These dogs are known to like the company of other Chihuahuas, so may be happier living with a Chihuahua pal in the home. If your Chihuahua is chilly, put on a small dog shirt or coat, and make sure you have a warm and cozy dog bed readily available.
Get more cold weather tips for dogs. For instance, if your dog is fretful around other dogs you may want to consider a training class designed to help dogs be more comfortable with other dogs, until then, try to take walks on more isolated paths. Chihuahuas are known to be a relatively healthy breed of dog.
However, they can be prone to specific health issues, which are often related to their small build. Obesity is a growing problem among all dogs and something you should be mindful of with a petite pooch.
If you have a Chihuahua, be sure to talk with your veterinarian about proper nutrition and exercise. Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar can be a problem for small toy dogs, like Chihuahuas. Signs of hypoglycemia can include:. It can be useful to feed your Chihuahua small bits of food frequently throughout the day to help maintain healthy blood sugar levels and avoid hypoglycemia. You may also want to carry a sugar supplement with you just in case hypoglycemia sets in.
Sugar supplements are available at pet stores, or you can carry a small container of Karo syrup or honey. Have you ever seen a Chihuahua stick a leg out very straight? They may be trying to fix an issue called a luxating patella where the kneecap slips sideways. A luxating patella luxating means moving around, and patella refers to the knee is caused by a genetic condition where the bones of the knee form in such a way that the kneecap is able to shift out of place more easily.
If you have a Chihuahua, you should ask your veterinarian how to handle a luxating patella, especially if it is causing ongoing discomfort or mobility problems for your dog. Chihuahua parents may want to consider dog insurance early on. Apple-headed Chihuahuas are born with a soft spot also called a molera in their skulls where the bones have not fully formed and closed together much like the soft spot on the head of a newborn baby.
This is not an abnormality for Chihuahuas, but rather a trait that allows their large, round heads to pass more easily through the birth canal.
Chihuahua parents need to be careful not to injure the soft spot, which typically closes up at about six months old. Like other breeds with large eyes, Chihuahuas can be more prone to eye injuries or infections.
This is one reason Chihuahua parents may want to consider dog insurance early on. A dog insurance plan can help them manage the costs of common eye injuries and infections, which may require medications and other treatments.
Chihuahuas have made their way onto the big screen and into the arms of some well-known celebrities. How many of these famous little guys and gals do you recognize? Take your puppies to the vet at least once a year to stay up to date on vaccinations and booster shots to maintain your puppies immunity to diseases. Give your teacup Chihuahuas plenty of exercise opportunities daily to keep them healthy and happy.
Play can provide most of your puppies' exercise, but it is still a good idea to take your puppies for a walk at least once a day. Use a body harness instead of a collar when walking your puppies since Chihuahuas have fragile necks. Dress your puppies in warm sweaters when going outside in cold temperatures since Chihuahuas are sensitive to cold weather.
Based in Statesboro, Ga. Her articles appear on various websites, specializing in the diverse topics of cleaning and insects. Jones is a graduate student studying education at Georgia Southern University. Dog Health. By Emily Jones. Step 1 Eliminate dangers in your home that may hurt your puppies. A New Owners Guide. Teacup and Toy Puppies: Caring for Puppies. Potential pet parents may find them rate because not many ethical breeders have them.
He could be on the small end of the 2- to 6-pound scale, he could be a normal-sized Chihuahua puppy, or he could be smaller than a normal Chihuahua. Although a Chihuahua may not be as dangerous as a larger dog, a Chihuahua is still capable of biting and causing damage, especially to a child or older person. Chihuahuas are prone to acting aggressively for the same reasons any dog may behave aggressively, due to anxiety, territorial behavior, or to show dominance.
On the other hand, a Teacup Yorkie is a miniature version of this dog. The average weight of a Teacup Yorkie is 2 to 4 pounds and can grow no longer than 7 inches. The only thing that makes a teacup Chihuahua different from any other Chihuahua is its size.
Because Teacup dog breeds weigh less than the AKC standard for a toy breed, you can technically have any breed called a teacup.