Finally, it's the PQ part. The male and female companions have to party to enter the map. Xiao Di will then send them to the Boss room. The boss has a lot of defense, but a very low knockback. It does a fair amount of damage, so archers and assassins may want to consider bringing a Dragon Knight for Hyperbody. The object is to kill the Grandma Tree, and get a ghost spirit it drops.
The boss respawns every 10 minutes, and once in the special event map, players can change channels. This quest is also repeatable. Objective The goal of this PQ is to gather agent points by killing every boss in the game, one by one, starting from the lowest level boss Mano to the strongest boss Pianus.
There are no World Tour bosses currently involved in this PQ. The basics Every time you kill a boss and then exit through the portal on the right you will be rewarded with EXP and a certain amount of agent points based on the position of the boss in the PQs boss order i. Faust gives five points; see below. After every 5 bosses are killed, you will enter a Perion-themed map with Agent Meow and a portal on the right.
Taking the portal exits the PQ, and Agent Meow gives the choice to continue to the next set of bosses, or kick everyone out of the PQ. The current latest version is found by clicking here. Guest Message Latest version.
Mar 15, 1. Just need 7 more IGN- Lith. Midnight , Mar 15, Bookmark. Midnight , Mar 15, You must log in or sign up to reply here. Dead Scarecrow. Oblivion Monk. Freezer [2].
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