The X stitches form a less fluid design. The needlepoint stitch is called the tent or continental stitch. It is made by making a diagonal from the bottom left to the upper right. The other needlepoint stitches are based on this concept of the diagonal stitch. Cross stitch projects mostly use DMC cotton embroidery floss, which you can easily find in craft shops and hobby stores. Needlepoint uses various threads such as silks, cotton, and wools, to name a few. Cross stitch is most often stitched on Aida cloth.
The fabric is woven in a grid pattern that makes it easy to line up your stitches. You can find Aida fabric in different sizes. The size indicates the number of stitches that you can stitch in one square inch. You can choose from sizes 11, 14, 18 and The most commonly used fabric size is 11 or 14, which gives large spaces for cross stitch.
With cross stitch, as you increase the number of stitches, your crosses also become smaller. These other fabric choices lack the same wide spaces that you get from an Aida cloth.
Cross stitching is commonly used to make decorative items such as wall hangers, coasters, cushions and bookmarks. Tapestry uses an open weave stiff canvas called Mono Canvas. Needlepoint projects make great handbags, pillows, belts, wall hangings, and upholstery. These finished needlepoint items need to be durable and long-lasting. Mono Canvas is the best material to use for tapestry. For your cross stitch projects, you will find the designs printed on a piece of paper. The pattern or design is drawn on a cross stitch graph that will act as your guide as you stitch.
You can also find fabrics that have the pattern printed on them. You can then use the stamped cross stitch pattern to guide you as you stitch your design.
With traditional tapestry or needlepoint, you cover the whole tapestry fabric in stitching. Cross stitch, on the other hand, has some areas of the fabric that are not stitched. The design of the tapestry is hand-painted or stitch-painted on the needlepoint canvas. With stitch-painted canvas, the designer has already painted each intersection on the fabric to guide you where you stitch.
On the hand-painted canvas, you have to bank on your creativity as there are shading and curved lines. Tapestry is stitched on canvas using varied stitches starting from the basic tent stitch. The tent stitch is a diagonal stitched from the bottom left to the upper right. The tent stitch is the fundamental stitch where the other needlepoint stitches are based.
Tent stitch or Continental stitch is the more commonly used stitch for tapestry. You can make the tent stitch by working in rows alternately from left to right, then right to the left. The half cross stitch is usually stitched from the top right to bottom left. You start by working a loose end at the back. Work your stitches in rows alternately from right to left then left to right, making short vertical stitches through the canvas. Half cross stitch uses less yarn than other forms of the tent stitch.
To end your half-cross stitches, pass them through a few stitches on the back of your work. The basketweave stitch is worked in diagonal lines of stitches. When working your basketweave stitches, make a diagonal from bottom left to top right on the right side of your fabric. From the back of the canvas, come back up below two horizontal threads.
Tapestry wool is thicker than the threads you might use for embroidery or cross stitch. It comes in a huge array of colours for every project. You will also find that most kits come with details of the brand and colour code of the wool you use, so if for any reason you run out or need extra, you know where to buy more. We also recommend having a pair of embroidery scissors on hand. In Katie Smith's step-by-step video , Katie shows you how to master three of the most popular and super simple!
Plus get to grips with how to use a tapestry kit! Want to put your new skills into practice? The Bothy Threads spring fox kit Katie demonstrated is a great one for beginners. Discover More Stitching Inspiration. GBP Change Select your country. This is a very hard wearing stitch and is often used for stitching rugs, however, it uses twice as much wool as half cross stitch.
It can be worked as individual stitches see diagram - top or in rows see diagram - bottom. When working individual stitches work two stitches over each vertex before moving on to the next. Ensure all your stitches overlap in the same way.
When working in rows work half cross stitch in one direction and then return using a second overlapping row of stitches. It is a vertical straight stitch worked parallel to the canvas threads. It is stitched in varying lengths along each row with subsequent rows interlocking. Use a circular motion when stitching to cover the front and reverse side of your canvas.
Alter the lengths of stitches in accordance with changes of colour in the design and to give a pleasing texture and appearance.