The president of the United States can veto statutes proposed by Congress. The president also has the authority to nominate federal justices and judges, who thereafter serve for life.
State executive branches have similar check and balancing authority; a governor can generally veto statutes proposed by state legislature and can appoint some state justices and judges. The judicial branch is responsible for interpreting all laws, including statutes, codes, ordinances, and the federal and state constitutions.
It allows the judicial branch to invalidate any unconstitutional law in the statutory source of law and also to change the federal and state constitutions by interpretation. For example, when a court creates an exception to an amendment to the constitution, it has made an informal change without the necessity of a national or state consensus.
The federal judicial branch is headed by the US Supreme Court. Members of the judicial branch include all judges and justices of every federal and state court in the court system, which is discussed shortly.
The judicial branch can check and balance both the legislative branch and the executive branch. The US Supreme Court can also prevent the president from taking action if that action violates separation of powers.
The state courts can likewise nullify unconstitutional statutes passed by the state legislature and void other executive branch actions that are unconstitutional. Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the chapter.
Privacy Policy. Skip to main content. Search for:. Ascertain the head of the federal and state legislative branches of government. Compare the Senate and the House of Representatives.
Ascertain the head of the federal and state executive branches of government. Ascertain the head of the federal and state judicial branches of government. The Legislative Branch The legislative branch is responsible for creating statutory laws. Figure 2.
Examples of Legislative Branch Checks and Balances The legislative branch can check and balance both the executive branch and the judicial branch. The Executive Branch The executive branch is responsible for enforcing the statutes enacted by the legislative branch.
The legislative branch of government is responsible for enacting the laws of the state and appropriating the money necessary to operate the government. The judicial branch is responsible for interpreting the constitution and laws and applying their interpretations to controversies brought before it. Create Account.
Separation of Powers. They are frequently created by the legislature and are sometimes placed in the Executive Branch, but their functions reach into all three areas of government. The SEC formulates laws like a legislature by writing rules that spell out what disclosures must be made in a prospectus that describes shares of stock that will be offered for sale.
The SEC enforces its rules in the way that the Executive Branch of government does, by prosecuting violators. The Securities and Exchange Commission administers laws governing the actions of these traders on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange.