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For instance, on March 26, clergy across North Texas will participate in "Together We Worship," which calls for congregations to swap pastors for a day. On July 8, "Together We Heal: A Day of Healing," will bring law enforcement officers and residents together for a day of fun and reflection "to help our city heal. Another program, "Together We Learn," will teach students —starting with about from Madison High School — how to respond to and interact with police during traffic and pedestrian stops.

Rawlings said that the beauty of Project Unity is that it demands each of us to assume some responsibility for uniting the city. That doesn't mean you don't have conflicts. I think conflict is a positive thing; it needs to be constructive conflict, though.

The mayor, borrowing a page from the annual Dallas Dinner Table program that brings diverse folks together over a meal, said his "first step is to eat with people, to break bread with people I don't normally break bread with. And then, channeling his enthusiasm toward me, Rawlings said "everybody" should break bread with someone from a different circle.

Consider me a disciple of Butler's healing gospel, which is grounded in one fundamental belief: "That which unites us," Butler said, "is greater than what divides us. James Ragland. Editorial and commentary from op-ed columnists, the editorial board and contributing writers from The Dallas Morning News , delivered three days a week. By signing up you agree to our privacy policy.

Stand with us in our mission to discover and uncover the story of North Texas. Rural broadband connectivity is a major challenge and a fast growing need that is best addressed by satellite communication. Mobile network operators worldwide are joining this effort by expanding their networks into areas that they might not have considered a few years ago.

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