Can you escape alcatraz

There were paddle-like pieces of wood and bits of rubber inner tube retrieved from the water soon after the escape as well. Alternate evidence has emerged over the years, though, that could shift the pendulum in favor of the escapees' survival.

For several years following the escape, the Anglin brothers' mother received flowers and signed Christmas cards —supposedly from her sons—that matched their handwriting, though officials couldn't confirm the dates.

A photo also recently surfaced of two men standing beside a road in Brazil in that some forensic experts "strongly believe" are the Anglin brothers.

David Widner, a nephew of the Anglin brothers, told the Sun Online it was "very possible" John, who allegedly penned the recent letter, had survived, though he added he "probably would have reached out to the family" if he'd needed help.

Could this be two of Alcatraz escapees at their farm in Brazil? Maybe they didn't drown! ABC7now pic.

Built over months with 50 raincoats meticulously glued together in their secret workshop. If they let the water take them, they would have ended up at the Marin Headlands as it did when the Mythbusters guys successfully re-created the attempt in , or under the bridge, where they could have jumped out for a short paddle to Horseshoe Bay.

Frank Morris and the Anglin brothers were probably cracking beers under the moonlight as they drifted toward freedom that night, thinking — this would make a great movie one day. So why do some people ahem, in this newsroom insist that they drowned, when there is zero proof of death? Two in three bodies from suicides from the Golden Gate Bridge are recovered. From the prison cleaners to the guards to Warden Olin G. If word spread that three men had successfully gotten away, it would almost certainly lead to closure of the expensive, controversial penitentiary.

As soon as the jail break was revealed in the media, stories circulated that this could spell the end for the prison island, and the FBI needed to quell that narrative. Gilbert in Brazil. Not only would the prison be closed shortly after the incident, two of the escapees would make it to Brazil more on that later. Coincidentally, a police report revealed that a blue Chevy with three men in it ran another car off the road in Stockton later that night.

In , a photo emerged of the brothers standing next to a termite mound outside Rio de Janeiro, taken by a family friend in This photo allegedly depicts Clarence and John Anglin in Brazil, , with their actual mug shots inset.

A History Channel documentary revealed how the U. Marshals service hired an expert to compare physical features and measurements shown in the photo to what they knew about the Anglins in They concluded that the photo was taken in , and that there was a high likelihood that the men photographed were, in fact, Clarence and John Anglin. The FBI had long suspected Brazil as a destination for the escapees.

As far back as , they investigated a rumor that Clarence Anglin was living there. It was considered so significant that bureau agents went to South America to find him.

The documentary also exhibited Christmas cards with handwriting matching that of the Anglin brothers sent to their family in , and a deathbed confession from a sibling, stating that the brothers had remained in contact from until It also went on to explain that Morris died in and Clarence in The letter read, in part:.

I have cancer. Yes we all made it that night but barely! Even if the letter, the Christmas cards and the Brazil photo are all false but really, look at that photo people , to assume that the inmates drowned in the same mile of water a 9-year-old can swim, based on a false FBI cover-up and not much else, would be foolish.

It is a romantic notion: three Alcatraz inmates, buoyed by their wits and determination, making a prison break against all odds. Although the popular imagination may side with their survival, the evidence does not. The most complete study in recent memory was done by scientists at Delft University who used computer modeling to replicate the currents the men would have experienced that night in They found that there was only one window — between when the rushing tide would have sucked them toward the Golden Gate Bridge and the moment that tide started pushing back into the bay — that was viable for survival.

That time was just around midnight. With all evidence suggesting the men paddled off Alcatraz about 10 p. I have cancer. Yes we all made it that night but barely! A photograph showing the cell where one of the three prisoners escaped from Alcatraz on June 12, A dummy head was used to throw off guards, and sheets were used to conceal his exit below the sink.

An FBI laboratory examined the letter for fingerprints and DNA, and analyzed the handwriting within, but the results were inconclusive. In the letter, the writer explained that he was the last living member of the trio, with his co-conspirators dying in and It had no lights on, but appeared to have someone on board shining a flashlight into the water.

The photograph that allegedly shows the brothers in Brazil, taken 13 years after their disappearance. Family members of the men have also reported strange experiences that suggest there may be more to the story than many believe.


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