Cracked why cats are evil

Enjoy my shit. Yep, some cats intentionally leave their crap uncovered or in conspicuous locations such as on a doormat or in your sister's bed in order to communicate to us that they are the dominant member of the household, and that this territory is theirs. In the wacky world of feline politics, feces act as little, smelly flags that clearly dictate the boundaries of each cat's domain.

In the wild, these flags are intended to be seen, and smelled, by other cats, a sign that this is the stomping grounds of a badass kitty. I claim this bed in the name of Admiral Bootiekins!

When it comes to the shared domain with humans that domesticated cats enjoy, the same territorial rules still apply, so a housecat who leaves his waste out in the open is sending the message to us that he is El Presidente, and that we should be covering up our shit, so as not to offend him.

And guess what? We do. We helpfully flush away our poop and your cat probably thinks it's done entirely to avoid offending him.

Yes, if you want to take back your house, it's time to poop in kitty's bed. By nature cats are hard to read. They're not like dogs, hopping around with joy when you walk in the door, or slinking away with shame when caught eating the garbage. No, cats have mastered an expression of almost disdainful indifference that they seem to wear regardless of their mood. However, as any spinster will tell you, a cat's affection is obvious when its purring and rubbing its face and body against your leg.

It's like the animal is giving you a little kitty hug the only way it knows how! The problem with that, though, is when cats rub up against their owners, it has nothing to do with affection at all, but instead is kitty's way of claiming you as its property. I own you , motherfucker! Cats, like many other animals, are packed full of pheromone-oozing scent glands that are primarily used to communicate with other cats on such hot topics as identity, sexual availability and territorial ownership.

The most active and important glands that a cat uses to send these messages are located on the tail, the side of the body and the face. Thus, when a cat rubs up against your legs or slides its face along your hand, it is engaging these glands in order to leave its unique scent on you. That scent in turn communicates to any other animals in the vicinity that not only is it, say, female and horny, but that you, the human, belong to her.

When a cat brushes against your legs, it's less a furry hug and more of a prison yard tattoo. Anyone who has ever witnessed a visceral deathmatch between two angry cats is intimately aware of the blood curdling noises the cute little animals are able to create. Besides the demonically drawn out "Mrrrroww" that emanates from the very bowels of Hell itself, when a cat feels threatened, they always turn to the tried and true hiss.

Lots of animals make this noise when in the throes of battle, but why? Why is a sudden rush of moist air from such a small creature so frightening to other creatures that cats use it time and time again? It turns out that when a cat pushes its ears down, bares its fangs, squints its slivered eyes and hisses, it closely resembles another animal that is naturally feared and avoided by most predators: the snake. And apparently the resemblance is completely intentional.

Cats, like many other animals, from butterflies to birds, instinctively employ the art of mimicry in order to best defend themselves from attack. Just like David Blaine in Las Vegas, a cornered cat relies on deception and misdirection in order to avoid being destroyed by its audience, and since most animals have a natural fear of venomous snakes, a sudden hiss accompanied by a spray of saliva coming from a head that resembles the shape of a python's will cause even the most determined and bloodthirsty hunter to think twice.

So the next time you piss off your kitty and it hisses at you, it's not just showing its disapproval. It's pretending to be something that can kill you. These are questions you should be able to answer before deciding to board your pet. Be sure your pet is up to date on all vaccinations.

Order any medications or special-diet food, if needed, and be sure to write out instructions for taking them. Also let them know of any special concerns, such as epilepsy or fear of loud noises.

When you drop your pet off, review the instructions and contact list with them. Make your goodbyes short and sweet. Long, drawn-out goodbyes could distress your pet. Have a wonderful trip and be secure in knowing your furry friend is in good care and look forward to that wagging tail upon your return.

Know the Warning Signs According to Dr. They can also include seizures, bloody diarrhea and vomit along with an elevated body temperature of over degrees. Photoplasty Photoplasty. Pictofact Pictofacts. Podcast Podcasts. More Forums Personal Experiences. Videos Greatest Hits. Facebook Twitter Add to Favorites. We aren't saying get rid of your cat but, yeah, maybe get rid of your cat. Teleprompter: Jesse Rickets.

Post-Production Supervisor: Breandan Carter. Show More Show Less. Popular Videos.


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