When is ifest 2018

This is your chance to make a team, collaborate and turn your craziest ideas into a real product. The competition consists of the following three stages : Registration Online Submission Presentations Rules :. It's an online hackathon, you can participate from anywhere. Once the hackathon starts, you will get an option to submit your hack, you can submit as many times as you want, the last hack will be considered as the final submission. You are expected to come up with new and innovative ideas, any idea that has been copied from somewhere will be disqualified.

Your hack must be developed entirely during the Hackathon duration. The Themes For i. Web Are : ML hack : Use machine learning and data science to create a hack to solve real-life problems. Educational hack : Develop a website to improve learning and solve current problems faced by the student community, teachers or educationists by making a hack.

Cyber hack : Use your creativity to develop something that keeps the user away from viral websites. Disaster relief hack : Build a website to reduce the aftermath of natural disasters. You can also create something related to detection of natural calamity. Push your boundaries and think of web solutions for victims of natural calamities.

Medical hack : Technology has no limits. It can be used to solve numerous healthcare problems, hospital scandals, quacks performing surgeries, increasing the death rate, healthy lifestyle issues, hypertension and obesity issues etc. Think beyond and make a hack or website to tackle some real-life issues related to medicine.

Confident enough about your coding skills to be able to write them down blindfolded? Well, not literally. Only the first yearites can participate in the beginner section while all the other college students are eligible for the intermediate section.

The duration of the event will be around Each section will have 2 rounds in increasing order of difficulty where 1st round will have a single question and 2nd round will have 2 questions. The format of the event is simple. Each participant will be told a question which he needs to code with the monitor switched off.

There will be penalties for incorrect solutions. In case of any discrepancy the decision of the coordinators will be final. Date : 7th October The world of data is constantly changing and evolving every second and hence databases are everywhere. Design your way through the given scenarios and show your design skill in the questions posed throughout the event. Structure : The event comprises of two rounds: Prelims and Finals. Prelims Round will be a pen-and-paper round based on Database and Query questions.

Finals round will be a practical round where one has to design a Database according to the given problem statement. In any case of discrepancy, the decision of the Judges and the co-ordinators stands final. Unravel the truth beneath The event will test your problem solving capability and will check your critical thinking as well as speed and accuracy.

So if you want to face brainstorming questions, this event is for you!! Rules : The event will be offline Pen-paper based and only individual participants will be allowed. It will consist of two rounds: qualifying round and final round.

The event will be approximately minutes long. Qualifying round will be 60 minutes long. The final round will be 45 minutes long.

Top 3 participants will be declared winners. There will be a Rapid-fire round for all participants to win exciting goodies. Cheating is strictly prohibited. Use of any digital device or any unfair means will lead to serious penalty. In case of any discrepancy, decision of coordinators will be considered final. So all the design enthusiasts put your grey cells to work and show us your designing skills! Design is a theme based digital designing competition.

The theme will be declared 36 hours prior to the submission time. The participants have to come up with the best designs in 36 hours.

Themes will be informed by email and participants need to email their designs to idesign. Participants have to submit their designs in both original and jpeg formats.

Plagiarised designs will be discarded and the participant will be disqualified. The decisions of the judges will be final and binding to all. Do not include your credentials name, address etc in designs. Mention the theme in your email properly. Submit : idesign. Beware machines gonna kill "not you chill", machine gonna fight, machine gonna win, and rule the ring.

May your machine be the king. Use all your engineering skills to design a robot which can defend it from opponents and more importantly destroy your worthy opponent by immobilizing them. Cage of death is waiting for the destruction. Participants will pit their robots against each other in an arena and the fight will continue until one robot overtakes or overthrows another from the ring.

Their may be some surprize fun events and more surprising stuffs waiting for your bot in the cage. Where the condition will be of do or die. Be king or slave. So get excited and come up to show what you and your talent can do, in front of thousands of people cheering and warming the breath. Team Specification : A team may consist of a maximum of 4 participants, all from the same different institute. General Rules : The competition will be played consisting of 2 players at a time , The maximum duration of each round will be 5 minutes.

The robot would be checked for its safety before the competition and would be discarded if found unsafe for other participants and spectators. Judges' decision shall be treated as final and binding on all. The organizers reserve the rights to change any or all of the above rules as they deem fit. Change in rules, if any will be highlighted on the website and notified to the registered teams. Violation of any the above rules will lead to disqualification. Criteria for Triumph :. Problem statement : Design and construct a remote or wired controlled robot capable of fighting a one on one tournament.

Mobility : All bots must have easily visible and controlled mobility in order to compete. Methods of mobility include :. Design a manually controlled or wireless robot that has the capacity to cover maximum distance in shortest time, facing the hurdles.

The path may consist of unevenness, bridges, tunnel and a lot challenging obstacles. Remember, just maximising the RPM will not help. You got to be a little smarter. And, get ready for an electrifying game at the end. So, you think your bot can be victorious? Then set in on track! Phase 1 : Robo Race - Your target is to cover the entire track in the least possible time.

Let your bot go on an adventurous ride on our exciting track. Phase 2 : Pool - So, after crossing all the hurdles, is your robot ready to play? Welcome to pool! Your goal is to push the ball into the hole and score maximum. Get, set, Go! IoT Auction is a new event introduced this year. Students will engage themselves in a real-life auction where they will bid on a plethora of equipment. The task would be to build an electronic circuit from the same. The main aim of the event is to motivate and appreciate those students who have a distinct innovative skill as well as have a thorough knowledge of electronics.

Venue : Cafeteria Auction phase Time : P. Then awake the Sherlock within you by Hunting through the jungles of Google leading to the treasure but remember that the world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes. Rules : Each team comprises of 2 members. Reach the venue 15 minutes prior to the event. Latecomers would lose their time in the game. For on spot registration reach the venue at least 30 minutes prior to the event.

There will be 21 questions. Each question has one answer, and the correct answer will lead you to the next question. The answer should be written at the end of the URL. You have to write all the answers in small letters and answers with more than one word should be written without any space. Eg:- suppose your answer to question no. There will be three prizes for the winner, the first and second runner-ups. The positions will be decided solely on the basis of individual timings.

Any team found discussing with other teams will be straight away disqualified. There are no restrictions on searching for the questions. You can search on any search engine and take reference from any site of your choice. But you cannot use your mobile phones for searching the answers. Bring pens and papers along with yourself as you might need them during the event. Date : 3 rd October Solving regular crossword puzzles doesn't excite you anymore?

Do you want to relate your team with Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Decode the Visual Puzzle in minimum time and you are done. Experience the Adrenaline rush and nerve twisting Puzzles. Decipher is the event that will test your Visual skills and also how fast and accurate can you Google. Brain it on! Rules : Team size should be of 2. The team with least time and maximum points will be declared as winner.

This is an Online Event but the team participating from the campus will only be given prizes and not the teams participating away from campus. Internet access is allowed. Other rules shall be announced during the Event.

Date : 18th September Biz is a platform for business enthusiasts where you can use your creative minds and innovative ideas and come up with a plan to make it big. Also, you could pitch in your ideas to get investors.

The complete event would take place in following 2 stages : Stage-1 Qualifier Round. This event will be loaded with maths puzzles, tricks and of course, fun. This event consists of three rounds. In this event you will have to participate in pairs. Each round is described below. Top 32 teams will move to the next round. Winners of second Face off will move to the final round and defeated teams in this Face Off will be eliminated.

There will be 8 questions. Each question will be displayed for 2 minutes on the screen. Team with the highest bid gets a chance to answer the question. If they are unable to answer, the team with second highest bid gets a chance to answer. If they are also unable to answer, then the question is dropped. General rules and regulation : Each participant has to take part in pairs. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited.

Final Decision, under any circumstances, will lie in hand of co-ordinators. Round - 1 :. Quiz is back again to tickle those grey cells in your head. It will be a delicacy to see how creatively you patch your facts as you tackle the diverse question set presented to you.

A Sci-Tech quiz, such as this one, would typically involve questions not limited to fields of science and technology but also to closely related fields such as Sci-Fi. Any and every quizzing enthusiast is welcome to flaunt their knowledge and put their thinking skills to test while working their way through the quiz. Attend for a dose of intense quizzing and lots of fun.

Needless to say, there are prizes at stake! It is an event filled with immense opportunities to learn new technologies, code, develop stupendous products and make new friends all within a span of 30 hours! Date : October, As a part of i.

The participants will submit a poster summarizing their research project and the shortlisted students will present them at DA-IICT in front of panel of judges. Exciting prizes await the winners! We welcome all the posters that lie under the umbrella of ICT. The registration fees for this round is INR per person. Further details will be mailed to all the shortlisted students. Fest '18 presents you i. Capture 2. What's new you ask? Online prefest challenges, themed main event, storytelling through a series of moments captured through your lenses and many more we say.

The actual contest will be a theme based. We will release the themes well prior to the main event. The photo s will have to tell a story on the theme. A person can at max send an entry of 3 photos telling a story related to the theme. Tell us a story through your photo s.

The online photohunt will show us how much the social biz likes your perspective from a lens view. There are big prizes at stake. Trust us when we say the prizes are worth our words. Registrations are beginning soon. For the actual event :- Mail us your photo s along with a caption for your photo-story. You can submit a maximum of 3 photos for your story and they will be considered as one single entry. Voting both online and on the grounds for the event will decide the winner.

There will be three winners for the event and will recieve their prize through Paytm on the phone number provided after verification. We'll give you a timeline for each of the chapters of the online photohunt series. The necessities for the participation will be Note : If you use any means of plagiarism then you shall be disqualified.

It is an offence to the original photographer. Venue : Cafe Time : A. Date : 6th October Phase 1 and 7th October Phase 2. We all want to go on a world tour someday, don't we? Until this is possible in real life, here's a chance to fulfill your wish.

Come explore the traveller inside you by participating in one of the biggest events of i. Fest ' The Treasure Hunt. Conquer the places one by one, roam around the beautiful campus, share your travel diaries, complete a series of tasks surprise! The task would be to build something from the same.

Biz: i. Biz provides a platform to young minds with business acumen to come up with plans to make it big. And you could also pitch in your start-up ideas and get investors! Blind C: Confident enough about your coding skills to be able to write them down blindfolded?

Well, not literally. Quiz: The hunger for quizzes is truly satisfied by i. Quiz, a tech-based quiz featuring mind-boggling questions for all the quizzing enthusiasts.

Ganith: For math geeks who love walking through numbers, this is an event where mathematical skills stand out. Come show us your mathematical instinct. Crypt: Love abstracting, coding and decoding? This is the event where participants will get to decrypt and encrypt messages and codes.

Roboclash: [NEW] Robots are transforming our lifestyles so gear yourself up for action-packed live robot fights. Engage with an enemy and plunge into the fights.

The designers, thinkers, programmers and developers will come together to create useful applications which might pioneer in the near future or are extended versions of the already ruling notions in the app market. Apps may be built on Android, iOS or Microsoft platform and hence not constraining the creativity of the participants.

The best applications will be recognized and rewarded handsomely! Dare to unveil the forbidden treasures that lie within the shadows. Clash: Do you get an adrenaline rush while playing games? Then this event is what you've been waiting for! We bring to you the gaming experience of counter strike, Dota and NFS.

Show us how your fingers move mechanically when you get a cube. Maze: Love solving crossword puzzles? Challenge your mind to the mysterious world of puzzles through i.

Capture: Are you an amateur photographer or a photography enthusiast? Do you understand the craft of taking pictures, documenting a story, conceptualizing an idea and capturing emotions? If so, then this is the competition for you. Rubble: One man's trash is another man's treasure.

Make simple yet stunning things from turning trash into seriously entertaining, well-designed toys, by just using basic principles of science. Decipher: If visual cues and neuron twisting questions lead to a sudden surge of impulses in your cerebral cortex, then you are at the right place.


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