Do you really want me to cancel my order because you won't take this? Let me talk to your manager. Where's your manager? The cashier turned around and summoned her manager, who happened to be right behind her and heard the entire thing.
Is that really what you want? I'm just trying to pay here. I only have hundreds. I can't lie—I wish he'd stuck to his guns instead of reinforcing to RG that antagonizing customer service people is the best way to get what he wants. Up until now, the interaction hadn't been too unusual.
What really boggled my mind was that after this entire production, RG's girlfriend was all over him! She giggled and started nuzzling and kissing his neck, seemingly proud that he'd fought valiantly for their right to use hundos even when it went against company policy.
Of course, serial cheaters wouldn't get the "serial" in their name if they weren't appealing enough to make you ignore their dirtbag actions. Greenberg explains the phenomenon of falling for a repeat-cheater as simply believing that him cheating had more to do with the other women than it did with him. As incredible and special as he might make you feel, you're more of an escape to him than someone he "just loves so much" that he has to cheat on his current-girlfriend.
This is the guy who goes off about his own opinions and accomplishments so often that a part of you is actually embarrassed to be with him. He talks over your friends and acts like the ultimate authority over everything, yet a part of you believes he might be?
According to Dr. Greenberg, sometimes arrogance and cockiness is mistaken for true confidence and ability. And sometimes, if he's a true narcissist, the line between confident and cocky can get blurry. There are a few potential reasons you find yourself dating men who take the "humble" out of "humblebragging. You find the men you date always need you so much more than you need them — from you teaching them to put money in their savings account to re-doing the dishes after they forget to wash the bottoms of the plates.
Supporting a partner is great, but if you're honest with yourself, your relationships always feel uneven.
One of the reasons, as Dr. Greenberg notes, is that you're simply mirroring what you grew up with — a mother or women in general who did all the work in the family. Another could be that you feel comfortable being needed. And hey, it's not to say that men with Peter Pan Syndrome are always unpleasant to be around.
It's up to every couple to decide where they're willing to compromise — some people don't mind cleaning up after their partner if they have other really great traits. But if you're both sick of man-children yet keep dating them, it's good to do some deeper digging. This is the male friend who cries "friendzone" if you turn down his advances. You're not actually that into him, but you feel bad saying "no" when he's done so much to try and win you over.
One guy might have the perfect hair, smile, and six-pack abs. Some douchebags are informed of the right moves to perform in bed. They can make a girl who has never had an orgasm before be screaming at the top of her lungs. The pleasure you receive from someone has the potential to be addicting.
Sadly, some of these bad guys think it is. Females can be biased. Not all of them are , but a large handful are. They might base how boring a guy is off of an exchange they had with a nice guy once. A lot of nice guys can bring excitement and fun into your life. Douchebags can be hard to get into a relationship with because they have such a variety of women to choose from. Men like this are not a fan of commitment. Most girls have experienced this one way or the other. But, that feeling might not last too long.
When girls win the chase, they usually then experience how difficult it can be to date one of these types of guys. It might take a week, month, or even a year for women to become aware of it. Daddy issues are a real problem. A lot of women have grown up without a dad or father figure in their life. There are some not-so-great dads out there, and sometimes women need someone who will fill that missing piece. As someone who has been in that position, I can definitely say that the logic is one hundred percent wrong.
These types of women sometimes refuse to open up about the reason behind why they fail to respect themselves. Men that disrespect women know exactly what their strong and weak points are. They know what words will fix everything. If a girl has this problem, she has to fix it by herself. Nobody else can force her to love herself. Women are attracted to what they hear. Douchebags are highly talented at knowing the right words to say to girls.
Women want an honest man. We love being told what we want to hear, but we also want the words to be honest at the same time.