Godaddy how many emails can i send

I have a Linux starter web hosting plan with Godaddy. I need to send email to around users from the MySql database only once to inform them about the site's new functionality.

Can I do this using mail of PHP or is there any limit on the number of mails I can send using mail function on Godaddy? Here is a page that lists many hosting companies and their mail sending limits. GoDaddy does appear to have mailing list functionality. It sounds like it would be easier to add your users to a mailing list and send it that way.

The draw back is that that allows for limited customization for each user. There is a document that show how to import an existing email list into Godaddy from CSV , but I was not able to find any information about their mailing list size limits. Sign up to join this community.

The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group.

Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. The subject length does not look too lengthy. The scroll bar on the left implies the email is only showing one third of it's actual content. So it is unknown what is in the other two thirds. GoDaddy have a variety of limits, so I'm very supprised the help from GoDaddy did not offer some helpful advice. Quote: For your reference, here are the limitations that apply to Office from GoDaddy email accounts:.

Messages larger than 30MB are rejected by our outgoing server and you are notified. To prevent spam, we limit our email accounts to SMTP relays per day. This lets you send emails from your email address on a daily basis. I have an unlimited email account with GoDaddy. I can send up to about 25MB of attachments per email. I have unlimited email storage.. The issue is I can send out over Gmail and I actually sent it to GoDaddy on the 3rd try for their review.

They were trying to fix something on their end while telling me it was a Thunderbird program problem. They had me on hold for about 15 mins.. They were suggesting I upgrade buy their new office service.

But wanted to stay on the phone with me while they continued to research the problem would seem given that it was a problem on their end. I may just change email servers. If I didn't have one business program that must run on Windows, I would be on Linux Why do I get a Delivery Report message after each delivery?

How do I add an Unsubscribe link to my messages. How to transfer email lists between MaxBulk Mailer copies. Images are missing in the message preview.

How to send an email with a picture in the body. How can I send to a big list of emails with MaxBulk Mailer. Mail-merge sender data using tags.


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