What kind of clothes do surfers wear

This has made surfing more accessible to people just like us who are totally hooked on surfing. To style like a surfer is to live and breathe the art of riding waves. This means that seeking out better, bigger and more exotic waves should be at the top of your to-do list. And to do this you need to practically plan your life around three essential elements: tide, swell and wind.

By using forecasting sites such as Magic Seaweed, Surfline and Wind Guru, you can learn how to better read a weather forecast and hit the beach when the tide, swell size and wind direction all line up. Only then can you consider yourself to be truly styling like a surfer. If you can kick your footwear off and go shoeless though, we suggest giving it a try. Even big wave pioneer and alpha male Laird Hamilton recommends removing any barrier between your feet and the earth.

His reasoning is based on the fact that we have more than 7, nerve endings on the bottom of each foot. In typical macho man Laird fashion, he believes that support promotes weakness. So instead of opting for cushy shoes or sandals, ditch the shoes and go barefoot and reap the rewards of having tougher, more flexible feet.

Instead, this effortlessly stylish look is achieved by not washing the salt out of your hair after a shred session and spending plenty of time sucking up those UV rays. Not only do these rays bleach your hair, lightening darker tones and creating blonde streaks, but the salt will also add volume to your mop and act as a natural substitute for styling gel. One of the keys to styling like a surfer is staying cool, calm and collected in every situation by cultivating a totally chilled vibe.

Take our very own Rapturecamps merchandise for example. You immediately recognize them as being a surfer. As such, wearing clothing with logos and surf-related graphics is one of the fastest and easiest ways to style like a surfer. They are lightweight, cheap and ideal for the conditions - they are sandals , jandles, flip flops or thongs. We have seen what to wear in the water in the Wetsuit section but what about something handy to wear both in and out of the water.

The greatest item in a surfers wardrobe is a decent pair of boardies , and check out these bad boys! Surfing involves a lot of time outside on bright sunny days hopefully!

There are loads out there but it is worth paying a bit of money to get some that give you decent protection from the sun - cheap sunglasses just do not cut it. But as far as looking good out of the surf - it is not important at all. Don't bother shopping for clothes and nice gear - get your essentials and get out there in the surf. Check out the equipment you will need at the Surf Shop. Register Login. Since climates vary significantly across the world, this category is fairly broad.

Surf style in southern California, for example, heavily favors brightly-colored tank tops. You can be the judge of whether you should go sleeveless or not. The story of the graphic tee trend in surf culture is actually a really cool one. It helped the surfers, of course, but it also acted as walking advertisements for these little-known surf shops. As the industry evolved, small, independent surf shops were opened that largely had a locals-only following.

Patrons would buy the shirts to support the shops and it became a trend of sorts. This is actually still true to this day.

Just take a stroll down any side street in a small beach town like Encinitas, California, or Sayulita, Mexico, and prepare to be awed at the number of thriving-but-tiny surf shops. Logo and graphic shirts have come a loooong way. This combo is the epitome of surfer style. Also, a hood is a smart choice no matter where you live. And I always wear a bright vest with it — the more lines, the more contrast, the better.

However considering many of us wonder the globe in search of surf, we really should give it more thought. Thanks for the comment. Hi there, I found your site quite by accident and was checking out some of your musings and 15 minutes later I end up here, reading this article — and loved this bit:.

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