You are planning to visit Washington, DC. How many days do you need to see everything in DC? Plan a proper trip here. When you come here for the first time you will want to see the monuments: Lincoln , Jefferson , World War II , and all the others. It takes about three total hours. When it comes to museums, the thing that you have to understand is that Smithsonian museums are huge. They are massive.
If you are a history buff or an art lover you could spend an entire day in just a single museum. If you spent two hours at each of our museums it would take literally days just to hit them all. There are a bunch of other great free museums that are not part of the Smithsonian. Even if they are not officially museums, the National Archives , the Library of Congress and the Bureau of Printing and Engraving are great too.
Hopefully, you can get a gallery pass or a floor pass. The Capitol tour takes about an hour and then you can budget another hour on top of that for the other stuff. In hours you could see each picture depending how long you wanted to view each exhibit. If you you only had a half hour to an hour I would start with the Portrait Gallery. You nay not see the whole gallery but you would at least see some of it.
It is worth a visit. Great insight to the lifestyle and customs of past by looking at the portraits of people from long ago. We spent about three hours.
You could certainly do more, but I'd say two minimum to take it in. There also was a great tour of the portrait gallery that we took. I would suggest 2 -3 hours for each "side" of this museum, depending on your interests in American Art. The repurposed format US Patent Office holding both museums is rather large, so just walking through each section of this impressive building will take time.
It can be fund to look at those portraits that were later used for our currency. The American Art Gallery side was a little more interesting in that it seemed to cover a wider range of our art history more modern stuff. I only had 3 hours to visit both and I feel like I rushed through and missed a lot.
I would allocate at least 4 hours. You can take a break and sit in the nice atrium when you get tired. These museums were my favorites. Of course, how long it takes to visit a museum varies dramatically among visitors. Some people do a seven-day whirlwind tour of Europe and come home boasting of having seen seven countries.
If your idea of going through a museum is strolling around for an hour, you have answered your own question. It may be wise, instead, to pick a few of the 19 charms of the Smithsonian bracelet to concentrate on during any one trip. Here are a few you should consider. The Smithsonian is not static, but it's continually acquiring new art for its old museums and also shepherding new museums into the fold.
A great place to begin to explore the Smithsonian complex is with a visit to the newest Smithsonian museum. It opened in in a location near the Washington Monument. Like all the Smithsonian museums in the nation's capital, this one is free, but you'll need a timed pass to enter. This museum is the only national museum dedicated to documenting African-American culture, art and history.
Given that, it's extremely popular. The museum also houses a vast collection of photos and film evidencing everyday Black life. You could spend an hour here or an entire day.