic profession. The studies will be presented on television by public broadcasting companies and will be shown at the various exhibition venues the Netherlands Architecture Institute, the Hong Kong Design Institute and the Aedes Gallery in Berlin.

The Faculty of Architecture makes significant contributions to finding solutions for pressing social issues, both nationally and internationally.

These programmes impart the precepts of architectural design as a core competence, and structural engineering and management skills as additional competences; conducting unrivalled and innovative research in the field of design, engineering and processes; transferring this knowledge to clients, designers, suppliers and those on the actual building site, whether they be working for government agencies, institutions or businesses. Combining technological aptitude, context and creativity, the faculty aims to fulfil this mission across its entire professional field.

For more information contact Anne de Haij, A. MVRDV produces designs and studies in the fields of architecture, urbanism and landscape design. MVRDV develops its work in a conceptual way, the changing condition is visualised and discussed through designs, sometimes literally through the design and construction of a diagram. The office continues to pursue its fascination and methodical research on density using a method of shaping space through complex amounts of data that accompany contemporary building and design processes.

The 60 architects, designers and staff members conceive projects in a multi-disciplinary collaborative design process and apply highest technological and sustainable standards.

Location: Delft, Visit Netherlands. Amsterdam Architecture Walking Tours by e-architect. About Contact Submit Advertise. Change country. Log out. August 31, February 13, The Why Factory. Coauthor: Richard Hutten. Web: www. Several weeks after The Why Factory —a newly established research institute, lead by MVRDV and the Technical University Delft - had moved into their new residence on the top floor of the Faculty Building of the Technical University, the building was destroyed by a fire on May 12, Due to the economic crisis, a building closer to the city center of Delft became available that originally would have been developed by Fortis Bank into luxurious apartments.

The monumental building — the former headquarters of the TU, was made ready to accommodate the faculty for the coming five years. Since the building was too small to accommodate the whole faculty, a temporary extension needed to be added for which MVRDV designed several schemes. Starting point was the wish to give the separate institutes and departments within the faculty a more recognizable identity.

The destroyed building in its essence was an office building — a grey monolith in which the various institutes such as the Delft School of Design were hidden in anonymity. The temporary building offered the opportunity to make these institutes more visible. The proposals included the distribution of pavilions inside the building and an addition of a recognizable extension to the characteristic tower.

After some economizing, it was decided to keep the plan straightforward and to cover two inner courtyards — a plan executed by Mick Eekhout, who created two light conservatories of steel and glass. Because of the very limited budget The Why Factory needed to be accommodated in one of the conservatories.


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