Jaguars face a number of threats, including habitat fragmentation and illegal killing. That kind of isolation can lead to inbreeding and local extinctions. Another threat jaguars face is retaliatory killings from ranchers.
As grazing land replaces forests, jaguars are more likely to hunt cattle. In response—and sometimes in anticipation—cattle owners kill jaguars. Poaching is another growing problem for jaguars.
Jaguars are classified as near-threatened by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. Still, poaching and the illegal trade continues so strengthening law enforcement is important. There are major efforts to support and develop jaguar corridors to connect isolated populations as well as to work with ranchers to reduce human-jaguar conflict.
Fighting deforestation , which a number of international NGOs and indigenous groups are involved in, is critical. All rights reserved. Animals Photo Ark. Common Name: Jaguars. Scientific Name: Panthera onca. Type: Mammals. Diet: Carnivore. Size: Head and body, five to six feet; tail, Weight: to pounds.
Size relative to a 6-ft man:. Near threatened. They need that bulk behind them to take on big prey, including giant caiman. Jaguars also have larger, rounded heads and short legs. They often live near lakes, rivers and wetlands, and are confident swimmers, known to cross large rivers. A jaguar's usual call is called a 'saw' because it sounds like the sawing of wood - but with the saw only moving in one direction.
When jaguars greet each other, or reassure one another, they make a noise like a nasally snuffling. Jaguars are opportunistic hunters and can prey upon almost anything they come across. Capybaras, deer, tortoises, iguanas, armadillos, fish, birds and monkeys are just some of the prey that jaguars eat. Jaguars hunt both in the day and at night and usually travel up to 10km over 6 miles a night when hunting.
Jaguars have a more powerful bite than any other big cat. Their teeth are strong enough to bite through the thick hides of crocodilians and the hard shells of turtles. They need powerful teeth and jaws to take down prey three to four times their own weight - usually killing it with a bite to the back of the skull rather than biting the neck or throat like other big cats. Like other cats, their tongues have sharp-pointed bumps, called papillae, which are used to scrape meat off bones.
Pregnancy lasts around 14 weeks, then the female usually gives birth to two cubs though she can have up to four. Type: Mammals. Diet: Carnivore. Size: Head and body, five to six feet; tail, Weight: to pounds. Help Save Animals. Planet Possible Kids Learn about plastic and how to reduce your use. You can help fight pollution! Save the Earth: Habitat destruction Clearing trees and and draining wetlands destroy habitats and affects the animals that live there.