Texas Const. Learn more about Texas counties and county officials. Texas Association of Counties. Calendar of Events Member Login Search. Contact TAC. Events Calendar. Member Login. What is a Constable? What does a Constable Do in Texas? Constables are also peace officers whose offices were created by the Texas Constitution. They are elected to office once every four years. A county may have multiple constables but only one per precinct. These state and federal agencies frequently cooperate but each may investigate a criminal matter that occurs within their jurisdiction.
Texas Association of Counties. Calendar of Events Member Login Search. Contact TAC. Events Calendar. Member Login. Many of these differences involve: Their primary jurisdictional boundaries The primary funding source for their particular agency Distinct differences in their duties as designated by the Texas Legislature. Sheriff A sheriff is a peace officer who holds public office; the voters in each county elect their sheriff once every four years.
To meet the challenges and demands of taking on the full responsibilities of being a peace officer as well as the added liabilities of processing civil cases, all Texas Constables and Deputy Constables MUST be licensed by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement, attend and complete a police academy, fulfill all ongoing continuing education requirements for peace officers, and completed bi-annual training specific to civil process.
The Constable is the oldest law enforcement position in the world, first mentioned in France at the beginning of the 5th century, where it was known as the Count of the King's Stables. In the year AD, King Alfred of England, declared the Constables to be the highest judge of military offenses and in matters of chivalry and honor. The Constable was also named by the King to be the supreme arbitrator in tilts, tournaments, and martial displays.
Becoming noted peacekeepers under King William "The Conqueror" in , the Constable and their responsibilities were expanded with the adoption of the Magna Carta, which became the pattern for most of the world's constitutions and described Constables for the first time in written law. Austin's original colony and sworn in by Judge John Tumlinson.
Later, another Constable was sworn in by Judge Tumlinson, thus making the two Constables the first law enforcement officers in Texas.
The office of Constable was later written into law in the Texas Constitution, stating the Constable would be elected by the people in each area, known as precincts.
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