Why do the stormcloaks call me unblooded

Major Factions in Skyrim. Category : Skyrim-Factions. Complete Joining the Stormcloaks. Complete Battle for Whiterun. Complete Rescue from Fort Neugrad. The true sons of skyrim are always colled nords xd. If u have the alternative race menu mod active it messes with that. Quote: I'm a Nord So Galmar's confusion is to be expected. That's because you're an Imperial Spy. I mean, seriously! O I guess even Skyrim can have its rednecks.

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Progress in rank occurs at the completion of key battles during the war. A Stormcloak Camp as seen in Legends. Stormcloak camps serve as outposts for the Stormcloaks and are instrumental in the ongoing civil war. They are located in holds that are controlled by the Empire. If the Stormcloaks take over a hold, its camp in said hold will disappear, and vice versa. The exception is Eastmarch, which will not get a Stormcloak camp even if it falls to the Imperials.

They are commanded by a Stormcloak Officer who can be found in his tent, and also have a Stormcloak Quartermaster working at a forge who will also serve as a merchant. The following is a list of every Stormcloak camp in Skyrim:. After the conclusion of the civil war in favor of the Stormcloaks, the player will be told there are still Imperial camps out there to destroy.

However, when visiting said camps, the commanders will still be flagged as essential and cannot be killed. Furthermore the Imperial soldiers at these camps will eventually respawn if killed.

Additionally, citizens will still mention the war. Although the Stormcloaks have won the war, Thalmor and Imperial soldiers can be still found with Stormcloak prisoners during random encounters.


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