The extension is compatible with consumer products that have an ingredients list on Amazon, Walmart, Sephora or Iherb. This is another reason why we are advocating for comprehensive ingredient disclosure on company websites. To keep us safe, cosmetic companies need to change and we need industry regulation to make sure they do.
But right now, resources like Clearya can help bridge the gap. We all deserve safer cosmetic products and an easier way to purchase them. Download the free extension here. Skip to main content.
Recent blog posts. Surprise ground ambulance bills take patients for a ride. Want more information? Visit the Campaign For Safe Cosmetics website for ways to take action. Many cosmetics contain chemicals known as parabens and phthalates, which recent studies indicate may be linked to cancer development. Many cosmetic companies argue that the level of a harmful chemical in any one product is not enough to harm you, on the basis of studies of chemical exposure in adults.
However, science is finding the timing of exposure is crucial, and that even a very small dose of some chemicals can have serious consequences in children and young women who are still developing. Moreover, we are rarely exposed to a chemical just one time. We may use the same product every day, several days a week, for months or years. Careful manufacturing processes keep the product sterile as it enters the bottle or jar.
Cosmetics are a part of life for many people, and their marketing can be misleading. If you use cosmetics or personal care products, be informed as to what exactly is in them. By reading the labels and doing some research you can make educated, healthy decisions when purchasing and using cosmetic products.
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While specific evidence is lacking, coffee scrubs are being…. Health Conditions Discover Plan Connect. Healthy Cosmetics. Medically reviewed by Peggy Pletcher, M.