There was a variety of creative maps and new ways to customize your profile. All in all, it was legendary. The legacy the game had left was so profound that people wanted to keep it up. Servers began to shut down due to its age, and people needed to find a way to continue playing it. Throughout most of , a team of anonymous video game modders worked tirelessly to create a new server for the game on PC.
Eventually, MW2 IW4x was released. Log In Sign Up. Keep me logged in on this device Forgot your username or password? Don't have an account? Sign up for free! What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts.
It's just kids that think they can actually land a shot. Just accept them as free kills. User Info: Deathlight Deathlight 11 years ago 2 lol yep it is glitch but not to worry it isn't a glitch in the game, it is just a glitch in the brain of the player doing it psn: VictusDeus. User Info: TJCco TJCco 11 years ago 3 people think it's impressive when they turn their senistivity to max, spin around in one place, then shoot in order to get a kill and an "impressive" killcam.
User Info: Loofy2 Loofy2 11 years ago 4 its called a when the person spins around completely before firing. User Info: vincere0 vincere0 Topic Creator 11 years ago 5 thanks for the responses. User Info: Loofy2 Loofy2 11 years ago 7 I highly doubt it, though you should test it yourself. User Info: fatali fatali 11 years ago 8 I have kill many people that were spinning like that, so no, is not true.
User Info: Tony Tony 11 years ago 10 "3 Sometimes people just like to mess around on this game. How is this game to play? Modern Warare 2! What are hipfire kills in multiplayer? Can you play with friends online? What does prone blocked mean? Character won't quit moving around by himself in multiplayer? Unlike its multiplayer variant, the Sentry Gun needs time to spin up, and always fires in bursts.
They also appear in Special Ops Chaos , obtained from friendly care packages. In Survival Mode , the Sentry Gun is fairly effective against enemy Helicopters due to the velocity of the bullets which can even engage them at long range easily compared to its counterpart.
However, it is not recommened to use it against enemy's helicopter or even place it at a open area as enemy helicopters will destroy it within a matter of seconds. It is best suited for medium-to-long ranges. They look identical to its Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 counterpart.
Sentry Guns are present in Campaign missions, used by both allies and enemies. These Sentry Guns can be remote controlled just like the multiplayer version. Unlike in multiplayer, the Sentry Guns in the campaign have ability to turn and fire in a full degree circle, rather than the degree arc that Sentry Guns are restricted to in multiplayer, and are only stunned by EMP Grenades.
They once again sport a new look, with a three-barred minigun turret and a new targeting system. It is possible to control the Sentry Gun by remote control, similar to the Remote Sentry.
However, it will also seek and fire upon targets without the player's intervention. Unlike previous games, it does not have to be airdropped beforehand to deploy it, it will not be temporarily disabled by concussions or flashbangs, and it cannot be damaged by melee attacks. An effective tactic with the sentry gun that one can employ is to deploy it on the edges and corners of a map in a wide, open space.
From this position, the sentry can usually effectively lock down that area of the map and score many kills. Placed well, it can be difficult to shoot at and all but nearly impossible to be hacked by the Black Hat.
From one of these positions, its only real vulnerability will be from EMP Grenades. There is also no perk that makes a player immune to the Sentry Gun's targeting system, unlike in previous games. The Sentry Gun is now known as the Turret , is found as a buildable item in TranZit that fires upon zombies and the Avogadro. When built, the Turret can be placed and it will automatically target enemies in its degree arc, however it will not fire.
It has to be powered by a nearby Turbine to fire. The Turret has a high damage output and has unlimited ammunition. It's most effective when placed in wide sightlines which enables it to eliminate medium hordes of zombies.
However, the slow targeting system can be ineffective with large groups and the Turret will eventually be destroyed by zombies. Using a Turbine to power the Turret can be detrimental if the player is trying to use it for another purpose, like accessing doors or powering a different buildable. It is unlocked at level 10 and can be used after getting five kills without dying.
It is very powerful but it can be destroyed relatively easily. It will not take as many shots and it can be destroyed with only three knife hits. It also sports a similar look to the Remote Sentry from Modern Warfare 3.
The Sentry Gun can be a highly useful tool for killing cryptids, as it provides a perfectly accurate ranged attack. This perfectly accurate, ranged attack makes the Sentry Gun very good at fighting Bombers and Gargoyles , as they can prove to be a difficult target for players since they tend to be very far away initially. Sentry Guns are very good at outright killing the fragile Bombers, while they deal solid chip damage to Gargoyles, even potentially forcing the Gargoyle to land, which is very helpful given the combination of health and difficulty of hitting the Gargoyle.
The Sentry Gun holds down longer sightlines very well. Unlike other strike packages, Scouts and Hunters can temporarily incapacitate, and temporarily destroy the sentry gun should one get close enough. The scout or hunter needs a few seconds to bite into it and destroy it.
During this process, the sentry gun will not fire at anything. As well, Rhinos and Seekers can target the sentry gun and deal damage to it. As such, the Sentry Gun requires quite a good deal of protection to ensure it does not get wasted, especially against Rhinos, since they tend to target the Sentry Guns commonly and can quickly destroy a Sentry Gun with its attacks.
Also unlike other strike packages, the Sentry Gun is capable of overheating. Smoke will emit from the barrel when this happens, and the Sentry Gun will not fire at anything until the barrel stops smoking.
Because there are no audible or visual indicators to tell the player that a Sentry Gun has overheated other than looking at the Sentry Gun directly, it can be difficult for players to identify when the Sentry Gun has overheated and needs to be protected. The Sentry Gun's shortcomings are most apparent against hunters, as even with a medium range sight line, the sentry gun might not be able to kill the hunter before it gets attacked. The sentry gun makes up for its vulnerability and possible overheating by having an extremely long operating time, rewarding players for protecting the sentry gun by having easily the longest operating time of all strike packages.
With good protection, one Sentry Gun is capable of lasting up to several minutes, and even capable of being used for multiple hives even with extensive use. Another great advantage of the Sentry Gun is the fact that it can be upgraded to have multiple Sentry Guns placed by one user at once, providing massive amounts of firepower.
Because Cryptids sometimes target Sentry Guns, players can take advantage of the Sentry Gun's ability to distract Cryptids by placing it around or directly in traps.
This will allow the trap to kill Cryptids that target the Sentry Gun, facilitating protection of the Sentry Gun s.