Where is alyssa final fantasy xiii 2

Release Date. A lot's changed! There have been some great new fight scenes that deserve recognition, but more than that, the way we look at movies has changed a lot too. So we thought the greatest fight scenes of all time deserves another look. Do we still like the picks we made back then?

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Build 9 Answers "Ultimate" Weapons? Side Quest 3 Answers. Ask A Question. Browse More Questions. Keep me logged in on this device. Forgot your username or password? Why did she do that, and did I miss a point where this is explained in-game? User Info: Raltzer Raltzer 9 years ago 5 She was afraid of disappearing and possibly being forgotten, so she went with Caius's plan to try and prevent it. User Info: TrenchcoatFlash TrenchcoatFlash 9 years ago 10 No, I distinctly remember someone who wasn't hope commenting afterward that Alyssa disappeared, so it isn't just Hope that remembers her.

Status infliction mechanics. I said I wish they would compile all this in some meaningful cutscene or something that directly addresses it, which the paradox ending does! But before the paradox ending I was unsure because I didn't know how exactly Alyssa could manipulate the Historia Crux before. Making it to the end of the game without them addressing it made me think it was some other version of Yuel since she is the most likely female candidate that would be able to pull that off.

Without the paradox ending I'd still say Alyssa's allegiance and motivations are unclear. MiniPato :. Yes and no. For keen observers there is a huge hint as to why she does it at the very beginning of the game. There is this scene with her when you find the cemetery in Bresha Ruins, where she tells you about her "dream" where her name is actually engraved on the tomb. Therefore you can conclude she died in the original past once the player is told changing the future means changing the past.

The cemetery scene is quite long and too "in your face" not to have any meaning. I wasn't sure if that was her saying it or not! We're running loops here!


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