That and raging against injustice. Of course, the subtext of The Outsiders is very specific. So for me, a black American, the novel serves as a healthy reminder that, even when a novel has no characters of color, it can still, certainly, be about race a point that speaks to how critical it is for schools to offer students reading across a full, non-monochromatic spectrum of literature.
And speaking of birth, The Outsiders had a subversive one for its time. California desert town takes back the night, wins rare "Dark Sky" award.
The U. The International Astronomical Union has established a committee to finalize a list of official star names. Some companies offer unofficial naming rights for purchase. Even though ATD did have more humor, I thought that the Outsiders had a deeper message, deeper characters and a more interesting plot. There were a lot of deaths in both of the books but I thought that the deaths in The Outsiders payed a bigger toll in the characters lives.
I think I personally connect to the text because I have a tight knit group of friends like the greasers do. We will always stick together and never let each other down. I think I also enjoyed the book so much because I could see my friends in the characters. That helped me connect to the story and end up enjoying it more.
Apr 02, AM. I have loved the outsiders since i first read it in the third grade. It is very real, and dark book that added a gloomy side to young adult books. I feel that the most important theme of the story is to not judge anyone base on their class but to judge them based on who they are. I know that by the saying, "Things are rough all over. It appeals to all ages and will be around as long as their are kids trying to get out of a bad neighborhood, or someone who lives in a neighborhood where there is a bad side or good side, or people who just love excitement in a book.
The character development in this book is outstanding, the young innocent Ponyboy in the beginning of the book is nothing like the, "Holding a broken pop bottle the way Tim Shepard holds a knife" Ponyboy. People have this weird idea of a greaser, that they break into song and they all look like John Travolta and this book is shows the real idea of a greaser.
Apr 02, PM. I liked the book "The Outsiders" a lot. One reason is because I really enjoyed the plot of the story. Also as we got farther into the book I got very curious of how the book was going to end.
Another reason why I liked the book is because each character was different and had their own personality. For example, Ponyboy was smart and loyal. Soda was carefree and happy and Darry was tough but caring. I think the most important theme was that even though society labels us we are still the same. I think this because when Randy and Ponyboy were talking, and he realized that him and Ponyboy are somewhat the same and have the same problems.
Randy realized that even though he is a Soc and Ponyboy is a greaser they are both somewhat the same. This shows that even though society labeled them as Socs and Greasers they are still somewhat the same type of people. I think the most interesting aspect of the text was the conflict because there was many different conflicts in this book. For example, Johnny killing Bob, Johnny and Dally dying, the rumble, and the differences between the Socs and Greasers.
I found this book better than Absolutely True Diary because it was more realistic to me because in Absolutley True Diary Indians seem like a long time ago. Also I understood the characters more and there personalities and The Outsiders seemed more relatable than Absolutley True Diary. The realistic fiction novel, The Outsiders, by S. Hilton, is a very enjoyable book.
I really liked it because I can relate to the topic, to side that don't really know each other, but hate each other because they live on different sides of the town. I think that the theme of the story is never judge anyone by their cover. I think this because, before Pony thought the Soc's were people that never had any problems, and had everything, and are jerks.
Then when he talked to Randy after everything happened, he say that they were just guys, and they have similar problems to them too. I think that the outsiders is a better book then the absolutley true diary because i feel that you can connect to it more. For example, in the absolutley true diary, they have a lot of drunks in the family, some kids dont have that, some have families like that but some dont.
In the outsiders people usually judge people by how they look, like, if you see a girl with black eyeliner, black eye shadow, peircings, wearing all black, and other things, you would think that she is emo. This shows that you relelate more to the outsiders.
Anothe example is, the outsider keeps you on the edge of you seat like you want to read a lot more. For example, we knew about the rumble in the middle of the book, that makes you want to keep reading to see what happens in the rumble. This shows that the outsiders keep you on the edge of your seat. This book is one of my favorite realistic fiction books.
I have read many realistic fiction books, and this is on my top 5 favorite ones. I really enjoyed this book. I really like the book the outsiders. I like this book because it depicts a real life situation. I also like this book because it carries and important theme throughout the book. This theme is to not judge someone by the way society labels them.
I think this because of the conflict between the Greasers and the Soc's. I did not make any personal conections to this book since I try to not judge people by their social status.
I would recomend this text to someone who is in the same situation as the Soc's or the Greasers so they could now to not judge people. I like Absoloutely True Diary because to me it was more engaging. I have just finished reading "The Outsiders. It's a reader a lesson. The lesson of this story is that don't judge people from who they are or their appearance. Johnny is a greaser and greasers believe that fighting is always the solution to solve their problems. Socs are rich kids who also use the same technique in order to solve their problems.
I like this book because there are a bunch of surprises. I recommend this book to everybody. This book teaches a great lessons.
Also you never know what is going to happen next. This book is much better than ATD because I never imagine somebody in a gang with so much problems. As a part of the class, I have just finished the novel The Outsiders by S. This novel was excellent whem it comes to the issues that us kids go through, because it was written by a 16 year old. Hinton begins with the way kids judge each other, which is a main issue that us kids go through, especially my groups, which don't have official names with out sware words in them.
Of course, I connect with this novel, because it is a coming of age story, and links with everything that happens in the life I have after school. I can imagine a life like that of Ponyboy's, because I live it. I like this novel more the ATD, because I cannot fully relate to a Native American in Washington, but I can connect to kids who have the same issues, and funny times just like I do. I personally enjoyed the book very much.
I thought it was brilliantly thought out. The Outsiders does something that is a real rarity these days. It expresses a type of real life scenarios that grips the reader into the story like no other novel I have read in a long time. The Outsiders is phenomenal because of it's unique type of emotional impact. It really gets to you when a character dies or when a bad thing happens because you grow so attached to these "Greasers".
The most important theme of the story, we think is "don't judge a book by its cover". We think "don't judge a book by its cover" is an appropriate theme for The Outsiders because, in the big picture, the book is all about the rivarly between the greasers and the Soc's. Through out the book the Soc's are constantly making stereotypical assumptions about the greasers as well as the greasers for the Soc's. Even though we are both not Native Americans living on a reservation, it is very much realistic to present day.
For The Outsiders, it takes place here but it was in a completely different time period and we think the time period really factors a lot into the story.
It was easy understanding Arnold's problems, he was lonely, he was searching for hope, he was searching for himself. Those are all examples of what could be, present day problems. On a personal level, we cannot relate to the characters in The Outsider's problems as well as we can realate to Arnold's problems.
It's just harder to comprehend life issues that are way above our heads Arnold's issues are plan and simply to understand the Greasers and Soc's, not so much.
If we could make this book better, we would focus more on the conflict with the Greasers and the Soc's and less on the individual's. I think the Greasers and the Soc's conflicts were much more intresting then learning about a character and what they did that day. We just think the more action the better.
The less boring stuff the better. Overal though it was a great book. Very well thought out and conducted. I have recently finished the book "The Outsiders" by S.
E Hilton. I liked many things throughout this book. One thing I liked about the book was the variety of characters.
For example, Dally was the rough, courageous one, Darry was the strong smart one, Two-Bit was the funny and brave one, and Pony was the sensitive and sweet one. They all had their own personalities and traits and features that made it very funny to get to known the characters while reading the book.
Another thing I like about the book was the way that the author made connections throughout the book. For example, after the scene when Pony told John the poem by Robert frost, before Johnny died he referred back to the poem saying "Stay gold Pony, stay gold.
A theme that I thought was showed throughout the book was the theme of being true to your own self. I thought this was a possible theme because of many things. For example, before Johnny died he said to Pony "Stay gold. I think he meant that Pony should continue to be a sensitive boy who likes watching sunsets and should not participate in fights. Another example, is when Cherry came to visit the greasers after Bob died and tried to tell them that fighting was no good and they should not participate in the Socs games but to stay true to them selves and not get involved.
I think that the most interesting aspect of this book was the development of the characters and the way the plot came about. I know I already touched on the topic of the characters and how they are all different and unique and all have special qualities to themselves, I really loved seeing the way the characters treated one another and the way they acted around each other.
For example, towards the end of the book it was really interesting to see Soda evolve and show a different side to himself the was more innocent and scared because he did not want his brothers fighting.
I liked seeing the way Darry and Ponyboy reacted to that because it showed how much they cared for one another and the fact that they would change just for each other and take care of each other. Also, I liked the way the characters cared for Johnny because it showed the dynamic of the gang and how they all really did care about each other and was everyone to be okay and safe.
I loved how the plot was filled with more surprises on every page I turned because it made for a fun, enjoyable story with a lot of lessons learned in the end. Apr 03, PM. I loved this book so much it has a great story and has action and adventure in it which i personally enjoy allot. I think that the lesson of the book was to "Stay Gold". Thanks PenguinTeen! Hope you like pic. The Outsiders, still an overwhelming student favorite. Check out their symbolism projects se4realhinton!
Gower62 GowerReads pic. Staying gold all day everyday. My love of reading only started bc of se4realhinton The Outsiders. Almost cried in a bookstore today. I got a signed copy of The Outsiders 50th edition. Plus I dressed the part right down to the high tops. A photo posted by Erica justonebookworm on Nov 5, at am PD.
Per 1 rocked the MannequinChallenge with the rumble from se4realhinton theoutsiders pic. Combs mrscombs14 November 11, OutsidersHouse se4realhinton Yes the whole book is the most important part.
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