Can i install ie on mac

October 30, at pm. September 26, at pm. David says:. July 3, at am. Vishal says:. November 7, at pm. Michael says:. September 7, at am. May 8, at pm. Pam says:. March 25, at pm. March 4, at pm. Fred Flinstone says:. May 27, at pm. January 31, at pm. January 6, at pm. November 1, at am. Mirko says:. January 3, at am. Peter says:. October 13, at am. RS says:. September 13, at am.

November 23, at am. Phil says:. December 5, at pm. KD says:. August 30, at am. Cynthia says:. August 12, at am. Wayne Young says:. August 8, at pm. July 29, at am. Ashley says:. March 3, at am. July 26, at pm. VTTimC says:. July 15, at am. Paul says:. Stephen says:. June 8, at am. Clifford says:. June 18, at am. Karen J says:. May 31, at pm. Daniel V says:. May 18, at pm. Steve Johnson says:. May 13, at am. Oliver says:. March 13, at am. Hemant Kumar Arya says:. February 9, at am. Nope says:.

Charles says:. February 7, at pm. Rob says:. January 30, at pm. Oxbox says:. Jonathan Sapp says:. January 16, at pm. Tracy Lea says:. January 3, at pm. Mel Eakins says:. Now you can access developer tools directly from Safari, which let you inspect websites, empty caches, and most importantly simulate a variety of other browsers right through the Safari app.

However, if you do absolutely need to launch Internet Explorer itself for one reason or another, you could also try doing it with the help of a virtual machine. What virtual machine essentially does is installing a full-scale copy of Windows on your Mac and letting you launch it as an app inside the macOS. From there you can launch Internet Explorer or, in fact, any program you miss from your Windows days.

To set up virtual machine, first you need to buy a copy of some virtual machine software VMware Fusion is a good one for Intel-based Macs and a license for Windows.

Once you have those in place:. Now every time you need to use Internet Explorer on Mac, you can just launch the virtual machine and use IE directly with Windows that way.

There are certainly a few downsides to this solution. First, you have to purchase both VMware Fusion or Parallels and a licensed copy of Windows for the sole purpose of using Internet Explorer. Second, virtual machines tend to be quite heavy on your processor, as they are running the whole operating system inside them.

If Safari is not your first browser of choice and using Internet Explorer for Mac is at the very least quite complicated, you can download any other stable and widely used browser out there and make it the default one on your macOS. Developed by Google, the browser is available on both desktop and mobile devices, and thus boasts a significant amount of plugins and web apps that are exclusive to it.

Chrome has also been praised for its speed and tight integration with all other Google products. Firefox is another great everyday browser. Firefox is fast, secure, and boasts a supportive community around the world. All of this makes it a great alternative to Safari and Internet Explorer. Brave is a newcomer to the browser arena that first appear only in There are various ways to do this the easiest being with a Virtual Machine which allows you to run macOS and Windows at the same time.

This also works to run internet explorer on M1 Macs. With this in mind, here are the best ways to view websites on your Mac that require Internet Explorer in Running Windows on your Mac is the surest way to access sites that will only work with Internet Explorer.

For those sites, the only option is to install Windows on your Mac. The easiest way to do this is using Parallels which allows you to run macOS and Windows at the same time so you can switch between them easily. Parallels allows you to run Windows simultaneously with macOS and the good news is that nowadays, you can even run Windows 10 on Mac for free.

Internet Explorer for Mac is incredibly slow, buggy, prone to crashes and freezing and is woefully short of security settings.

Since development finished in , Internet Explorer for Mac doesn't offer even the most basic features that you would consider a prerequisite on any browser nowadays like tabs, extensions, saved sessions or private data management. There are absolutely no compelling reasons to use Internet Explorer for Mac. If you've just switched from Windows to Mac, try one of the browsers suggested above instead.

This latest version — version 5. Always use it, my first browser in Windows and don't want to change,. I got a message that this application doesn't support!!!!! Don't use it ever.. IE is just plain trash, don't listen to people who say this is a good. IE is horrible!. Doesn't work with new MacBooks Pro or Air.


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