Nonetheless, dark-skinned people are not immune to UV damage. Therefore, it is important to use moisturizer rich in vitamin E and C and also sunscreen with a minimum sun protection factor SPF of 30 every time you go outdoors, even if you have dark skin.
Some experts believe that the Asian facial shape also plays a role in the well-preserved look, based on the specific location of fat. Asians have more fat around the eyes, which prevents wrinkles in that area. Facial fat around the mouth also supports the youthful look of many Asian women. The fatty pads around the mouth hamper the formation of wrinkles, resulting in a smoother look. Moreover, the anatomy and facial form of Asians, such as the small eyes, thin lips, higher cheek bones and short forehead is believed by some experts to make Asian women look a couple of years younger than they really are.
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TheJakartaPost Please Update your browser Your browser is out of date, and may not be compatible with our website. LOG IN. Forgot Password? Or continue login with Google Facebook Linkedin. Register here Want to register your company or campus? Register here. Do Asians really age more slowly? Two elderly Asian people run in a park to maintain good health. Share this article. Hello Sehat The Jakarta Post. Plump skin actually has positive connotations, attributed to youth.
Liotta, your genetics can determine whether you have higher fat content in deeper areas of the skin. Your skin tone and sunburn-likelihood affects how you age. Melanin, the pigment that gives your skin and hair its color, affects aging. The higher you fall on the Fitzpatrick scale, which categorizes skin tones according to numbers 1 for very fair and prone to sunburns to 6 for very dark skin that rarely burns , the more melanin your skin contains.
Your skin is made up of collagen and elastin — materials that make up the structure that holds up your skin. The sun and its UV rays break down collagen and elastin, which leads to sagging and other signs of aging. Melanin-rich skin has the benefit of additional built-in UV radiation, but also tends to show aging in a form other than wrinkles. Melanin confers pigment that can also translate to hyperpigmentation and sun spots, which is why this is a primary aging concern for those on the darker end on the Fitzpatrick scale.
Asian may not raisin, but we do speckle. Extrinsic and intrinsic aging factors are so intertwined that, Dr. Melanin which is the pigment responsible for color e. Asians have more melanin compared to their Caucasian counterparts, but less than African Americans. Skin color matters, but so does culture. Tanning became a beauty trend in North America and Europe in the mid 20th Century.
Pale skin tones, once a sign of social status in the West, became less popular as tanned skin began to be viewed as both healthy and trendy. Today, Asians are much more conscious of sun damage and its effects on aging. Umbrellas and hats are used routinely as sun protection in Asia. The most important factor is genetics. One of the important markers of youth is facial volume — how much fat a person has on their face. For example, babies have very chubby cheeks. Babies are as youthful as it gets.
Asians tend to have more fat volume in the cheek and eyelid area compared to Caucasians. Individually, everyone is different. This is the secret to their seemingly timeless appearance.