Why do we wear yellow topaz

It signifies all the elements that make you generous, wise, and rich. Jupiter bestows a different kind of effects according to its placement in the birth chart. With a well placed Jupiter in Birth Chart, you become wise and fortunate. However, a weak Jupiter brings tremendous health, mental, and financial issues. Besides, it makes you immoral and unstable. In such a condition, there are numerous remedies for Jupiter. Wearing a Yellow Topaz is also one of the best remedies for Jupiter.

Nonetheless, to gain maximum benefits, you must consult an expert astrologer before wearing the stone. Connect here with the Best Astrologers of India. Yellow Topaz is a highly advantageous stone. However, to attain the maximum benefit, it is important to wear it in the correct manner.

Ideally, you should wear the stone in a gold ring and in the Index finger of the right hand on a Thursday morning. Vedic Astrology. AstroTalk is the best astrology website for online Astrology predictions. Talk to Astrologer on call and get answers to all your worries by seeing the future life through Astrology Kundli Predictions from the best Astrologers from India.

Get best future predictions related to Marriage, love life, Career or Health over call, chat, query or report. Email: contact astrotalk. All Rights Reserved. Daily Horoscope. If Jupiter is well placed in the individual horoscope like Lord of triangle 1st, 5th, and 9th house then you can wear a topaz gemstone.

The Topaz gemstone is very auspicious for Aries, cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces sign but there are specific conditions and placement of the star Jupiter on which it depends whether Topaz gemstone will suit a person or not so before wearing people must be must consult an expert astrologer.

Topaz gemstone is very auspicious for Aries ascendant because Jupiter becomes the lord of the 9th and 12th house. If you are the Aries ascendant and Jupiter is placed in the 1st, 4th, 5th, and 9th houses in your horoscope should wear the Topaz gemstone for the whole life. The 9th house is the very auspicious houses in every birth chart and if an individual wears Topaz gemstone then the person gets health, wealth and fame.

It will give tremendous results in the period or sub period of Jupiter. If you are a Taurus or Gemini ascendant then Topaz gemstone will give you inauspicious result because as a Taurus ascendant Jupiter is the lord of 8th and 11th house and 8th house of obstacle and accident and 11th is gain. If you are born as cancer ascendant then you should wear Topaz gemstone because Jupiter is the Lord of the 6th and 9th trine house of fame and fortune.

So this is most auspicious houses in the horoscope. If you wear Topaz then you will get very good opportunities in the workplace, promotion in career and also sustain good health. If you are a Lawyer then must wear yellow topaz or yellow sapphire. For Leo ascendant Jupiter becomes lord of the 5th house so it will produce very good results. If you wear this gemstone you can be a father of a son and also get wealth, ministry etc. If you are born in this ascendant Jupiter becomes the Lord of two quadrant houses 4th quadrant house of property, mother and pleasures and the 7th house of marriage and partnerships.

In that case, the native should consider wearing a Topaz gemstone only when the Jupiter periods or sub period is going on. The result of these houses is not auspicious for native. Jupiter is the enemy for ascendant lord Venus.

Topaz gemstone is good for you for Scorpio ascendant native reason is that Jupiter becomes the lord of 5th and 2nd. If your birth chart Jupiter is posited in 1st, 2nd, 5th, 9th, and 10th house you can wear Topaz or Yellow Sapphire gemstones for throughout life. Jupiter posited in the 4th house, 7th house and 11th house will also prove auspicious in its period. In such a planetary period, individuals can give strength to Jupiter by wearing Yellow Sapphire.

If you were born in a Sagittarius ascendant, then Jupiter is the main planet of the horoscope and Jupiter becomes the Lord of the 1st, 4th and 10th house. The first house represents self, the fourth house represents mother, pleasure, property, vehicle and 10th house donate career, profession, promotion etc so that you can wear Topaz gemstone throughout life.

If you were born in Capricorn ascendant then Jupiter becomes lord of the 3rd house of courage, siblings, journey and the 12th house of expenditure and losses so that Topaz gemstone should not be wear. If you were born in Aquarius ascendant then Jupiter becomes lord of the 2nd and 11th house. In astrology 2nd house donate wealth, and the 11th house of gain, both houses are good for materialistic point of view. Individuals should consider wearing Topaz gemstone only when Jupiter period is going on.

A Natural Yellow Topaz would usually have some inclusions, and the decision about which Yellow Topaz to buy would also be decided by budgetary constraints.

Contact Us. Need Help - admin sitarejewels. Go to Posted in: Semi-Precious Gems. Benefits of Yellow Topaz — Golden Topaz is a strong stone for health issues like joint pain, lower backache, elimination problems, obesity, constipation, anorexia, and poor immune system function.


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