Where is executable name set

I want to find this variable in xcode. I already know what it is. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. Details here: developer. Is it possible to change the Executable name without changing product name? Fatih Aksu Fatih Aksu 3, 2 2 gold badges 19 19 silver badges 19 19 bronze badges. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. It is very similar to file name completion in the shell. For example, simply by typing the letters below where [TAB] stands for the Tab key on your keyboard.

So, all the Gnuastro executables installed on your system will be listed. Typing the next letter for the specific program you want along with a Tab, will limit this list until you get to your desired program. In case all of this does not convince you and you still want to type short names, some suggestions are given below.

You should have in mind though, that if you are writing a shell script that you might want to pass on to others, it is best to use the standard name because other users might not have adopted the same customization.

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