Alec John Such laid down melodic licks on the bass that served as the bridge between Torres and the rest of the band.
David Bryan knew when to shine with a keyboard solo and when to lay back in the soundscape of the song. With all-stars like producer Bruce Fairborn and engineer Bob Rock behind the mixing console, the album has a slick, full production sound—complete with a classic 80s larger-than-life reverb effect on the snare drum. This production sound captured the volume and excitement of the arena concerts Bon Jovi would become known for. Bon Jovi altered the landscape of rock and roll by helping to popularize metal across the globe because they stood among the first metal bands to receive heavy rotation on MTV.
They helped Skid Row get their first record deal and gave them access to huge audiences by having them as an opening act on the New Jersey tour. Bon Jovi always stayed true to the core of their sound, but kept up with the times by responding to sonic trends in the industry — from 90s alternative, to dance club sounds, to country. Bon Jovi inspired pop-rock bands like the Goo Goo Dolls in the 90s. And, through their cowboy anthems, they laid the groundwork for many country musicians like Sugarland, Jason Aldean, and Dierks Bentley to incorporate rock into their country style.
Working at Vancouver-based Little Mountain Sound Studios with the band, Fairbairn and Rock imbued the tunes with the right amount of reverb, sonic gloss and a thick drum sound that would make the pop-rock tunes feel heavier than they were. It has become a classic of their canon. The finished album reflected the raucous spirit of their Vancouver adventures, and ultimately the title was inspired by the No.
But while Slippery When Wet genuinely reflected the lifestyle its creators were living, frontman Jon Bon Jovi was a driving musical ringleader who took things very seriously. From day one he wanted to be a star, and no one would derail him from his objective. Neither their label nor their manager were sold on that dubious Wild West makeover, so photographer Mark Weiss created a wet T-shirt cover that, had it been released here, would have probably been banned from some retail chains and perhaps turned off many of the teen girls that swooned over them.
While that cover did make it to Japanese release, it was nixed for America and Europe at the 11th hour and replaced with Slippery When Wet simply spelled out on a wet garbage bag.
Cynical detractors might have quipped that the final cover was as bland as the vanilla rock within; either way it did not hurt sales. The album impressed the masses as well as those within the industry.
Bon Jovi. That team was just on fire, man. They were just something else. It became a hit but took until late November to top the charts, a month after the album hit No. The Jersey boys toured incessantly during that time, opening for Judas Priest,. By mid-December, they launched an epic eight-month North American tour with support act Cinderella, whom Jon had helped land a deal at his label.
And by the way, we had 80 more shows left on that tour. But we did it. And it was very successful. I think that my goal is just to try to be a better version of myself every day. Just try to do something to better yourself. Even if that something is just You know? A better person. Middle age is rough. A lot happens between 48 and I sort of joke that 50 is the last decadent birthday, but by 58 you have a different kind of perspective.
Fix those circumstances and get them right now, start writing your own chapters. Live with them. Make them something worth reading again.
No real problems. Stephanie is doing well and works in television. The youngest is fully committed to playing the guitar and wanting to learn how to write. He just took a step where he can really play the guitar. Jake is gonna go to Syracuse for acting. He spent the past year studying. We talked about family, religion, music—Jersey law requires me to ask you about football and politics. But you seem to code switch between worlds and get along with lots of different people. I like some of their tunes, good 80's hits, but they are not important enough for induction.
Dezmond that's where you're DEAD WRONG The band was supposed to do a live performance at the mtv music awards in when the Jon and Richie decided that they should do an acoustic performance instead of the regular electric one.
It was nowhere near being the network's idea. The guys went out there and performed the acoustic sets of two of their hit songs i. And you Bon jovi haters talk about a boring discussion,well son get your facts straight before even starting a discussion. Over Jann Wenner's dead body do Bon Jovi get in. And mine. I won't allow it.
It's not happening. A snowball's chance in hell. Posted by Matt. It was a hit. Hence, them creating it.
You have to keep in mind that the Hall of Fame recognizes achievement, not opinion or taste. Achievement in music can come from various places but usually starts with widespread success. No one can deny that Bon Jovi has had 25 years of widespread success. They've sold over million albums. The Hall of Fame's purpose is to recognize artists who've left a profound impact on the course of rock 'n' roll itself. Bon Jovi fits the bill. I predict they'll be nominated and make it in the first year they're eligible.
I never realized that Bon Jovi was the first artist in the history of the world to do an impromptu acoustic set. I stand corrected, then. Perhaps they did give MTV the idea for a show of acoustic campfire sessions. Ashley, you are right, the Hall of Fame is supposed to reward achievement.
Now the reality is that often artists are inducted precisely because of the personal tastes of the power players on the committee, such as Wenner and Landau. But that's another discussion.
So, sure sales are a factor to consider, but far from the strongest argument to make for a band's induction. They just have not achieved a level of creativity and moving the music forward in some way to warrant induction. They were a solid pop hair band from the 80's who have managed to survive the backlash and now can sell out some nostalgia drenched shows. I doubt the band of "Little Runaway" or whatever the song is called will be inducted in the Hall. If they are, it will be because it was a very slow year and they were running out of eligible artists still waiting to get in.
Put down the pipe Dezmond. An artist who has sold over ,, albums and still sells out stadiums has a accomplished significant achievements.
But the Hall of Fame voters each have their own agenda, so we'll see what happens in two years. I think Bon Jovi should make it in, easy. They have been one of the most greatest bands ever.
They also have came up with alot of amazing songs, and there still coming up with more. Bon Jovi Rocks! Well Ashley if sales are so important why do I not see you making a stand on the Justin Timberlake page?
I agree that sales can be a factor to consider, but like I said, it is only one of several factors, and not the most important one. It can cut either way, so it is not determinative. For instance, The Velvet Underground, a RRHOF inductee and acknowledged as one of the most important and influential bands in rock history, didn't sell many records at all when they were together. They often didn't even fill clubs, much less arenas or stadiums.
Yet there they are, and nobody could seriously argue that they don't belong there just because they didn't sell a lot of records. On the flip side, The Monkees sold a crapload of records in their day, but they should not be inducted. I pick extreme examples, but you see my point, I hope. I am not denying that commercial success is not a factor, but when other factors are against you, it cannot save you. They should be they are a huge band with a huge following having been around for over 20 years, not many bands mange that these days, They have influnced lots of other acts and there music has been used in countless films and tv shows They are one of the biggest bands out there, they desreve this more than anyone.
Every time i see them they are sold out, they are the band every one loves to hate but i love them and ,, plus fans cant be wrong!! This entire debate is futile nonsense and a place for anger management-challenged boys to vent their verbal diarrhea.
Bon Jovi is simply not respected as they should be. Not by critics. Not by 'music fans' who think they have a club about what is 'legitimate' or 'important' music Not by even lamer music fans who have such low self esteem that they find their identities bolster when they align their own personal music tastes with those deemed acceptable by the so-called arbitors and gatekeepers of what is good music. Please, make stamps of Bruce and Bono so these sycophants can like their ass even more. It's all bullshit.
It's no secret that KISS is not getting in because some of those on the board have a hard on and have publicly stated they will not allow them in.
What kind of idiocy is that? I'm not a huge KISS fan and I think they're a joke now - milking a one-note career brilliantly but chasing the dollars only now I understand the argument if Kiss can't get in, then Bon Jovi shouldn't -- in theory you might not be wrong, but this isn't theoretical.
You'd deny Bon Jovi something because Kiss is being denied it? Bon Jovi opened for Kiss -- pretty sure the band would vote unanimously for Kiss to be in the Hall of Fame.
But I suppose its easier to toss around some pedantic and tired attempts at insults hair band, chick band, unoriginal, blah, blah, blah than accept they too deserve a place in the Hall of Fame. Want to make a statement? Publicize the vocal board members who have made it a life's crusade to keep KISS out?
It's a playground where the bullies are music industry "experts? MY opinion as a fan of music is just as legitimate as a corner-office, grey-haired suit still talking about the salad days when they did the marketing for Bruce's Born In The USA album Bon Jovi have alot of detractors. Many unwarranted. Facts are facts Ray Davies, Jules Holland -- all great but until the MTV execs saw that the audience reacted well to the idea, they didn't jump to create the UnPlugged series, albums and subsequent movement If you don't like Bon Jovi, fine.
If you don't think they belong in the hall of fame, fine. But if you think YOUR opinion matters any more than anyone elses, that you have some sure handle on the truth, you're delusional and frustrated. There are lots of artists that deserve to be in the hall of fame -- some that got in too early, some that shouldn't have to fight again and again for the nomination and then the induction But that's not Bon Jovi's fault.
It's the fault of the self-appointed judges who think themselves superior to the artists and the public. Take your bile and anger out towards them or, better yet, push for who you want in But take your schoolyard taunts and pedestrians jabs elsewhere -- somewhere, a second-grade classroom is missing the petulant kid in the last row. This band rocks and keeps on rocking. They have reached more fans worldwide than any other artist.
They touch people with their lyrics, and let's just say their live shows are somewhat of a religious experience. We have been blessed with great song writers, singers, and performers with Bon Jovi. The first time I ever heard Runaway I said this guy is going to be a huge star.
These guys so deserve to be put into the Rock and Roll hall of fame, it would be quite an injustice if they weren't put into it. Here's to another The other artists were great in there time but, other than the Red Hot Chili Peppers what have they done in the last years?
Cindy Lauper has made a small comeback as of late but, Bon Jovi is the only one that has stayed in the spotlights since the group formed. BonJovi is filling arenas,and selling big numbers of albums. They are still experimenting, growing, and evolving. Plus, all the social and economic contributions that have become important to them makes, them Hall of Famers in my book!!! They are truely images for positive role models. Young musicians should take note. You can call them a hair band, glam band or whatever else you want but they must be doing something right if they are still around today making music and selling out concerts.
Talented songwriters, gifted musicians. Maybe if they were ugly they'd have more street-cred. It doesn't matter, they should get in.
Very few bands endure for 25 years and they have evolved with the times and continue to show the world some great music. How many of today's 'artists' because few are actually musicians do you think will be around come ? Very few, I'd wager.
I agree with the idea that everyone has an opinion. However, before you can formulate an "intelligent opinion" you should know all the facts. Most of Bon Jovi's released singles haven't always in my opinion been the best choices to reflect the band's talent. But how can anyone judge a band's entire career based solely on their single releases?! Listen to their entire catalog with an unbiased ear and I promise you will find a lot more talent than you bargained for.
Not to mention the amazing work that did get released as singles but didn't receive much attention Like: Dry County Someday I'll be Saturday Night Something to Believe in Good Guys don't Always Wear White I am willing to bet that most of the people that have said something negative about the band's imminent induction into the Hall of Fame have never heard any of these songs, much less the entire catalog.
Make up your own minds based on the material that the band put forth, not what everyone else says And you can't do that if you're not hearing the songs. Most of the music critics have never been kind to the band Personally, I feel that they've always received a pretty bad wrap from the industry, not the respect that they need. It's not "cool" to like Bon Jovi and most musicians are unwilling to give the band credit as one of their influences However, their impact on the music scene is very apparent and it's a real shame that they are not more recognized for that achievement.
Bon Jovi have meant a great deal to me throught my life. Their music has been of great solice in my times of need. They have impacted my life with their work and that alone makes them more than deserving of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame!!!
Bon Jovi is one of the greatest bands that ever lived! Im surprised they are not in the hall of fame already! They really deserve to be in there. The have sold millions of records, had many hits, and have sold out shows all over the world for over 20 years. I have always been a fan and i love them and their music. Bon Jovi's music is music that many people can relate to. They will be around for a long, long time and continue to sell millions of albums and keep making hits.
Here's to another 20 years of great music!!! I appreciate the heartfelt sentiments from Marta and others. I've got some favorite bands too that have meant a lot to me. Some are in the Hall of Fame already, some will probably get in eventually, and some I am fairly certain will never make it.
Unfortunately, the fact that you really dig the band and they are one of your favorites is not part of the criteria for induction. I could discuss at length why I think Men At Work was a great band and how Colin Hay is not as respected as he should be, but at the same time I would not try and argue that they should be in the Hall of Fame.
The fact that I really like them a lot is irrelevant to the conversation. In effect, if they influenced anyone, they were heavily influenced themselves. They probably will eventually be inducted, but I don't think on merit. And not to mention.. Bon Jovi is a damn good band that has stood the test of time, but they can't go in before they finish inducting all of the deserving bands from the 70's.
Posted by CJ on Monday, A discussion board is not going to sway any opinions, nor does any single post here denote superior knowledge or intelligence over any other.
When the Hall inducts its people, they use criteria. If those critera are met or surpassed, the nominee gets in, If not, they don't. We, as fans of music, have limited influence over that criteria, the influence being in the areas of sales, marketing and the like: if we buy albums, the band gets sales. If we buy merchandise and splatter the band logo everywhere, they get credit for being commercially acceptable.
But induction in to the Hall is comprised of more than just sales: it is influenced by longevity in the business which Bon Jovi has, whether anyone likes it or not , quality of music which is subjective and only matters to those on the election commite and other intangible factors. SInce nobody on the committe appears to have a grudge against Bon Jovi, and Bon Jovi is currently in a favorable light in the media, I'd say they are a shoe-in.
First rock band to go number one on the Definite influence there. A hundred milion tickets sold around the globe? Bon Jovi brings rock to Russia.
Bon Jovi is the impetus for the creation of the Unplugged series. Basic marketing there, and this band is a marketing wet dream. This band has made so much good music it almost hurts to hear their new stuff. One should look at the postive sides of their career, and if one do they should definately be inducted for albums like Slippery When Wet and Keep The Faith. I agree with Stan, who states that Bon Jovi shouldn't get in until several 70s bands get in.
I don't agree that those bands should be in; rather, Bon Jovi is, and always has been, the 80s equivalent of the Steve Miller Band, Grand Funk, Styx, et al.
They're all perfectly workmanlike arena bands but, like a decent utility infielder, you can't really call them Hall of Famers. Sorry, Bon Jovi, but you don't belong. These Days and Keep the Faith sold extremely well overseas These Days is claimed to have sold over 20 million , but were only lower level hits in the US.
Much like Metallica, they are not afraid to go in a completely different direction with an album a Bon Jovi Country album forthcoming? And can any of you honestly sit there and say that the Beatles and Rolling Stones "classier" song writers. People don't look at the "intellectual" value of a song all the time, some just look for fun songs. It is pathetic that Bon Jovi is stereotyped and dismissed because they started in and were the poster boys of the 80's glam metal scene.
And that doesn't make sense anyway you think about it. Every one remembers the songs from that scene and has come free of that "guilty pleasure" monicker forced on it during the horribly overrated grundge era.
Just play Cherry Pie and see how many know it. Bon Jovie just happened to have two major albums come out in that period. And millions of people of worldwide would pay quite a hefty sum to hear those songs live in concert but unlike the Rolling Stones, Bon Jovi doesn't stab you in the heart, kick you to the ground and steal all your money before they give you tickets. If they are not in, it is not a stain on Bon Jovi, it is a stain on the hall.
Good god no! They were formed when a big record company needed a bunch of gay posers who could look like they could play an instrument when they couldn't. Posted by Evan on Friday, Where were you when Always took off like a rocket, and Crossroad sold what, With only 2 band albums released with all new material in the '90's, Keep the Faith-'92; These Days-'95 the band had 7 singles chart in the US.
All three of the albums they released in the 90's the 2 mentioned above, plus hits package Crossroad made the top 10 in the charts. I don't understand how anyone hear can argue against the band's merits. Musically, fine. That's personal taste. There are several bands in the hall I don't enjoy, but I won't argue the merits of them. I mean Bon Jovi has ,, records sold, has massive success any time they tour, has had something like 15 US top 40 singles, and are evn more successful in Europe. They clearly have longevity and staying power, as well as a huge amount of commercial appeal.
You want to sit here and say their music sucks, fine. But don't deny that they are in the pantheon of greats, and deserve to be in the hall. Commerically successful band? No doubt. HOF Material No Sorry, the way it is As for record sales, half of the sales are from woman who think he is "hot. Personally, a few of his songs are catchy, but for the most part he stinks Anonymous,quit smoking pot.
The booklets accompanying the records don't contain "softcore" pictures of Jon for the girls. The band is different,hell yes. They had the balls to diversify from the whole glam rock scene and start making some really good rock music when artists similar to them were struggling like shit. Even in the 's,they came back with a bang.
They certainly fiddled with their music Crush pop-rockish material.. Bounce back on the hard rock track.. This Left Feels Right artistic genius.. Have A Nice Day a loud, feel good rock record.. But nonetheless,they have succeeded. Influential,yes Many artists praise Bon Jovi for their longevity in the business,certainly it's not because of Jon's hotness,the guy has himself admitted that.
Hall Of Fame material I'll be damned if they don't make it in.. And get your facts straight,"He".. No, I was here merely to give my opinion. It does not mean that I am right That's ok Anonymous,i respect your opinion,but i couldn't tolerate the "records sold due to jon's hotness" comment,this band has made some great music and the still continue to do so,we all have out individual choices and opinion.
Once again,you've shown your mentality. HIS music might not be great,of course,the guy has only released 2 solo albums till date,but the band is legendary. You might not agree with me,big deal,there are many people who won't but then again there are many people who would.
There are so many bands that are better than Bon Jovi. They are just your average boring rock band. Five better '80s bands?
That wasn't hard at all. William, you forgot R. Remember that we need to keep shoving the fact that R. I "forgot" a lot of things because typing every single '80s band better than Bon Jovi would take too long. If you honestly can't think of at least five better bands from the '80s, I pity you. No, I can For Reals think of at least 5 bands from the 80's I believe are superior to Bon Jovi; I was just concurring with the point your long list made that there are so many, and BJ is so bad, that even kitschy acts could be considered their better.
You know, this can get rally dry and void of fun when we have to be so cold sober and austere. I was using "you" in the general sense, not specifically directed at anyone except maybe the girl who made the challenge in the first place.
But hey, BJ have at least got us discussing their relevance. And doesn't that make them Hall worthy? William,except for Metallica and U2,where are the rest of your bands? Shawn wrote: Simply better than B.
You forgot Wham! William wrote: I "forgot" a lot of things because typing every single '80s band better than Bon Jovi would take too long. Run for your lives! The Bon Jovi Army has been awakened and they are displeased! On a steel horse they ride and they have Aqua Net! Save yourselves!! Imagine that. Liking a successful band does not make you a successful person. Making bullshit arguments about record sales in defense of boring-as-fuck third-rate Bruce Springsteen wannabe with one half-decent album to his name doesn't help either.
Maybe if you weren't so busy looking at what you had for dinner last night, you'd pull your head out your ass and open up to the huge world of music that surrounds you. William,apparently you seem to hate every other mainstream rock act,i've seen your whiner ass comments in Metallica and Green Day threads too.
And I'll be saying what other's told ya You and your alternate loving friends can go to hell. Have A Nice Day. Not liking mainstream artists is a sign of social deviation now?
People who say "I hate all underground" or "I hate all mainstream" miss the point entirely and should be kicked in the face with a loaded boot. Quit trying to co-opt their success. Respect is not freely given, it is earned. If William or anyone else on this board feels an artist has not earned his respect, then he's free to disrespect that artist in front of God, the congregation, and everyone. No, I'm being entirely objective when I say that his innovation is nonexistant and his influence relatively small.
If you want to argue against that as opposed to this touchy-feely "everyone has an opinion and opinions can't be wrong" garbage, then list some things Bon Jovi did that no band or artist before him accomplished, and then list some bands that he inspired. I can think of a couple of the latter not enough, I think, for induction , but of the former William,get your "he" and "they" facts straing,then maybe we can argue. Bon Jovi definitely deserves to be in the HOF. Not only have they had commercial success for 3 decades, they have also sold out many arenas and stadiums in many continents, and they did create the MTV Unplugged series.
Sure, Bon Jovi isn't the most influential band of all-time, and they didn't create a genre of music. But what they have done is change genres from "glam-rock" SWW, NJ to "grunge" TD to contemporary rock Crush, Bounce, HAND and now to "country" Lost Highway They have reinvented themselves over three decades to stay relevant, and many people on these boards are going to say that they've done that to "sell-out.
And to the person who compared Bon Jovi to a utility infielder in Baseball, that is incorrect. Bon Jovi would be like someone who hit for a career average of. So yes, Bon Jovi does deserve to be in the HOF, and I know people will disagree with this, and I'm sure there are some bands that I disagree with their induction into the Hall.