Where is sherpa in runescape

Comment this update 19 comments. Comment this update 44 comments. Comment this update 20 comments. Comment this update 24 comments. Comment this update 52 comments. Comment this update 30 comments. Comment this update 45 comments. Comment this update 36 comments. Color: Nurse Global RuneScape Home. Log in Register now! Global RuneScape veteran and ex-RuneScape player Chokelius takes a look back at what GRS means to him and discusses whether fansites are still necessary in a modern age of Wikis and Jagex provided player guides.

Read more Chokelius helped greatly with the site in its early days, submitting vast amounts of detailed and high quality content so be sure to give him a big warm welcome back and let him know what you thought of this week's herald in the comments below!

We're always looking for new Herald contributors so if you've got a great idea that you think would make an interesting article then don't hesitate to get in touch! Head back into the icy north and help rescue a polar bear spy from the clutches of a POW that's Prisoner of Walrus! Many thanks to Flinched for this great guide! Teddy - an agent of the PBJ - has gone missing while on the trail to find Larry. Chuck has received a ransom note from the Walrus and has asked you to investigate.

Hello loyal Global RuneScapers! It doesn't take much to see that things have been a little less than active around Global RuneScape recently. Due to some staffing issues and other preoccupations, things have fallen a little flat over the past year. However, onto the good news - we're back!

We've reassembled an elite team of 'Scapers and veteran GRS'ers to help restore Global RuneScape and return it to its rightful place as one of the best RuneScape fansites on the internet!

As a gold-level Jagex recognised fansite , you can expect only the best and most concise guides and tips for all of the latest and hardest content in the game along with a bustling active community to share all your stories, strategies and PKing victories with. Of course, we're going to need a lot of help and that's where you come in! As things are always changing in the world of RuneScape, we're also always in need of updates to the existing content on the website so if you spot anything that's not quite right any more in a guide then please do let us know in the forums!

All contributions will be rewarded with contributor points, allowing you to rank up and show your GRS pride among the forums! We have lots of exciting website updates in the pipeline which we're sure will make your day-to-day RuneScaping that little bit easier and more fun so we'll be sure to keep you updated on those as and when we can! Welcome back all and we look forward to seeing you online! Hello all! In the spirit of our current skill week, I've taken the liberty of writing a short article on why Dungeoneering can be an enjoyable skill.

You can find it in the Global RuneScape Herald! Feel free to discuss it here after reading. Is it enjoyable to you? This latest Herald entry gives insight into why it is enjoyable to a large portion of the RuneScape community. Enjoy the read! The Tormented Demon Slaying Guide is up and running. Many thanks to I R on the making of this great guide!

Since the Woodcutting Training Guide has been released, me and Kevin have been at hard work with a new guide. This guide was written by myself xigua Special Thanks to Rank Penguin for the beautiful animated picture you see below, and Anna Molly for the use of certain parts of his never finished Mining Training Guide.

So everyone have a look and the new guide, and have a blast mining! Without it you wouldn't have your Runite Platelegs or the limestone bricks for your house. If the player did this, Tenzing would show them to a secret pathway up to Death Plateau on the way to Trollheim , to help the Burthorpe Imperial Guard to dislodge a nest of Mountain Trolls that had taken to living on the plateau.

A player needed to go through his house and over a stile to take the secret path to the plateau and troll city. After the quest, Tenzing sold rock climbing boots for 75, coins each. He also played a small role in the Troll Romance where he tells the player about the location of the Trollweiss mountain and the unique method of reaching it. Tenzing was replaced with Freda after the Troll Warzone update. RuneScape Wiki Explore. Ranch Out of Time Primal feast.

Skills Calculators Skill training guides. Ongoing tasks Pages that need improvement Pages that need completing Pages that need updating Pages that need cleanup Images needing retaking Images needing transparency. Explore Wikis Community Central.

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