Who is a new scheme teacher

The NTIP consists of the following induction elements:. The first few years of teaching are a critical time for professional learning and growth.

New teachers who receive support and mentorship via NTIP will become the mentors for the next generation of new hires and ultimately of the students they will teach. Long Term Occasional Teachers Boards are encouraged to provide the induction elements to:.

The inclusion of these teachers as eligible to participate in any of the NTIP induction elements is designed to provide boards with flexibility to respond to local hiring realities and potentially to support new teachers for a greater length of time.

Boards may decide to include an entire category of NTIP eligible teachers or base the supports they offer on a case by case basis. In addition to the NTIP induction elements, new permanent hires are evaluated twice within their first 12 months of employment through the Teacher Performance Appraisal process. Advanced Search. Privacy Copyright. University of Wollongong Thesis Collection Abstract The problems that beginning teachers face early in their careers are a major factor in growing rates of attrition among neophyte teachers.

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Joining the profession. For beginning teachers. For teachers. For overseas-trained teachers. For professional leaders. For relief teachers. For Limited Authority to Teach. Our Code, Our Standards. Rauhuia Leadership Space. Professional Growth Cycle. ITE providers. Competence concerns. Conduct concerns. Problems affecting ability to teach. Resource Centre Search by topic for webinars, videos, documents and more to help your practice and leadership grow.


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