Palm reading where is lifeline

Fig 1. A swooping semicircular life line around the base of the thumb shows that you are full of vigor, energy and enthusiasm Fig 1 A Straight life line that sticks close to the thumb predicts that you have limited energy and are easy to get tired. Also, you are cautious when it comes to relationships Fig 1.

Doubled: If you have a secondary line running parallel with the life line, it shows you have a very strong vitality. Especially, you have a strong resistance to disease and self recovery ability after illness. In addition, you usually can receive additional strength and support from family members. Please find out the ages on the life line from the picture.

Divide the life line into two equal parts, the middle place indicates the age of Then connect it to the middle place of the ring and middle fingers. Draw a parallel line to the first line from the middle place of the index and middle fingers to the life line.

The intersection point is marked as the age of Draw a parallel line to the first line from the middle of little and middle fingers to the life line. The end of the life line is usually marked as the age of They are approximate ones. Fig 4. If life, head, and heart lines are equally strong and deep, that indicates a comfortable balance between body, mind, and heart.

Many variables outside of the control of our life and habits contribute to our longevity or our quick demise. But the life line does tell us about the nature of our energy, and offers suggestions to balance and therefore sustain and increase our vitality.

It also maps times of stress and times of success, loneliness, and support. The depth of the life line describes the quality of our physical vitality, the conduit of our energy out into the world. A deep life line indicates that the owner has a powerful ability to express her energy, and every opportunity to live a long and successful life. She may be impatient with lesser mortals who tire more easily, and be inclined to pour all that energy into her temperament or temper.

To balance: Some of this vitality can be worked out physically, and it would be a good idea to cultivate patience, as well as empathy with those gifted with subtler energy. This does not necessarily mean a short life, but a life with problems to overcome…. The head line describes the nature and direction of our thinking process. In order to understand any of what may be written on your hands, though, you need to be able to navigate their topography.

Below, the basics. In palmistry, every hand is said to fit into a particular shape, aligned with one of the four elements: earth, air, fire, or water. Earth hands , according to Packard, feature square palms with fewer lines, albeit deep ones. Above all, they like to work. Fire-handed people have lots of deep lines on their palms, Packard explains, and tend to be highly creative — more attuned to fun than to details. Air hands are rectangular, with palms that are taller than they are wide, and straight, upright fingers.

They also have narrow palms, with fingers that are long and bony. When you think about palmistry, there are likely a few lines that immediately spring to mind — the head line, the life line, and the heart line.

The big three, if you will. The heart line lives at the top of the hand.


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