But don't worry if you're not; you can still earn rewards online. Register with Facebook. Already a member? Sign In. Lifestyle Can I Recycle Styrofoam?
By Recyclebank March 19, Foamed polystyrene feels light, but its environmental impact is heavy. Attach styrofoam sheets to inside garage doors and windows for insulation. A styrofoam cooler yields 6 flat rectangles if you disassemble carefully.
Lija W. There is a place called Terracycle that recycles all kinds of odd things that can't normally go in recycle bins. They are fabulous! I've been saving my styrofoam for a while now cuz I don't get take-out very often , so that when I get enough I can mail it to Terracycle.
They have a point system, too. Kaylly K. But you also have to purchase the box to have the Styrofoam into. Shirley M. I use large plastic comforters bags to store off season clothing or shoes in. James O. Also using paper for void fill in packaging is a much more eco-friendly solution than using styrofoam or polystyrene pearls.
This material is eco-friendly, based on polylactic acid PLA , which is made from cornstarch, and degrades to carbon-dioxide and water within a relatively short time less than a year. This material is used as a direct substitute of styrofoam in the form of disposable plates, cups, food containers, utensils and also as void fill. Items made out of plastic usually feature a recycling symbol with a number inside it. This number number in the recycling symbol tells you what kind of plastic the product is made out of.
The most recyclable numbers are 1 and 2. Use containers and disposable cups, plates, and dinnerware that bear the number 1 or number 2 recycle symbol. Use a reusable lunch box. Even for takeaway, if you pick up the food yourself, you can bring your own lunch box.
Also use a reusable coffee mug for takeaway coffee. If you are interested in the risks of other plastics and how they can or cannot be recycled, please check out our writing about which plastics are safe. As we learned earlier in the article, polystyrene foam comes in two basic types: EPS expanded polystyrene and XPS extruded polystyrene. EPS foam is used in many of the items we use everyday, such as disposable dinnerware.
XPS foam, on the other hand, is primarily used as insulation in buildings. But you may have trouble finding a recycling center that is capable of processing it. This is because the process of breaking down these materials is labor intensive and requires expensive machinery.
In fact, XPS foam requires larger and more powerful machines to break down because of their thicker, more rigid composition than EPS foam. Aside from finding a recycling program that accepts EPS or XPS foam, there are two other things you can do with styrofoam: 1 reuse it, or 2 use the alternative recyclable materials we discussed in the previous section as much as possible.
People who feel strongly about doing their part to create a healthy, ethically sustainable environment for themselves and future generations on Earth should consider one or both of those two options.
Below are some common questions and answers about styrofoam, its impact on the environment, and its recyclability. The materials you put in the recycle bin are processed differently from styrofoam. Not all recycling centers have the machinery to recycle styrofoam. Ideally, you should save your styrofoam and reuse it or deliver it to a recycling facility that can process it. However, if you must throw it away, break it down into small pieces so it can degrade more easily.
Styrofoam is a form of plastic; however, unlike traditional clear plastic, it is not easily recyclable. It cannot be included in the same recycle bin as clear plastic. You should never burn styrofoam. Burning polystyrene foam can release its base material, styrene, which is cancerous to humans. Styrofoam is not toxic on its own. But if it breaks down into its base material, styrene, through extreme heat, it can become extremely toxic.
Styrene has been found by scientists to be a human carcinogen. Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre. Brooklyn Transfer Station. Greenwheel Recycling.
Home Waste Recycling Polystyrene recycling. What is expanded polystyrene? What can be recycled?