In the world of computers , data is the input , or what you tell the computer to do or save. Information is the output , or how the computer interprets your data and shows you the requested action or directive. In the world of statistics , data is still defined as raw information, but the term statistics is often used in place of information.
The statistics interpret and summarize the data. Seeing examples of data and information side-by-side in a chart can help you better understand the differences between the two terms. Continue exploring data and information by learning the differences between a hypothesis and a prediction or a hypothesis and a theory. Then, explore the differences between being objective vs. All rights reserved. What Is Data? This structure may be a table, data tree , or graph. Basically, the data itself has not enough importance.
Until it is not evaluated to get required meanings or information. Here I write the major points that differentiate the data and information more specifically. Now we add a replacement row to the previous table that shows what each of those digits means. Your email address will not be published.
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Information describes values and context together, resulting in something meaningful. It forms an organized and cohesive structure, from data, to interpret or communicate the whole. Data must apply to a context or a reason to do something about it. It shows up in a raw, unprocessed, and unorganized form. The commas represent each separate fact that may or may not be related to others. In this example of information, Each fact relates to other facts to form a concept, known as John Smith.
Creating this John Smith entity allows people to reason, calculate, and do other manipulations. When you want something technical to achieve a business purpose, like storing or efficiently retrieving values, you use data.
When you want to do something more abstract, like creating mailing address labels or preparing sales and marketing letters, you use information. From a content and format perspective, data and information may be the same thing. For example, you can point to the same values in two different columns on a spreadsheet.
However, data and information contents and formats do not have to match. In any case, you use data and information very differently. Upon seeing the resulting data set presented, you start the export.
On the same spreadsheet, say you want to know if the John Smith records mean the same person. You look at the information in both rows and see, spread across the columns:. You determine both John Smiths, living in London, United Kingdom, mean the same customer entity from the information provided. Are data and information interchangeable? In this case of a duplicate, both John Smith records that match, Yes. Data and information may have the same values but differ in their creation and business usage.
Information contains context, whereas data, literally, just includes entries. Information can contain data with different contents and formats and be the same thing. The number of characters and formatting varies. Therefore, John Smith, who lives in the U.