When was pegasus discovered

This group was discovered in by Edouard Stephan. It is the most studied compact group of galaxies, and its brightest member is a false member. NGC is a spiral galaxy located at around 39 million light-years away from us. NGC is a highly distorted barred spiral galaxy located at around million light-years away.

NGC has an apparent magnitude of NGC is a lenticular galaxy located at around NGC is an unbarred spiral galaxy located at around 50 million light-years away from us. NGC is a disturbed spiral galaxy located at around This galaxy has recently experienced intense star formation activity and may be classified as a starburst galaxy.

NGC 23 is a spiral galaxy located at around This galaxy was discovered by William Hershel in NGC , also known as Caldwell 43, or UGC 8, is a spiral galaxy located at around 40 million light-years away from us. The Propeller Galaxy, designated as NGC , or Caldwell 44, is an unbarred spiral galaxy located at around million light-years away from us.

The galaxy appears to be around , light-years in diameter. The two galaxies have an apparent magnitude of There is only one meteor shower associated with the constellation of Pegasus, namely the July Pegasids. The July Pegasids occur between the 7 and 13 of July. It is a weak meteor shower, which peaks around the 9 th of July, having a ZHR of only 3 meteors per hour.

The constellation of Pegasus is associated with the myth of the white-winged horse that sprang from the neck of the Gorgon Medusa, when the hero Perseus beheaded her, in Greek mythology. Athena turned Medusa into a monster, that had snakes instead of hair, and her face was so abhorring that anyone who gazed at her, would turn into stone. Perseus, against all odds, managed to kill Medusa by cutting her head, and this is when Pegasus, and the warrior Chrysaor, sprang from her neck — both of them being the offspring of Poseidon.

When Pegasus was born, he flew away to Mount Helicon in Boeotia, where the Muses lived, and he befriended them. Pegasus created a spring by striking the ground with his hoof. Those that drank from this spring would be blessed with the gift to write poetry. Another famous myth associated with Pegasus is that involving another Greek hero, namely Bellerophon.

Bellerophon was sent by King Iobates of Lycia to kill the Chimaera, a monster that could breathe fire. Bellerophon found Pegasus and tamed him using a golden bridle given to him by the goddess Athena. Bellerophon then rode Pegasus into the sky, and swooped down on the Chimaera, killing the monster with his arrows and lance.

After this huge success and other heroic deeds performed for King Iobates, Bellerophon began to believe he was entiltled to join the gods on Mount Olympus. He tried but failed to reach Mount Olympus, as he fell off from Pegasus back to Earth. Pegasus managed to reach Olympus, where the supreme Greek god Zeus used the horse to carry his thunder and lightning. Zeus eventually placed Perseus among the constellations.

The constellation of Perseus is depicted with only the top half of the horse. Pegasus Constellation. Home » Constellations » Pegasus Constellation. Pegasus is now among the 88 modern constellations, where it holds the title of the 7 th largest constellation in the sky, stretching for around square degrees.

Pegasus contains only one Messier object, the globular cluster Messier 15, which is located at around 33, light-years away from Earth. There is only one meteor shower associated with the constellation of Pegasus, the July Pegasids.

There is one famous asterism in Pegasus, the Great Square of Pegasus, which is formed out of the three brightest stars in the constellation, namely Markab, Scheat, Algenib, and the star Alpheratz, which is the brightest star in the constellation of Andromeda. There are plenty of interesting bright stars in Pegasus, among them, the brightest star Enif, the second-brightest, Scheat, the third-brightest, Markab, the fourth-brightest Algenib, the red dwarf, and white dwarf star system designated as AG Pegasi, the pulsating Phi, and Psi Pegasi red giants, the white star Salm, or the first discovered Sun-like star to host an exoplanet, 51 Pegasi, among many others.

Location The constellation of Pegasus is located in the northern celestial hemisphere. Right Ascension: 21 h Messier 15 Messier 15, also designated as NGC , or known as Cumulo de Pegaso — The Great Pegasus Cluster, is a globular cluster located at around 33, light-years away from us, in the constellation of Pegasus.

Notable Stars in the Constellation of Pegasus There are plenty of interesting bright stars in Pegasus, among them, the supergiant star Enif, which is the brightest star in Pegasus, the second-brightest star which is a red giant, Scheat, the third-brightest, Markab which is an A-type subgiant star, the fourth-brightest in Pegasus, Algenib which is a subgiant star, the red dwarf and white dwarf star system designated as AG Pegasi, the pulsating Phi, and Psi Pegasi red giants, the white star Salm, or the first discovered Sun-like star to host an exoplanet, 51 Pegasi, among many others.

Great Square of Pegasus Asterism The Great Square of Pegasus and its stars can be used to find several interesting and famous deep-sky objects. Enif Enif, designated as Epsilon Pegasi, is the brightest star in the constellation of Pegasus. Scheat Scheat, designated as Beta Pegasi, is the second-brightest star in the constellation of Pegasus, and the second-brightest star in the Great Square asterism, having an apparent magnitude of 2.

Markab Markab, designated as Alpha Pegasi, it the third brightest star in the constellation of Pegasus, and the third-brightest in the Great Square asterism, having an apparent magnitude of 2. Homam Homam, designated as Zeta Pegasi, is a bright star located at around light-years away from our Solar System.

Baham Baham, designated as Theta Pegasi, is an A-type main-sequence star located at around 92 light-years away from us. Sadalbari Sadalbari, designated as Mu Pegasi, is a giant G-type star, located at around Salm Salm, designated as Tau Pegasi, is an A-type main-sequence star located at around light-years away from us. Alkarab Alkarab, designated as Upsilon Pegasi, is an F-type yellow-white aging giant star, located at around light-years away from us.

HR HR is a young main-sequence star located at around light-years away from us. In , astronomers spotted a supernova in this galaxy that released more hydrogen and heavier elements than expected , shortly before it exploded. Michael J.

Brown, an observational astronomer at Monash University in Australia, wrote that NGC is close to the Milky Way in shape , which makes the galaxy an interesting object when astronomers make comparisons with our own neighborhood. The Einstein Cross, a quasar , is an excellent example of gravitational lensing — the process by which distant objects are magnified by the gravity of closer objects. The quasar is about 8 billion light-years from Earth and sits behind a galaxy that is million light-years away.

Four images of the quasar appear around the galaxy because the intense gravity of the galaxy bends the light coming from the quasar. The name comes from the winged white horse that was the sire of Poseidon in Greek mythology. The story of Pegasus begins with a battle between Perseus and Medusa. One day, the warrior Bellerophon tried to ride Pegasus to Mount Olympus, enraging Zeus so much that he sent a gadfly to bite Pegasus.

When the horse was stung, Bellerophon fell to the Earth. Pegasus spyware is in news again, this time for allegedly being used to hack the smartphones of a few journalists, politicians and activists in India. But did you know that Pegasus is a mythical, winged horse revered in Greek mythology? But according to Greek lore, Pegasus had nothing to do with Hercules, but was the steed of another Greek hero, Bellerophon.

After the sea God had intercourse with the gorgon in the form of a horse or bird, Pegasus and his brother Chrysaor were born.

As the divine horse spent its days with the Muses, Bellerophon wanted to tame it so that he could kill Chimera, a monster with the head of a lion and the tail of a dragon. Though there are many versions of the story about how he tamed the horse, the most famous one says that he was given a golden bridle by Goddess Athena to do the task.


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