Can i delete achievements

That is now an old cap. Games that can leave that status usually legit games so they are not interested to add spam achievements. May you and your "developer" burn in Tartarus for all eternity. I dunno, though.. Maybe it's just that the true worth of that "game" lies in its meta? Legit or not, I really don't get why a developer would include so many achievements.

This game unlocks all achievements as soon as game started. As SAM keeping the game open while operating, that means all achievements unlock again automatically as soon as you relocked them. No personal experience, but I remember I seen a topic like this on astats or on some other forum a year ago. This means you can't get rid of those achievements. The publisher of this game is a tard tho. Their games had only 1 achievement on each game then raged that not enough sales and changed all to 5k.

I really hope for a future valve patch which will affect achievement profile numbers, just like game count. If the game no longer on steam store then earned achievements not counts to total stats, neither to perfect game count and neither to AVGC. As valve getting rid slowly these achievementspam games the numbers would be fixed that way. Also, avoid using SAM for achievement unlocks. Achievement tracker sites likely will catch you.

If you want to show off with numbers to nonachievement lover they not going to care. If you going to show off to those who like achievements Additionally, valve tracks a lot of information, who knows if using it not backfire once i hope it will once, so SAM cheaters will suffer:-D.

Discussions Off Topic How do I remove steam achievements? How do I remove steam achievements? Comment has been collapsed. Steam Achievement Manager Not sure if that's the latest version though so you might wanna google it yourself. I can not with this program they disappear, but appear again. I just heard that it can also be used to remove achievements.

I used it to reset my achievements as well. Just don't use sam while on a secure server. Per page: 15 30 Date Posted: 4 Feb, pm. Posts: Start a New Discussion. Discussions Rules and Guidelines. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic harassment, fighting, or rude posts. All rights reserved. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Some geospatial data on this website is provided by geonames.

Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. Hi, it's not possible to delete a game from your achievement history if you have 1 or more achievements unlocked for that game.

The only games that can be removed Hiding them is the games you have played and not unlocked an achievement on. This doesn't cost anything to do it either. Was this reply helpful?

How satisfied are you with this reply?. You shouldn't feel that bad about it. I don't think anyone else is going to notice it should be alright :. Hey XTR, sadly there is not a way to hide you gamerscore since they are synced to your Gamertag.

I also want to assure you that no one in the Xbox community will judge you for your gamerscore or percentage completion of any games. There is a multitude of reasons why one may not complete all the achievements in a game from server shutdowns or difficulty.

We are just glad you are playing Xbox and if you would like, maybe you could voice your ideas on the Xbox Insiders program or Xbox Ideas. I do the same question you do. I also have some games on my list that I can't get any more achievement.


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