Why does hamburger turn brown

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Fridge time: 1 to 2 days Freezer time: 3 to 4 months Fresh ground beef goes through a number of color changes during its shelf life. Look for ground beef with a bright red color. Ground beef can turn brown in the absence of oxygen. While this is not necessarily a sign of spoilage, extended exposure to air reduces the normal shelf life of the product. After exposure to the air for 15 minutes or so, the myoglobin receives oxygen and the meat turns bright, cherry red.

After beef has been refrigerated for about five days, it may turn brown. This darkening is due to oxidation, the chemical changes in myoglobin due to the oxygen content. This is a normal change during refrigerator storage. Beef that has turned brown during extended storage may be spoiled, have an off-odor, and be tacky to the touch and should not be used.

Related Information Title. URL Name. Related Articles Why does the color of food change when frozen? What does the color of ground poultry indicate? There is no one point in time where a product is fresh and wholesome and then suddenly becomes spoiled. Changes in color can be an indicator that the process is beginning, but color change alone does not mean the product is spoiled.

The most potent indicator of spoilage is an off odor. A spoiled product also can be sticky or tacky to the touch, or it may be slimy. If meat has developed these characteristics, it should be discarded. A use-by date on a package can also be a good guideline. Some meat may also show an iridescent sheen. This is because meat contains iron, fat, and other compounds.


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