Worth a shot if it's not just overheating. I had the same problem and found this fix. Power on at the console but hold the button until you hear a second beep.
Continue through the prompts. I don't know why this works for me but resetting the output solves the freezing. Some people like to "hide" their game systems so they usually get put in a cramped shelf which doesn't allow for ample cooling because the air in there can't escape so it heats up. I know what I gotta do now, thanks brother! Stay Safe. Chris Green chrisgreen. If you want to dissasemble it, try tightening the CPU Clamps, if they are uneven, they may cause the PS3 to overheat and freeze, this also applies to xbox 's.
Also if you have a intercool is it the problem? My nephew's PS3 had one, and it got clod and burn his PS3 out. Some of the video website have detail video on PS3 repair.
Gelvin Enterprises, LLC. Tim Gelvin knows what he's talking about. I've attempted to repair many xboxes with the Red Ring. I had the same problem with mine, got to fix it changing the HD with bigger capacity, the original was out of use even for other devices. My problem is every time I play a certain game it freezes but not with the other ones like it will freeze for a minute then unfreeze continually.
Mohsin Boruah mohsinboruah. To quickly navigate the menu, the controller should be connected to the PlayStation through the USB cable. After entering the safe mode menu in the PlayStation, go to the restore file system, which is used to scan and analyze the diagnosed corrupted data.
Entering this option, the PlayStation will be scanned and evaluated, particularly focusing on the hard drive areas that are not allocated for firmware storage. Give the gadget a few minutes after selecting this option. This will clear and remove the faulty data or corrupted information that is impairing the function of the hard drive.
However, some of the useful and valuable data would also be removed. The restored PlayStation 3 system can also be accessed through the system menu. By accepting this option, the PlayStation 3 will ultimately remove all the corrupted files and information along with essential files retained on the hard drive. Removing impaired data from the PlayStation hardware can be easily completed; however, to avoid using this option, the data writing procedure must be completed correctly. The hard drive gets damaged if the additional files impeach the data.
Users tend to turn off the PlayStation when there are incomplete files and do not properly shut down the PlayStation. Properly switching it off before the file transfer is a required regulation. These are some of the most common causes of hard drive corruption and can be avoided if performed correctly. Because of their commendable strategies, PlayStation has acquired followers from everywhere. Why does the ps3 freeze?
Why does my ps3 freeze when I turn it on? How do you open an original PS3? How do I clean my PS3 fan? You can enter Safe Mode by shutting down the PS3, then starting it up by pressing and holding the power button for 10 seconds until you hear three beeps.
PS3 freezing during gameplay or after start usually because of hardware problems such as overheating, dusty fun, or damaged hard disk. If your system freezes, hold down the power button until it shuts down. You may run into the GTA5 freezing issue when the game program is not properly installed on your PC…. Fix 5: Reinstall your game. Usually this problem is caused by your graphics card issue.
If your graphics card is unstable or corrupted, your game crashes on startup.