The girl underwent surgery immediately and was transitioned to a bypass machine that took over the function of her heart and lungs, the statement continued. A young girl's journey for new lungs Adult lungs given to year-old girl Sarah Murnaghan gets new lungs She remained on the bypass machine -- " Although the donated lungs were infected with pneumonia, "Each day since the second transplant , her lungs have improved on x-ray and have continued to work better and better," the statement continued.
Researchers continue to study the potential use of other immunosuppressant medications for people with lung transplants. After your lung transplant, you may need to adjust your diet to stay healthy. Maintaining a healthy weight through diet and exercise can help you avoid complications such as high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes.
Your transplant team includes a nutrition specialist dietitian who can discuss your nutrition and diet needs and answer any questions you may have after your transplant.
Your dietitian will let you know if any foods might impact your medications and can explain how to prepare food safely to lessen the risk of an infection from food. After your lung transplant, your doctor and treatment team may recommend that you make exercise and physical activity a regular part of your life to continue to improve your overall physical and mental health.
Exercising regularly helps you control your blood pressure, control stress, maintain a healthy weight, strengthen your bones and increase your physical function. As you become more fit, your body is able to use oxygen more effectively.
Your treatment team will create an exercise program to meet your needs. You'll likely participate in pulmonary rehabilitation — a program of exercise and education that may help improve your breathing and daily functioning. Your team may provide training and education in many areas, including exercise, nutrition and breathing strategies. Your exercise program may include warm-up exercises, such as stretching or slow walking.
Your treatment team may suggest physical activities such as walking, bicycling or strength training as part of your exercise program. Specialists in the treatment team will likely recommend that you cool down after you exercise, perhaps by walking slowly.
Discuss with your treatment team what activities may be appropriate for you. Take a break from exercising if you feel tired. If you feel symptoms such as shortness of breath or dizziness, stop exercising.
If your symptoms don't go away, contact your doctor. Lung transplant care at Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic does not endorse companies or products. Advertising revenue supports our not-for-profit mission. This content does not have an English version. This content does not have an Arabic version. Overview Lung transplant Open pop-up dialog box Close. Lung transplant During a lung transplant, surgeons remove your diseased lung and then attach a donor lung to your airway and to the blood vessels that lead to and from your heart.
Request an Appointment at Mayo Clinic. Double-lung transplant Open pop-up dialog box Close. Double-lung transplant During a double-lung transplant, surgeons remove your diseased lungs, one at a time, and then attach the donor lungs to your airways and to the blood vessels that lead to and from your heart. Bronchoscopy Open pop-up dialog box Close. Bronchoscopy In flexible bronchoscopy, a doctor inserts a thin, bendable tube through the mouth or nose into the lungs.
Share on: Facebook Twitter. Show references What is a lung transplant? National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Accessed January 30, Mason RJ, et al. Lung transplantation. Philadelphia, Pa. Accessed May 10, Rochester, Minn. Goldman L, et al. Interventional and surgical approaches to lung disease. In: Goldman-Cecil Medicine. Accessed July 7, Vincent JL, et al.
In: Textbook of Critical Care. Hachem RR. Lung transplantation: An overview. Lung transplantation: General guidelines for recipient selection. Partnering with your transplant team: The patient's guide to transplantation. Department of Health and Human Services. Adegunsoye A, et al.
Comprehensive care of the lung transplant patient. Bhorade S, et al. Induction immunosuppression following lung transplantation. Maintenance immunosuppression following lung transplantation.
What every patient needs to know. United Network for Organ Sharing. Accessed May 18, Frequently asked questions. United Network for Organ Sharing: Transplant living. Accessed Dec. Palmer SM, et al. Bacterial infections following lung transplantation. Accessed July 13, What is pulmonary rehabilitation? The content is provided for information purposes only. Only certain patients with chronic neck pain need invasive procedures to treat it 5 hours ago.
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