Handsome merchant's son Charles Standing declares love at first sight and offers to take Fanny away. After a few heavenly days of young love, they intend to demands Sir's blessing for their marriage, but as the ogre actually was her unsatisfied customer, Charles is made to choose between her and his future and leaves for colonial India. Being destitute, Fanny accepts becoming the kept woman of Mr.
Both are dismissed. Fanny goes to Mrs. Cole's hat-shop, only to find it's a front for an upper-class whorehouse, a place where fathers even bring their sons to shed virginity with a virgin girl, a part Fanny plays well even though it breaks young Percy's heart.
When she arrogantly scorns Mr. H, he has the whorehouse closed down; Fanny barely escapes, but without a dime. Alone on the street, her single act of kindness wins her a sick old rich man's favor, graduating from guest over house maid to companion and sole heir when he dies a few months later.
Just then Charles returns Did you know Edit. Trivia Although the word "fanny" is nowadays widely used as British slang for the female genitals, and has been since the 19th century, this connotation was unknown at the time when John Cleland wrote his novel. Consequently, lines such as Mrs Coles's "Be gentle with my little Fanny, sir" would not have been seen as double-entendres. Goofs When Mr. Norbert dies at climax after making love to Fanny, he collapses on top of her, falling toward her left side.
But in the next shot while she is calling for help, he is collapsed on her right. Quotes Mrs. Soundtracks The Dusky Night uncredited Traditional. User reviews 6 Review. Top review. Enjoyable adaptation. I've seen a British version of "Fanny Hill," which was enjoyable in a slap and tickle sort of way. This recent opus is probably a more "serious" treatment, with much less explicit sex than the s film.
The young woman playing Fanny here was very attractive, and this adaptation does, I believe, stick to the novel's premise in that Fanny does not make any real apologies for her past. It was circumstances that got her into prostitution, but she basically chose to stay there until it was possible for her to leave it.
The film does comment on the double-standard of that era and ours still in that Mr. Yet some of the males, especially that terminally-ill young man who wants to pass his last days with Fanny and her co-workers, are sympathetic.
Anyway, the costumes were good, period atmosphere authentic, and leading actress lovely including brief nudity and entertaining. Details Edit. Release date October 22, United Kingdom. United Kingdom. Sally Head Productions. Technical specs Edit. Related titles. To Kill A Mockingbird. Pride and Prejudice.
Brave New World. The Great Gatsby: Popular Penguins. Crime and Punishment. Little Women. The Picture of Dorian Gray. The Secret Garden. Anna Karenina. Of Mice and Men. This time, it was because the publisher G. In the past several years, Grove Press had gained publicity by printing two banned books— Lady Chatterley's Lover by D.
Lawrence and Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller—and getting those bans overturned. Eager to fight a similar public battle, G. As expected, the publisher was charged with obscenity, and it took its case to the highest court in the land. In early , the Supreme Court ruled six to three that Fanny Hill was not obscene and therefore protected by the First Amendment.