Everything from the legendary pre-match Monster video, to the entrances that show the differences in the two characters perfectly, to the actual match. The atmosphere is magical with the crowd reacting huge to everything Bryan did, thus making all of his comebacks even more amazing than they already are.
Gotta mention Steph as well - she was really great talking shit to Bryan the whole way through. Added quite a bit to the bout. It's all about as compelling as wrestling gets for me.
Simply put, when I think about my favorite WWE matches of all-time, nothing comes to my mind faster than Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H, WrestleMania Makai Club wrote on Tons of story behind this, some say going all the way back to WrestleMania 28, all leading up to this moments. Tons of emotion and uncertainty going into this match mixed with the fans being disgruntled at the time.
It all mixed together and created an intense atmosphere for this match. Loved the start with HHH offering a handshake to Bryan, only for Bryan to kick it away and one up him, sending him to the outside and then offering a hand shake back.
Set the tone for the rest of this match. Some good back and forth before HHH spammed Bryan's already injured arm onto the announcers table.
Triple H? He adopted all his offence into working on the arm. Locking on the crossface and even hitting the tiger driver of all things. Appreciated that. Bryan sold it all excellently too imo - no noticeable no sells from him at all. His comebacks were awesome too. Very subdued as far as playing to the crowd. It was all focused and direct. Two great performances to kick off WM Steamboat wrote on Das Finish ist entgegen dem Matchverlauf eher kurz und knackig und bereitet mit seinem erhofften Ergebnis den ME vor.
SED wrote on Just awesome. Triple H and Daniel Bryan stole the show and destroyed each other. I love Triple H destroying one body part for a long, long time. It seems so logical, but many WWE superstars don't do it these days. Daniel Bryan is incredible. Triple H is outstanding. The Yes Movement was on fire. The promo package and feud were phenomenal. CriticalDustbite wrote on A heated technical match, but a technical match nonetheless.
It seemed a strange choice to culminate on of the most heated feuds in recent memory. But you know what? It was pretty special! Normally, Triple H's greatest failure is his ego. He sees himself as the heir to Harley Race and, in truth, technical wrestling is not his strength.
In his mind, he's a throwback to the 's. In his heart, however, he's a blood-and-guts brawler. It's this disconnect that can sometimes creates a gulf between Hunter and the crowd. The result is the kind of match he sees as a classic, but that makes everyone in the audience sit on their hands.
But here, he was really on his game. Hunter was reversing holds, nailing esoteric Japanese-style suplexes and really delivering one of his best matches in years.
Bryan went over clean, then Hunter got his payback after the match. You couldn't really ask for more from this. The Big Blue Machine wrote on Triple H and Daniel Bryan worked finely with the atomsphere and the crowd, with Triple H showing everybody he could still be a very good heel and put over the hero of the situation. Bryan gave us also one of his best singles performances in WWE. Mizzle Assault Ant wrote on The journey to get to this point was bumpy as hell, but when it came down to it this match was a true classic.
Well-paced and structured. HHH is on top for most. Bryan is definitely the underdog, but he's never totally out of it. He almost wins a few times, but he can't put HHH away. Same in reverse.
Hot crowd, good commentary except JBL. Overall, just really fun, well done match between two greats. Micha wrote on Eines der besten Wrestlemania Matches der Geschichte. Blood Pump wrote on The two had good in ring chemistry and the booking of the match was great too. Summerslam Fan 01 wrote on Solides Match aber der Main Event war besser. Triple h Angriff nach dem Match passte gut zur Fehde".
Nivv wrote on This was Byrans night so it was going to be obcious that the crowd was going to be all for Bryan. HHH was the more interesting wrestler in this match since he was the one picking apart Bryan the whole match just working that injured arm, and Bryan also brought his psychology skills by selling the hell out of HHH's attacks. HHH being a technical worker somehow felt kind of awkward in my opinion to the point where it seemed stiff and unsafe, but maybe its just me being worked.
Ice wrote on Bryan's first match on the road to being champion was a modern classic. TheOneWhoKnocks wrote on In a word, incredible. It's been a while since I'd seen this and I'd forgotten just how good it actually was. The entrances, the "Monster" video package for Bryan, the atmosphere, Stephanie at ringside talking shit to Bryan all the way through, the back and forth action and the storytelling. This was fantastic. What a match.
Wonderful performances from everyone involved. MushaVR96 wrote on The Yes Movement was at its peak and Daniel Bryan was one of the most over superstar ever.
It had a big match feel, the atmosphere was electric and the entrances were perfect. Triple H's character work was outstanding, he played the cocky heel perfectly, he was vicious, he worked a very methodical match, very calculated and was simply perfect.
Daniel Bryan had another amazing performance, his selling was really good and he was the perfect babyface, everytime he managed to get some offense it was exciting and the crowd was behind him. For me, the only problem is that the pace of the match was too slow I really enjoyed Triple H's work but it was not the most exciting. The storytelling and psychology was top-notch though, the drama was amazing and Daniel Bryan finally getting retribution and beating Triple H clean was a huge relief as it was long-awaited after what happened at Summerslam back in Not the most action-packed but a very well worked and structured match.
A perfect match story-wise. Jobbs wrote on HHH was just awesome working on top and Bryan played the underdog extremely well. The psychology and limb work in this match was superb and HHH pulled out some moves I'd never see him do and put on an outstanding performance as well. You could really feel this building throughout the entire bout and the ending was done really well and peaked nicely. Follow us Google News for keeping you always informed.
United States. Rest of the world. Free Guest Lists. Swipe to read more. William Beltran Link copy successful. Shirai, Cantanzaro and Carter. He will have vanquished WWE's chief operating officer, who is also the biggest heel in the company, which means he would have done what very few have ever been able to do—beat Triple H at his own game.
And he would have done it on the WrestleMania stage. Because if that happens, then Triple H simply cannot be in the picture any longer. The biggest reason for this is the most obvious. The fact that Bryan won the championship at WrestleMania would not stop Hunter from going after him once again.
And the fact that Daniel pinned The Game on his way to the top would only be more fuel on the fire. To imagine Triple H would just allow Daniel to be WWE World Heavyweight champion with no response, no action taken whatsoever, seems virtually impossible.
And it also seems incredibly unrealistic. Why would he stop now? That means he must move on to someone else and become completely distracted with another Superstar. Or, perhaps Hunter will step back from WWE programming on a full-time basis.