When is clone wars set

The Pykes delivered Sifo-Dyas's corpse to Tyranus, but covertly kept Silman hostage as potential leverage in the future. The Jedi Order, meanwhile, believed Sifo-Dyas to have died on Felucia after he failed to negotiate peace between the local tribes.

After seizing control of the cloning project, the Sith selected the renowned bounty hunter Jango Fett as the genetic template for their army. As a result, the first generation of troops was ready within a decade of Sifo-Dyas's original order. Implanted within each clone's brain was a structural inhibitor chip that was the key to the Sith's revenge against the Jedi. The Kaminoan scientists believed the chips were designed to preclude aggression within each subject, and that Sifo-Dyas had ordered the installation of the chips [43] as a countermeasure against betrayal from rogue Jedi.

Dooku recruits the majority of the galaxy's trade guilds to join the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Eight years after the Invasion of Naboo, a pan-galactic Confederacy of Independent Systems began to take shape when Count Dooku commandeered a HoloNet relay station in the Raxus system and berated the Republic with condemning rhetoric. Over the next two years, [1] a Separatist Crisis arose when thousands of star systems seceded from the Republic and flocked to the Confederacy.

Such a war became increasingly inevitable, [13] with the Sith Lords poised to lead both sides of the approaching conflict that would tear the galaxy asunder. By 22 BBY, [12] the Sith had nearly completed preparations for open conflict between the Republic and the Confederacy. Nominally the Confederacy functioned as a democracy, [44] and delegates from its myriad member worlds formed a Separatist Senate.

Nute Gunray's condition for joining the Separatist Council was that Amidala be killed in revenge for her humiliating defeat of him at the Battle of Naboo. Jango Fett and his associate, Zam Wesell , undertook the bounty that Gunray subsequently issued on Amidala. Wesell's second attempt on Amidala's life similarly failed, and Fett used a Kamino saberdart to execute Wesell before Kenobi and Skywalker could extract information from her.

Nevertheless, Kenobi identified the saberdart's connection to Kamino, and was alarmed when his research revealed that the planet had been erased from the Jedi Archives. With the help of Grand Master Yoda, he pinpointed Kamino's location above the galactic plane, just south of the Rishi Maze , and traveled there as part of his investigation into Amidala's assailant.

By this time, , troopers were ready for deployment, with a million more soldiers nearing completion of their training. A shocked Kenobi reported his discovery to the High Council, which ordered him to detain Fett and bring him to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant for questioning.

Fett escaped from Tipoca City with his son, an unaltered clone whom he named Boba , and fled to [13] the Confederate capital of Geonosis. There, he discovered that the Geonosians were manufacturing millions of battle droids in their droid foundries. He also witnessed a meeting between Dooku and the Separatist Council, discovering that they were preparing to merge their resources into a Separatist Droid Army.

The Geonosians thereafter captured Kenobi, though not before he sent a message to Skywalker. Obi-Wan Kenobi's discovery of the clone army on Kamino precipitated the opening battle of the Clone Wars. Skywalker was with Amidala on the nearby world of Tatooine and relayed Kenobi's message to Coruscant, where Palpatine and the High Council heard the news that the commerce guilds had joined the Confederacy.

While Kenobi was in his custody , Dooku claimed that the entire Republic was under the sway of a Dark Lord of the Sith named Darth Sidious, and tried to persuade Kenobi to help him destroy the Sith. Kenobi refused, and after Amidala and Skywalker were similarly captured, the Geonosians sentenced all three of them to execution in [13] the Petranaki Arena. Despite Kenobi's report that the Confederacy was raising an army, Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan and other members of the Senate still believed that the Military Creation Act would not be passed in time to contend with the Separatists.

Consequently, Junior Representative Jar Jar Binks of Naboo motioned that the Senate grant emergency powers to Palpatine, who could then use his newfound authority to formally approve the creation of a Grand Army of the Republic. Though Palpatine promised to relinquish his emergency powers once the crisis had passed, [13] that was never to be the case.

The galaxy teetered on the brink of civil war. Mace Windu and his allies held out long enough for Yoda to arrive with the clone troopers of the Grand Army. The Battle of Geonosis [16] commenced when Windu and his Jedi strike team infiltrated the Petranaki arena to save Amidala, Kenobi, and Skywalker from gladiatorial combat with three beasts: an acklay , a nexu , and a reek.

While the Geonosian spectators fled the arena, Dooku unleashed a massive infantry of B1 battle droids , B2 super battle droids , and droidekas against the Jedi. During the ensuing ground battle, [13] Council member Coleman Trebor [49] came within seconds of ending the conflict when he nearly managed to kill Dooku, but Jango Fett gunned him down before he could do so.

Windu thereafter beheaded Fett, an act that would earn him the ire of his son, Boba. Within a short span, only Amidala, Kenobi, Skywalker, Windu, and a fraction of their Jedi allies were still standing. With his battle droids encircling the ring of survivors, Dooku demanded their unconditional surrender, but Windu refused to allow himself and his comrades to become hostages.

Amidala, Kenobi, Skywalker, Windu, and the other Jedi survivors withdrew from the arena aboard Yoda's gunships and rushed to Geonosis's red sand plains , where a ground campaign was taking shape. Jedi such as Aayla Secura , Kit Fisto , and many others immediately accepted command positions and led the clone troopers into battle against the Separatist Droid Army, working to decimate the enemy infantry and prevent the Techno Union's Hardcell transports from escaping.

While Yoda proceeded to the Republic's forward command center, Windu oversaw an assembly area, [13] where Clone Commander CT [50] [51] handed him command of five special commando units. On the ground, the Jedi and their clone troopers were forced to contend with the enemy battle droids and DSD1 dwarf spider droids , but they made gradual headway against the Separatists.

Overwhelmed by the Republic's assault, Dooku and the Separatist Council ordered a retreat. Poggle the Lesser entrusted Dooku with the Geonosians' plans to the Ultimate Weapon , and Dooku headed for a remote hangar where his Punworcca -class interstellar sloop was docked. When Dooku's escort of Nantex -class territorial defense starfighters retaliated, Amidala was dislodged from the gunship, while Kenobi and Skywalker pursued the Count. Beginning on Geonosis, the Clone Wars soon spread to countless worlds across the galaxy.

When Kenobi and Skywalker reached the hangar, Dooku defeated them in a lightsaber duel , injuring Kenobi and severing Skywalker's right forearm. Dooku was able to escape only by collapsing a pillar on top of Kenobi and Skywalker, forcing Yoda to choose between pressing his attack and saving his fellow Jedi.

Amidala arrived at the hangar with another gunship, but she and her squad of clone troopers were unable to shoot down Dooku's solar sailer. Although Dooku and the Separatist Council had escaped with their forces, the Republic declared victory in the Battle of Geonosis. Dooku secretly traveled to Coruscant, where he met with Darth Sidious and reported that the intergalactic conflict which they had worked to instigate was finally underway.

Though Kenobi believed that the clone troopers had been instrumental to the Republic's victory on Geonosis, Yoda knew that it was not a victory: The Clone Wars had begun.

From Coruscant, the Republic deployed tens of thousands of clone troopers and a fleet of warships and assault craft, which formed the Republic Navy , as part of its war machine. The Grand Army became the backbone of the Republic's growing war effort against the Confederacy. As the Clone Wars engulfed world after world across the galaxy, the Jedi were forced to relinquish their traditional roles as peacekeepers [53] in favor of military commands within the Grand Army of the Republic.

Knights and Masters accepted the new rank of Jedi General. Even Padawans contributed to the Republic's war effort, with some serving as battlefield commanders. To satisfy the Republic's increased demand for troops, Kamino continued its production and training of clone troopers. In turn, the Republic Navy blockaded Kamino, [54] and the Grand Army established a network of listening posts to monitor Separatist activity in the vicinity. The Jedi High Council selected one of its members, Master Shaak Ti , to oversee the training of clone cadets in Kamino's Tipoca City, assisted by contracted mercenaries such as Bric and El-Les to help supervise the clones' combat instruction.

The Republic attracted both internal and external criticism for its use of clone troopers, whom some viewed as slaves to the Jedi.

The primary cause of the carnage was General Grievous , [58] a cyborg warlord from Kalee who oversaw the Droid Army. In addition to Grievous, Dooku recruited another agent as his lieutenant and emissary : [59] Asajj Ventress , a slave-turned-Jedi from Dathomir who fell to the dark side of the Force and became Dooku's apprentice. Ventress acquired one such lightsaber from Jedi Master Tholme , whom she bested in combat during a major campaign.

She elected to slay Tholme rather than accept his surrender. The outbreak of the Clone Wars shifted the balance of power on numerous worlds. Since the Separatist Crisis, a schism had fractured the Gotal population of Antar 4 , with the Confederacy backing terrorist groups to combat the moon 's Republic loyalists.

The loyalists remained in power until shortly after the Battle of Geonosis, when the Confederacy conquered Antar 4, and the moon briefly served as a headquarters for Dooku. While millions of Gotal refugees fled to their colony world of Atzerri , an influx of Koorivar , Gossams , and other Confederate-allied species immigrated to Antar 4.

The resulting political crisis on the moon gave rise to one of the Republic's first resistance cells. Gotal and Koorivar loyalists executed numerous acts of sabotage against the Separatist regime, with the Republic covertly sponsoring their guerrilla campaign.

Despite their efforts, the Confederacy retained control of Antar 4 throughout the war. General Grievous and Asajj Ventress served as Dooku's primary agents and assassins. The Citadel had been constructed five centuries earlier to hold Jedi who turned against the Republic.

The Separatists converted the facility into a prisoner-of-war camp, using it to house Republic captives. The Separatists established military sites on both Iego and Millius Prime, but later withdrew from the system.

Before departing, they seeded Iego's asteroid field with a security grid of laser emitters that trapped its residents on the surface. Other planets swept up in the Clone Wars included Akiva , where a Confederate droid factory turned the planet into a battlefield between the Jedi and the Separatists; [63] and Sedratis , which hosted the Battle of Sedratis.

During the latter campaign, Jedi ace pilots Skywalker and Huulik proved instrumental in securing a Republic victory over the Confederacy's droid starfighter forces. New vehicles loaded with weapons were also made. Under the command of General Darrus Jeht , the Maelstrom -class battle cruiser named the Maelstrom served with distinction at the Battle of Kromus and later the Battle of Cularin.

The Nomads would help the local population with repairs to compensate for the damaged facilities. In the immediate aftermath of the Battle of Geonosis, Grievous and the Separatist Droid Army wrested control of the galaxy's major hyperspace lanes , isolating the Republic from the bulk of its Grand Army. In a bid to secure the Hutts' supply routes for the Separatists, Dooku hatched a plot to kidnap Rotta , the son of Hutt crime lord Jabba Desilijic Tiure , and frame the Jedi Order for the crime.

Dooku collaborated with Jabba's uncle Ziro , who hoped to depose his nephew as leader of the Hutt Clan. The first stage of Dooku's plan required that the Jedi's attention be diverted elsewhere; to that end, Dooku ordered his forces to conquer Christophsis , [16] a crystalline Outer Rim world valued for its location and resources, [69] and also the site of a Republic relief effort overseen by Senator Bail Organa. The Confederate Admiral Trench blockaded Christophsis with a massive detachment from the Confederacy navy , while Separatist ground forces subjugated the planet's inhabitants.

Although their fleet of Venator -class Star Destroyers was unable to penetrate Trench's immense blockade of warships, Skywalker and Yularen used an experimental stealth ship to outmaneuver Trench and obliterate his flagship , the Invincible [70] although Trench narrowly survived his dreadnought's vaporization and later returned to active duty [71].

Having broken through the blockade, Skywalker and Yularen delivered the much-needed relief supplies to Organa's refugee camp on the surface, while Kenobi exploited the hole in the Confederate armada to overwhelm the opposing fleet [70] long enough to land a Republic invasion force on the planet. The Separatists likewise fortified their ground troops with reinforcements, concealing their true numbers from the Republic. By this time, Dooku had dispatched Asajj Ventress to Christophsis to further hamper the Republic's progress.

As Kenobi and Skywalker planned to ambush the battle droid forces in a major city plaza, a spy within the Republic ranks, Clone Sergeant Slick , apprised the Separatists of the Jedi's attack plan.

Slick's actions transformed a potential Republic victory into a retreat, and Kenobi and Skywalker withdrew their men to the Republic's base. Suspecting the existence of an informant, Kenobi and Skywalker departed to gather information behind enemy lines, while Clone Commander CC and Clone Captain CT —nicknamed "Cody" and "Rex," respectively—personally launched an investigation into the source of the intelligence leak. After they exposed Slick as the spy, he bombed the Republic's weapons depot, leading Rex and Cody to mobilize a swift manhunt.

They arrested Slick and sent him to lock-up, though the damage was already done. Most of the Republic's arsenal was reduced to wreckage, with only a quartet of AV-7 Anti-vehicle Artillery Cannons surviving his sabotage. At the Confederate headquarters , Kenobi and Skywalker encountered Ventress and engaged her in a lightsaber duel, [16] which she used to buy time for Slick's sabotage. After Kenobi and Skywalker escaped back to their base, General Whorm Loathsom assumed command of the droid infantry and commenced an assault on the city, while Ventress left to execute the next phase of Dooku's plan: [56] kidnapping Rotta the Huttlet.

She traveled to Tatooine aboard her personal starship , the Trident , and spirited Rotta away from his homeworld.

In addition to Slick's sabotage of their weapons depot, [56] the Republic forces lost their naval support when the Separatists' orbital defenses ousted Yularen and his fleet from the Christoph system.

Though they were severely outnumbered, Kenobi, Skywalker, and their clone soldiers managed to repel Loathsom's infantry from the city. Octuptarra tri-droids lent their support to the Separatists' second wave, but the AV-7 Anti-vehicle Cannons halted the advance of Loathsom's rearguard of Armored Assault Tanks.

Meanwhile, believing that renegades had kidnapped Rotta, Jabba contacted Sheev Palpatine to request the Republic's assistance in rescuing his son. Since Kenobi and Skywalker were the only Jedi available for such a task, Yoda dispatched a messenger to Christophsis to recall the two Jedi Generals from the battlefront.

The messenger was Skywalker's new Padawan learner, Ahsoka Tano. Yularen briefly returned to Christophsis aboard his flagship, the Resolute , to send Tano to the planetary surface aboard a shuttle , then withdrew to rendezvous with reinforcements from the Republic Navy.

Tano reached Kenobi and Skywalker just as they were preparing defenses for the next droid attack. Due to the continued lack of support from the Republic Navy, Kenobi and Skywalker remained trapped on-world with their troops, unable to comply with Yoda's order to return to Coruscant. Loathsom mounted another strike on the Republic forces, this time utilizing a mobile deflector shield to maintain a perimeter just beyond his advancing droid troops.

The shield rendered the AV-7 Anti-vehicle Cannons useless, forcing the Jedi and clones to devise another strategy. While Kenobi and Rex scrambled their men in a last-ditch defense of the city, and Kenobi feigned surrender to buy time for Skywalker and Tano to infiltrate the Separatist lines and destroy the shield generator , exposing droids to renewed barrages from the AV-7 Anti-Vehicle Cannons, and forcing Loathsom to capitulate.

The Republic victory coincided with the arrival of naval reinforcements led by Yularen and Yoda, who smashed the Separatist blockade and drove it into retreat. Even as Yularen's fleet deployed infantry reinforcements to aid the invasion force in securing Christophsis, much of the planet remained in ruins.

Ventress brought the captive Rotta to an abandoned B'omarr Order Monastery on the jungle planet Teth , [46] located in Wild Space , and fortified the site with two full battalions of battle droids. Kenobi, meanwhile, entered into negotiations with Jabba, who granted the Republic a single planetary rotation to save Rotta and return him safely to Tatooine. As the monastery sat perched atop a cliff, Skywalker, Tano, and Torrent Company were forced to mount a vertical assault , relying on ascension cables and a pair of AT-TE walkers to reach the fortress at the summit.

Though they lost one of their AT-TE walkers and endured numerous casualties, the Jedi and clones broke through the Separatist droid defenses and retrieved Rotta from the monastery's detention level. However, Tano discovered that Rotta was severely ill, jeopardizing their chances of delivering him to Tatooine alive.

Skywalker suspected Dooku's involvement in the kidnapping, given that both the Republic and the Confederacy sought an alliance with the Hutt Clan. Ventress transmitted the holorecording to Dooku, who presented it to Jabba as evidence that the Jedi were responsible for Rotta's abduction.

After persuading Jabba to consider joining the Confederacy, Dooku ordered Ventress to recover Rotta so that they could claim credit for his rescue. Marshaling her assault force of battle droids, Ventress mounted a counter-strike on the monastery, swiftly crushing the Republic's last AT-TE walker and remaining assault craft. With no means of escape, Rex, Skywalker, and Tano barricaded themselves inside the monastery's antechamber with Rotta and Torrent Company.

While Rex remained behind with Torrent Company to hold off Ventress and her droid infantry, Skywalker and Tano departed with Rotta to find a secondary exit from the monastery.

Despite their best efforts, Rex and his men were vastly outnumbered, and the battle droids slew all of them save for Rex and five other troopers. The droids held the clone survivors prisoner in the compound's eastern courtyard. Nonetheless, it was not long before Kenobi arrived at Teth with Commander Cody and a detachment of reinforcements. They and Kenobi provided support for Rex and the survivors of Torrent Company, while Skywalker and Tano narrowly evaded Ventress and escaped with Rotta on board an old spice freighter called the Twilight.

When Kenobi entered the monastery in search of Skywalker, he instead crossed lightsabers with Ventress. Upon learning that Skywalker had escaped with Rotta, Ventress broke off from her duel with Kenobi and fled the battlefield.

As the Jedi tried to board Yularen's Star Destroyer, a trio of vulture droids firebombed the cruiser 's main hangar. Unable to dock with Yularen's flagship, Skywalker and Tano headed directly to Tatooine aboard the Twilight. Dooku was not pleased to learn from Ventress that the Jedi had extracted Rotta from Teth, but he continued to manipulate Jabba and the Hutt Clan towards joining the Confederacy.

During a holographic report to Dooku, Ventress falsely stated that Skywalker had murdered Rotta before leaving for Tatooine. Dooku thus departed from Jabba's Palace to personally kill Rotta, which would ensure he was never reunited with his father. Consequently, she became determined to convince Jabba of the truth and broker the Republic's treaty with the Hutt Clan. Because Jabba was refusing all communication with the Republic, Amidala visited Ziro the Hutt, who lived in a palace on Coruscant.

After Ziro rebuffed her attempt to reopen dialogue between the Hutts and the Republic, Amidala lingered around the palace and witnessed Ziro contact Dooku via hologram. Dooku informed Ziro that thanks to the Sith's web of deceit, Jabba would kill the Jedi when they arrived at his palace on Tatooine, after which the Republic would be forced to arrest Jabba.

Accordingly, Ziro would be able to seize his nephew's control of the Hutt Clan. However, Ziro discovered Amidala eavesdropping on the conversation, and on Dooku's advice, he incarcerated Amidala within his palace. As Skywalker and Tano arrived over Tatooine with Rotta aboard the Twilight , a pair of Confederate Rogue -class Porax starfighters assaulted their freighter, causing them to crash-land in the Dune Sea.

While Skywalker diverted Dooku's attention by engaging him in a lightsaber duel, Tano proceeded with Rotta to Jabba's Palace, but a trio of IG MagnaGuards intercepted her outside the compound.

Skywalker abandoned his confrontation with Dooku to rescue Tano, but he incorrectly assumed that she was already at Jabba's Palace. Skywalker thus arrived there ahead of his Padawan—much to the ire of Jabba, who still believed that Skywalker had slaughtered his son.

In spite of the Jedi's efforts, Jabba remained determined to execute Skywalker and Tano, and he ordered his bounty hunters to do so. Once Fox and his soldiers had arrested Ziro, Amidala used Ziro's personal holoprojector to contact Jabba, who received her message just as he was about to have Skywalker and Tano killed.

Jabba was incensed to learn of Dooku and Ziro's conspiracy to unseat him, but he agreed to end all hostilities with the Jedi.

Jabba subsequently signed a treaty with the Republic and granted the Grand Army its exclusive, long-awaited access to Hutt Space's supply routes.

At the same time, Kenobi finished securing the Republic's victory on Teth and headed to Tatooine with Yoda, so that they could formalize the treaty with Jabba. The Republic's alliance with the Hutt Clan resulted in a major setback for the Confederacy. Yet, Darth Sidious remained unconcerned, downplaying the impact of the Jedi's victory after Dooku apprised him of the news.

The Twi'lek homeworld of Ryloth became the next major battlefront of the Clone Wars when the Techno Union invaded the planet, [17] aiming to pillage its wealth and resources. Besides losing a number of cities and transport hubs, the Twi'leks were cut off from food and relief supplies and thus began to starve.

In response, political activist Cham Syndulla founded [77] a Twi'lek Resistance [78] to combat the Confederate occupation. As open warfare engulfed Ryloth, the Separatist blockade eliminated Admiral Dao 's Republic fleet , severing the Republic's supply lines to Ryloth and trapping Di, Syndulla, and their men in a canyon alongside many Twi'lek families.

With Ryloth in dire need of aid, the Jedi High Council prepared a shipment of food and medical supplies for the Twi'leks. Yet, because the Republic's Pelta -class frigates did not have enough range to reach Ryloth, the High Council selected the planet Toydaria as a suitable staging ground for the blockade runners. Complicating matters was the fact that Toydaria had declared neutrality in the war. However, the Separatist navy intercepted the transmission between Organa and the High Council.

Thanks to Dod's intervention, Katuunko publicly declined to have Toydaria sponsor the Republic's humanitarian shipment to Ryloth. However, Katuunko privately agreed to let Organa transfer his supplies from Toydaria to Ryloth. To prevent the Trade Federation from learning of the subterfuge, Binks distracted Dod and his staff at a formal banquet that night, while Organa oversaw the shipment's departure from Toydaria.

Di, Keeli, and their men sacrificed their lives so that Syndulla and his comrades could escape from the canyon with their families. Shortly thereafter, the Republic's trio of Pelta -class frigates penetrated the Confederate blockade and deployed their relief supplies to the Twi'leks. Nevertheless, the Grand Army's inability to provide further military support to the Twi'lek Resistance eroded Syndulla's faith in the Republic. Without reinforcements from the Republic, only Syndulla and his Twi'lek Resistance stood against the Separatist occupation of Ryloth.

The Twi'leks suffered heavily in a confrontation with the Droid Army, and the Separatists forced the freedom fighters to surrender and disarm themselves. Still, the droid infantry continued to massacre the Twi'lek fighters, leading them to carve out hideouts in the shells of downed Confederate C landing craft.

Syndulla and his rebels resorted to executing a guerrilla campaign, periodically eliminating battle droid patrols in the region. For the time being, the Twi'leks were left to wage the ongoing Battle of Ryloth on their own. Organa and Binks's determination to help the Twi'leks of Ryloth convinced Katuunko to consider bringing Toydaria into the Republic.

However, Dooku learned of the rendezvous and sent Asajj Ventress to negotiate with the Toydarian Royal Delegation on behalf of the Confederacy. After a pair of Confederate Munificent -class star frigates intercepted his Republic frigate , Yoda reached the surface of Rugosa in an escape pod alongside his three-man detail from the Coruscant Guard: Lieutenant Thire and troopers Jek and Rys. To circumvent a political debate with Yoda, Ventress proposed a contest.

She would send her best troops to capture Yoda, who would face the challenge of evading apprehension. Katuunko, accordingly, would consider aligning Toydaria with the side of the victor.

Although Katuunko was loath to subject Yoda to such a trial, Yoda accepted Ventress's terms and promised to arrive at their location by nightfall. Though they gravely lacked an advantage in numbers, Yoda and his troopers prevailed over Ventress's battalion of battle droids, even after she reneged on her agreement with Katuunko—first by ordering her droids to shoot to kill, and later by deploying droidekas as reinforcements.

When Katuunko informed Dooku of his desire to join the Republic, Dooku commanded his apprentice to assassinate Katuunko. Yoda and his men arrived just in time to save Katuunko, with Yoda using the Force to halt Ventress's lightsabers in mid-air, just centimeters from Katuunko's throat. Instead of surrendering, Ventress distracted Yoda by detonating pre-planted explosives near Katuunko's starship, the Thief's Eye. While Yoda's focus was consumed with telekinetically redirecting the incoming rubble, Ventress took the opportunity to escape aboard her solar sailer.

In the wake of Yoda's victory, Katuunko formally pledged Toydaria's support to the Republic and agreed to host a base in his system. He and his delegation thereafter departed from Rugosa alongside Yoda and his soldiers. Grievous's flagship, the Malevolence , tears through Plo Koon's flotilla in the Abregado system. The Confederacy military wasted no time in developing new projects for its war machine. One result was the Malevolence , [18] a colossal Subjugator -class heavy cruiser [46] that became the prized flagship of General Grievous.

The Malevolence ' s maiden voyage cut a swath through Republic territory, striking in several star systems and annihilating all of the Republic ships that it encountered. Key to the battleship's success were its dual ion cannons , which disabled enemy starships' deflector shields and the rest of their onboard systems, thereby leaving the targets vulnerable to heavy turbolaser fire.

Because the Malevolence left behind no witnesses, the Republic citizenry dubbed the unidentified threat Grievous's "mystery weapon," sowing fear throughout the Republic. Koon and his flotilla of three Venator -class Star Destroyers tracked the Malevolence to the Abregado system , where Dooku and Grievous were overseeing the heavy cruiser 's testing.

The result of the ensuing battle was identical to those of its predecessors: the Malevolence disabled Koon's cruisers with an ion wave, then tore apart the defenseless craft using its array of turbolasers. Most of the remaining personnel who fled aboard escape pods were killed when Grievous sent teams of B1-series rocket battle droids aboard Droch -class boarding ships after them.

Both Chancellor Palpatine and the Jedi Council were reluctant to spare resources on a search for survivors of Koon's fleet.

However, Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano—whose fleet was stationed in the nearby Bith system —took it upon themselves to do so. When they reached the Abregado system aboard the Twilight , the only remaining survivors were Koon and Clone Commander CC , nicknamed "Wolffe," along with Sergeant Sinker and trooper Boost of the th Battalion 's Wolfpack squad. Skywalker and Tano rescued Koon and the clones, and they escaped from the system aboard the Twilight , narrowly avoiding becoming the Malevolence ' s next victims.

Dooku was greatly displeased by Grievous's failure to prevent their escape. With the veil over Grievous's mystery weapon lifted, the Senate commissioned Skywalker and the Republic Navy's Shadow Squadron of Y-wing starfighter pilots to eradicate the Malevolence. After the Malevolence attacked a Republic medical convoy in the Ryndellia system , Skywalker correctly deduced that Grievous's next target was the Kaliida Shoals Medical Center , a classified Outer Rim facility that was treating over 60, wounded clone troopers.

Using a smugglers ' shortcut known as the Balmorra Run , Skywalker, Tano, Koon, and Shadow Squadron barely beat the Malevolence to the Republic medcenter , which sat on the fringes of the Kaliida Nebula. While Shadow Squadron initiated its assault on the Malevolence , Doctor Nala Se and the rest of her staff began evacuating the medcenter with the help of the Naboo. Yet, they were unable to clear out all of the patients before the Malevolence completed its targeting cycle.

Shadow Squadron's initial attack on the Malevolence claimed the lives of almost half of the unit's twelve-pilot roster. On account of those casualties, Skywalker heeded Tano and Koon's recommendation to abandon their original target of the Malevolence ' s bridge. Instead, they concentrated their assault on the heavy cruiser's starboard ion cannon. Their proton torpedoes inflicted enough damage to cause the ion cannon to overload when Grievous tried to fire it upon the medcenter.

Obi-Wan Kenobi and Wullf Yularen thereafter arrived with a three-cruiser fleet of Star Destroyers, and promptly opened fire on the Malevolence. With both the ion cannons and the hyperdrive disabled, Grievous was forced to order the Malevolence to retreat, setting course for Confederate space.

The Separatists dispatched reinforcements to aid the beleaguered Malevolence , but Jedi General Luminara Unduli intercepted them before they could reach the Kaliida Nebula. Even without those reinforcements, the Malevolence was able to hold its own, since its enormous size enabled it to withstand the Republic fleet's barrage of cannonades.

When Amidala arrived, Grievous pulled her H-type Nubian yacht aboard the Malevolence via a tractor beam , aiming to take the esteemed senator hostage so as to secure safe passage for the Malevolence. The tactic worked as Dooku had predicted, with Skywalker ordering the Republic fleet's gunnery teams to stand down in order to protect his wife.

While Koon, Tano, and Yularen remained behind to command the fleet, Skywalker and Kenobi mounted a rescue mission to save Amidala. After using the Twilight to dock with the Malevolence , they rendezvoused with Amidala, who had destroyed her H-type Nubian yacht to delay Grievous.

Amidala and Skywalker proceeded to the bridge, where they hot-wired the Malevolence ' s navigation computer to secretly input a new destination. Kenobi attempted to sabotage the battleship's hyperdrive, but Grievous intercepted him and chased him to the ship's internal rail jet , where Kenobi broke off from their duel.

He, Amidala, and Skywalker escaped from the Malevolence aboard the Twilight , but Grievous pursued with a squadron of vulture droids. It was not long before Skywalker's sabotage came to light. Instead of jumping to hyperspace, the Malevolence collided with a nearby moon. Disgraced, Grievous fled from the battlefield aboard his personal starship , Soulless One.

Thanks to that turn of events, the Republic claimed victory in [80] the Battle of the Kaliida Nebula, [46] ending the threat of the Malevolence. As the conflict ground on, it became apparent the Clone Wars was also a war for resources, given the economic toll using clone troopers and battle droids was. As such, economically important worlds became home to multiple battles.

Meanwhile, Atraken and Khorm were also sought by the Republic and CIS, as they both were home to natural mineral resources. The Battle of Khorm was fought at some point after the Battle of Abregado. During a close encounter between the two, [83] Wolffe lost his right eye to Ventress, [82] which forced him to wear a cybernetic replacement.

Over the following weeks , the intelligence-gathering arms of the Republic and Confederate war machines became sources of contention. When Grievous targeted Kamino, he knew that the Grand Army's system of listening posts in the vicinity could impede his efforts. To that end, Grievous dispatched a stealth team of BX-series droid commandos to silence Rishi Station , a Republic outpost located on a barren moon in the Rishi system.

Under the cover of a meteor shower , the droid commandos landed on the moon and raided Rishi Station, killing most of the facility's garrison. Sergeant O'Niner , the station's lead officer, was among the casualties. The droids then hot-wired the station's all-clear signal, preventing the Republic Navy from learning that Grievous and his fleet were approaching Kamino by way of the Rishi system.

In addition, Asajj Ventress infiltrated Kamino's defenses and served as a spy for Grievous, completing the preparations for his invasion. All of this occurred while the Mud Jumpers of the Republic's th were involved in a separate campaign on the planet Mimban. But that doesn't mean our favourite friends are gone forever. We may not get a new Star Wars movie until , but that doesn't mean there isn't new and exciting material to get stuck into.

Now as wonderful as the written material about Star Wars is, we've not included it in this timeline or we'd be here for an eternity — and so would you. Instead, we've got four decades' worth of movies and TV shows, live-action and animated, to get through. If the thought of that is daunting, don't worry, that's where we come in. Behold the chronological Star Wars viewing timeline. That being said, there are those who prefer to watch the main nine Skywalker saga films in release order because, well, everyone has their proclivities.

Dates preceding the battle, BBY, count down to the event like negative numbers, the closer they get to zero the closer to the event we get and dates following it, ABY, count away from the event.

Now you're a little bit more of a Star Wars nerd than you were before. Note: Contains major spoilers for the Star Wars movies and television shows. The infamous opening text crawl explained lots that — it quickly transpired — didn't warrant explaining. A droid invasion is halted at the cost of Jinn's life, but it all turns out that was all an overly complicated double-cross to hand power to Naboo's senator and future Sith tyrant Emperor Palpatine. How anyone could possibly blockade an entire planet is never explained.

Ten years later, Anakin now Hayden Christensen has developed from annoying to the worst. We meet Count Dooku Christopher Lee a former Jedi and secret Sith Lord Darth Tyranus, who is trying to lead a load of planets called the Confederacy of Independent Systems or Separatists out of the Republic for very important and definitely clear reasons.

They all end up on the planet Geonosis, where droids kill a load of Jedi until a secret army of clones discovered by Obi-Wan shows up and carries the day. No surprises for guessing that it was all a lot of flummery to give Palpatine emergency powers which he promises to give up at the end of the conflict.

We totally believe you, Palps. The setup for the long-running Clone Wars animated series, the feature-length movie expands the conflict between the Republic and the Separatists with a plot to frame the Jedi for the kidnapping of Jabba the Hutt's son. Star Wars: The Clone Wars desperately tries to shore up the gaping holes in the prequel trilogy Over seven seasons, the series covers everything from clone-fought conflicts with the Separatists, Count Dooku's plotting with his dark-side assassin Asajj Ventress, political intrigue and the Jedi being useless and wrong about everything.

Don't believe us? Check out this guide to the essential episodes. Three years after Attack of the Clones , the war comes to a head here. Meanwhile, the Republic is on the verge of victory when Palpatine activates Order 66, causing the clone troopers' "bio-chips" to activate and turn them against their Jedi generals. The order of knights is all but destroyed, and Yoda and Obi-Wan go into hiding. Watch now: Disney Plus. The new animated show takes place during the so-called "Dark Times" of the Imperial era starting with the final moments of Order 66 in Revenge of the Sith.

Members of a unique squad of clones find their way in a changing galaxy in the aftermath of the Clone War. The solo Han Solo film stars Alden Ehrenreich as a younger version of the character from his time as a slum rat on the streets of Corellia to his first adventures as an outlaw. The film is set at the height of the Empire, before the Rebel Alliance has begun to establish a noticeable toehold. The year that ultimately includes Revenge of the Sith sees a split with the Clone Wars seasons that surround it: the vast majority of the story arcs during this particular period of time take place before the final of the prequel movies, but the last three episodes occur both simultaneously to and after the film.

And while this revelation brings a certain level of desperation within the senior ranks of the Jedi, it also leads Yoda to a far deeper, more consequential understanding, one that will ensure the ultimate preservation of the Order throughout the entire Star Wars saga: how to retain his consciousness after dying, a lesson partially instructed to him via the spiritual remnants of Qui-Gon Jinn. There is also the introduction of the Bad Batch, an elite unit of clones who will go on to star in their own spinoff series in Marc N.

Kleinhenz is the author of "Nerdism In-Depth," the Substack newsletter about every major piece of nerd culture. He was also the editor-in-chief of Orlando Informer for several years and still is the consulting editor of Tower of the Hand, which is dedicated to George R. In addition, he's written for 32 other sites including IGN, The Escapist , and Gamasutra , has appeared on radio and television news as a pop-culture read: Star Wars specialist, and has served as a consultant on the theming industry.

Marc majored in English and minored in philosophy in college, but his true passion for knowledge resides within the Star Wars universe, where he continues to document and analyze every last multimedia release, from the novels and comics to the television series and theme-park attractions.


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