Ironically, the same factor lies at the heart of both the cause and the effects of the ideomotor phenomenon: We want to believe. In reality, the true wonder of the Ouija board is what lies within our own subconscious. Our mission has never been more vital than it is in this moment: to empower through understanding.
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By choosing I Accept , you consent to our use of cookies and other tracking technologies. How Ouija boards work. Hint: It's not ghosts. Reddit Pocket Flipboard Email. Next Up In Culture. A priest had to perform an exorcism before she returned to normal. Not going to lie, the film version was more convincing. Think you know someone huh? Apparently you should never burn an Ouija Board, it seriously annoys the ghosts. One group of mates printed out an Ouija Board from the internet and after failing to get any response, screwed it up and chucked it on the fire.
Some players have reported feelings of paralysis, hyperventilation and persistent night terrors. The result of playing with an Ouija Board can seriously effect your mental health. We want to hear your Ouija Board stories. Did you pluck up the courage to have a go as a kid? Have you spoken to the other side? Have you summoned a poltergeist who now lives in your spare room? Here are the most essential. Sign Up For Free to View. Never use the Ouija board alone. The three sisters had the right idea in playing together when they first got the Ouija board.
After that, though, Mel started using the board herself, and came into contact with a malevolent spirit. But you don't start using vulgar words. And don't shout if you get too scared just say goodbye to the spirits and quit. To get the best, most effective results, all players need to clear their minds and focus on the question at hand. Everyone playing needs to sit seriously and respectfully. If you have a friend who is laughing or encouraging ridiculous questions, kick them out of the room.
As the planchette moves, you may want to have one person serve as the writer. Sometimes responses get quite lengthy and need to be worked out.
Watch it move. Sometimes this happens quickly and sometimes it happens slowly; once in a while, it doesn't happen it all. But if everyone is focused and attentive, the planchette should slowly take off. Make sure no player is dominating the planchette. If they are clearly the reason it's moving, they shouldn't be playing the game. Each player should have the same amount of weight distributed on the pointer.
Close the board. Any of these 3 things happening indicates that the spirit is trying to escape from the board. It's very important to tell the spirits goodbye. You would hate to be left all of a sudden, wouldn't you? Of course, if you enjoyed the time with your spirit, say, "Goodbye! Before you box your board up, rub it with a soft, dry cloth. This keeps it clean and prevents dust and moisture from building up. If the planchette doesn't move there, then you must move it to "Goodbye" yourself.
Not doing this will leave the "portal" open, and can be very dangerous. Not Helpful 54 Helpful How do I know when I should stop playing because I have either annoyed the spirit or contacted a bad one? You should be polite at all times, to avoid the problem in the first place. If you have annoyed the spirit, its replies might be short, curt, or rude. If you have reached a bad spirit, it might be ill-tempered or deceitful.
You should also trust your intuition. If something doesn't feel right, politely end the session, and move the planchette to "goodbye. Not Helpful 20 Helpful Ouija is about contacting spirits, so it doesn't matter when you use it.
As long as things are safe, you can use it whenever. Not Helpful 34 Helpful Dogs are allowed during sessions, yes.
However, it is said dogs can be more sensitive to spiritual information, so they may "see" an entity and become upset and bark, which might disturb the whole session. Not Helpful 38 Helpful When you get a spirit on your board, as it politely to come back again.
If yes is the reply, then the spirit will return. Beware not to order it about. It's all up to the spirit. Not Helpful 29 Helpful Can I choose which spirit I am going to talk to? For example, can I talk to my grandmother or someone I knew?
You can't. And if a spirit is trying to tell you that they are someone you know, you should not believe them.
Bad spirits can often trick you into thinking that you know them and have something not so good in mind. Not Helpful 18 Helpful This can be a reference to coming of age, especially in older times but also now.
Perhaps you are channeling something related to a birthday coming up or something that happened at a twenty first birthday in the past. Or, it could be a message directed to someone in the group who is Some believe the number to refer to war or rebellion.
But really, it could be so many things, you need to determine this from the context. Not Helpful 28 Helpful Ask the spirit again to leave, but firmly. You can also move the planchette to the "goodbye. Lastly, you can also perform a ritual cleansing on your board to get rid of any residual negative energy. Not Helpful 22 Helpful Yes, you can speak to the ghost, but the ghost can only communicate back through the board.
You should be careful when using the Ouija board; ghosts and spirits can be just as deceitful as people. Not Helpful 32 Helpful What should I do if I want to use a Ouija Board alone, and it doesn't say goodbye? If the spirit doesn't move to goodbye, you need to move the planchette to goodbye.
Otherwise, it is just an open doorway, and a spirit could end up holding dominion over the board.